
Princess Diana Quotes

There are 95 quotes

"Princess Diana was the first to break many royal traditions, including the use of cloth nappies."
"The public has a fascination with royalty, and in the 1980s, Princess Diana became the latest 'it girl', being lovingly referred to as the 'people's princess'."
"I do think that Diana seeing William today would think that he's got a lot of Spencer in him. First of all, he's got her steely determination."
"Princess Diana's parties were actually legendary. This was the hottest ticket in town."
"There were three in the marriage: her, Charles, and Camilla." - About Princess Diana's marriage
"I think that Diana wants to continue in her role as Princess of Wales. She wants to serve the queen, she wants to serve the nation, doing her charity work, which has earned her a place internationally as an esteemed."
"No other woman in modern times has ever commanded so much attention as Diana, Princess of Wales."
"These enduring memories of Diana's last campaign against landmines in Sarajevo just days before her death have elevated the late Princess to a near religious status."
"Diana's warmth and sense of fun are what people remember most."
"The people's princess was born the honorable Diana Spencer."
"God bless Princess Diana for showing the world that you can touch someone with AIDS without fear of catching it."
"She had the most incredible level of compassion, and she was not afraid of illness or sickness or death."
"Prince William and his brother Harry gave Diana the emotional support to carry her through the worst years."
"By visiting the killing fields of Angola, Diana was able to draw the world's attention to the millions of unexploded landmines still taking their toll on the young and innocent."
"Princess Diana continued to use her public profile to raise awareness of issues that had been swept under the carpet by polite society for years."
"Just days after the Bosnian trip, she lay dying in a dark tunnel in Paris, surrounded by the rapid-fire click of automatic cameras that had punctuated almost every waking moment of her adult life."
"Princess Diana was everything the royal family is not. The People's Princess, affectionately known by the world as..."
"Diana's legacy has to be the way that she changed the monarchy."
"I think the footage that's been released by the coroner is actually very compelling because we get a second-by-second almost take on what was happening to Diana just before she died."
"There's a lot of proof for our next theory which is that Princess Diana was killed in a conspiracy."
"I fully think she was murdered like if there's one theory here today that I believe that is the one."
"Diana became an international campaigner against landmines."
"So many women will turn around and go, this is basically all generations Princess Diana."
"Diana brought a movie star glamour to the role of Princess of Wales, using clothes to express her personality and boost her self-confidence."
"She brought the glamour to the royal family that they'd lacked for a very long time."
"Her marriage made her a beauty and a heroine in a revolutionary move she changed from victim to star."
"Our power structures are going to be shifting tremendously."
"Ones and eights are the biggest leader archetypes in the numbers."
"The greatest encryption of all is to learn the cipher of the self."
"Maybe what we call Destiny is really just the Free Will of our higher selves."
"Diana, the people's princess, who seemed to have the common touch."
"Diana's tragic end marked the loss of an influential figure."
"Diana is remembered as a fashion icon, charity Ambassador, and someone who could be related to by the British public with her displays of empathy and compassion and her often down-to-earth Behavior."
"Diana dead. The simple words themselves are effective but perhaps even more compelling is the size of the text."
"Live every day with your heart on display like Princess Diana."
"Diana's charisma has ensured that she will not be a footnote in history as her enemies intended."
"Posing alone in front of the Taj Mahal was one of her cleverest tricks."
"She showed skill and diplomacy many politicians would envy."
"There's a very big difference between duty and passion... Diana had the passion to do things..."
"Trying to make out that her life was on a parallel with Diana's."
"Diana did not shy away from touching those afflicted because she wanted to show the world it was all right."
"Everything happens for a reason, my mom saw Princess Diana on the TV for a reason."
"Empress Elizabeth of Austria: compared to Princess Diana."
"Princess Diana was renowned for her defiance of Royal Norms breaking several rules during her time in the royal family."
"Princess Diana remains an enduring and beloved figure in the history of the royal family."
"Diana, Princess of Wales, is declared dead. She had just celebrated her 36 birthday only a month before the accident."
"Diana brought a movie star glamor to the role of Princess of Wales."
"Beyond all of the glitz and drama what Diana is most remembered for is her kind nature and desire to connect with others."
"She'll always be the people's princess."
"Princess Diana's fashion style is iconic and really it can be divided into three major eras."
"I thought that Princess Diana was like the mom in The Parent Trap."
"Thinking of Princess Diana on her birthday, it's hard to forget someone who gave us so much to remember."
"Princess Diana made history in April of 1980 when she shook the hand of an AIDS patient without a glove on live television."
"I loved Diana... she was the people's princess."
"After her divorce, Princess Di didn't want to wear any Chanel logo items because it was a reminder of Prince Charles and Camilla."
"Wonder Woman, Princess Diana of Themyscira, is one of the world's first superheroes."
"Princess Diana was an inspiration to many people."
"Princess Diana's compassion and dedication to various causes earned her the admiration of many."
"No one could attract attention to an issue quite like Diana; she transformed duty and obligation into a remarkably successful personal calling."
"Diana inspired a nation with her compassion and kindness."
"She made her mark in life as a wonderful ambassador for the UK and for all her charity work she did."
"None other has come close to matching the life of Diana, Princess of Wales, an icon of unprecedented magnitude, adored by millions."
"The message that she could send with clothing was something that Diana not only knew very well but was very intentional in doing."
"The all-new Escort Cabriolet also caught the attention of Princess Diana."
"Our whole show today is dedicated to Diana, Princess of Wales, who tragically lost her life this weekend."
"Princess Diana's death described this morning as the litmus test of the nation's mood, and they were right."
"This look to me screams Princess Diana, which is why I love it so much."
"This moment was so historic because not only was it the very first time Princess Diana spoke Welsh in public, it was also the very first time she spoke in public as the Princess of Wales."
"Princess Diana's willpower is off the chart."
"The tragic demise of Princess Diana was one of the biggest news stories of the late 20th century."
"Princess Diana's life was far from perfect, and her story serves as a poignant reminder of the challenges individuals face behind the facade of fame and royalty."
"Princess Diana, the people's princess."
"Diana's youthful exuberance and untarnished idealism painted a portrait of innocence that captured the hearts of millions around the globe."
"Diana chose to embrace the promise of a new beginning, forging ahead with unwavering determination."
"Britain lost a princess today, a young woman described by all to whom she reached out as irreplaceable."
"She touched the lives of so many others in Britain throughout the world with joy and with comfort."
"She paid tribute to her late mother-in-law Princess Diana."
"Princess Diana really struggled to find her place in the royal family."
"The media was responsible for Princess Diana's death."
"Nobody is born cool, not a single person. Only do what your heart tells you." - Princess Diana
"The Lady Dior was always a dream handbag of mine to own because Princess Diana carried the Lady Dior, and she made it truly a very elegant and classy classic."
"It's not often that you meet someone that makes a huge impact on your life, but for me, Princess Diana was one of them."
"The Queen of Cups is like the Princess Diana of tarot, she is so loving and empathetic and just, oh gosh, so much heart."
"This is very much a Princess Diana inspired outfit."
"Beautiful Princess Diana in beige."