
Daoism Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"To be a leader of men is to be a follower of the Dao."
"This space in between the pineal gland and the pituitary gland has actually been called the Crystal Palace by Daoists."
"Understand this, if nothing else: spiritual freedom and Oneness with the Dao are not randomly bestowed gifts, but the rewards of conscious self-transformation and self-evolution."
"It's impossible to govern the world through force, according to the Daodejing."
"Truth, wisdom in harmony with the universe around you in the Dao, in the way of things."
"Returning is the motion of the Dao."
"The optimum strategy for you to be totally processing everything and be in harmony with the Dao is to be in the moment."
"The Dao that can be named is not the real Dao."
"The Dao is not something different from nature, from ourselves, from our surroundings."
"The Dao is the ruler who abdicates and lets all the people, trusts all the people to conduct their own affairs, to let it all happen."
"Daoism is the kind of person who shows you the shortcut and shows you how to do it by intelligence rather than effort."
"The flow of the Dao goes on anyway. You have to see that there is nothing that you do as a source and cause of action separate from everything else."
"The Daoist has the reputation of being the easy way."
"The Dao encompasses this as the principles of all things. It is formless, silent, has no body, and is enduring."
"If you want to understand the Dao, you must forsake languages and names. You have to understand it through intuitive insight, or you'll get lost on the wrong path."
"Living according to the Daodejing is to open within ourselves to the great flow of fundamental forces that constitute the ultimate nature of the universe."
"Daoism is the religion, philosophy of flow."
"The Dao teaches something very different: Let go of everything you have."
"It's not that hard to get right with Dao, but people are easily distracted."
"There isn't a Dao somewhere else. This is that."
"Through the forms of various Daoist practices, whether that's physical movements, meditation, breathing, they found that they were able to tune in to this very subtle level of reality that was beyond the usual scope of what the senses were presenting."
"A Daoist is like an alchemist working with energy, and Qi is their key ingredient of this form of alchemy."
"The Chinese tendency to synthesize and harmonize has succeeded in merging Buddhism with Confucianism and Daoism."
"If we become that, the Dao, the way, will always live through you and you become just a complete empty vessel of the down, beautiful and that lowness, emptiness is related to one of the core principles of Daoism is humility, right?"
"This chapter is very important for all spiritual seekers, especially those who are following the Dao. It reassures you that you are on the right path, following the way of nature, not the way of society."
"Follow the way of nature or the man-made systems? Draw a line in the sand and make your choice. I chose the way of nature, the way of the Dao."
"The universe furnace is filled with extremely rich chaotic and shattered Dao marks."
"The power of the great Dao is invisible, however, the mountain range, the river, and the chaos bodies are all manifestations of the power of the Great Dao."
"He who pursues his affairs with Dao rejoices to guide."
"The Dao that can be understood cannot be the Primal or Cosmic Dao."
"Everything is coming out of the Dao or the primordial soup or whatever term you want to use, and that permeates everything."
"Congratulations, it looks like you're going to obtain the Dao discussion's legacy."
"The Dao that is nameable is not the eternal Dao."
"The Dao is God, the Dao is Creator, the Dao is the Savior, the Dao is the Way, the Dao is the Truth, the Dao is the Life."
"When a daoist sage is wandering through the forest, he isn't going anywhere. He's just wondering."
"The Dao De Ching says nothing in the world is more flexible and yielding than water."
"The greatest virtue is to follow thou and Dao alone."
"The appearance of great virtue follows only the Dao."
"That's the power of the Dao, that's the virtue of the non-virtuous."
"The Dao as a thing seems indistinct, seems unclear."
"Present moment awareness not polluted by past and future, right and wrong, that you can sense the Dao."
"We are a mirror of the Dao, a human reflection of the Dao."
"Daoism is about getting you out of that insanity so that you can understand this and have ultimate freedom."
"There was something formless and perfect before the universe was born. It is serene, empty, solitary, unchanging, infinite, eternally present. It is the mother of the universe. For lack of a better name, I call it the Dao."
"Great skill doesn't come from skill development, knowledge, or even hard work. It's his ability to Wu Wei, to obtain oneness with the Dao, to act without trying hard, that brings the greatest results."
"Events in life are not bad or good in and of themselves; they simply are. The fact that we deem something bad is a human idea, something unnatural and not in keeping with nature and the Dao."
"You are no greater than that river; you are in the river of the Dao, but you're no greater than it."
"You've got to remember that you are one with the Dao and you are moving in accord with the Dao where you ought to be."
"You don't need to go anywhere to understand the Dao; the Dao moves through you."
"We are full of Dao, and we can find that, but we have to reorient our awareness back within ourselves."
"Everything in the universe is within Dao; nothing is outside of it."
"In eastern religions, this symbol pronounced 'dao' means the way; it symbolizes the way the universe works."
"The Dao that can be explained is not the eternal Dao. The eternal Dao is the adaptable one; it's the flexible one."
"The Dow is China's original religion; it predates Buddhism."
"If you open yourself to the Dao, you are one with the Dao and you can embody it completely."
"The birthplace of this practice is China, and it is part of a rich and diverse spiritual tradition called Daoism."
"The method of training or the path are embodied in this familiar symbol... two halves flowing in balance, an equilibrium to be strived for."
"Simply stated, the symbol evokes harmony. It is an expression of Daoism, one of the world's oldest faith traditions."
"The Dao is empty; it is used but never filled. It dulls sharp edges, unties knots, softens glares, and settles the dust."
"All things come from the Dao, which is the way of nature but also the origin of all things, the true source of all things."
"In Daoism, we always say be natural; every person should progress at his or her own pace."
"One goal of Daoist practice is to be quiet, to find stillness, and not to be dispersed."
"The purpose of Dao training is to cultivate health."
"For those who are involved in the rituals and the ceremonies, the focus is more on an internal type of training, a more meditative training."
"For me, the Dao kind of in general, to me what I understand the Dao to be, is just that a system that functions as it does without intent, being neither malevolent nor benevolent."
"In ancient Daoism, the serpent is the symbol of wisdom."
"The Dao, this thing that never begins, never ends, never goes on, it's true."
"The Dao De Jing and the teachings of the Buddha have fundamentally understood the essentials of life."
"The root of all martial arts in the world is actually Dao or Taoism."