
Literary Value Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"I like to write the books to reward rereading. You may pick up things on a second reading or even a third reading that you missed the first time."
"I felt like every paragraph, every chapter, had something to pull my attention in."
"When you get it right, when a book that you plucked off of the shelf makes you feel something, a lot of things, deep in your chest, or other places, if that's what you're into, it has this way of making you forget about all of the losses and making those risks worthwhile."
"These epics are so good, people have bothered to keep them alive for thousands of years."
"No one book is more valid than any other book."
"It is absurd, ignorant, and displaying a lack of critical thinking skills to for some reason say fantasy and science fiction do not have any literary merit."
"Don't overlook small golden pieces of writing in fiction."
"the dark imperium trilogy has a lot to offer"
"The books that have staying power are the ones that people put down and say, 'Holy cow, man, you gotta read this book.'"
"But ultimately, what makes Oedipus such a great play is that it stands up to many readings, and can inform our lives in many ways."
"Fiction functions best when it can make us connect on a human level."
"There's nothing else like this in the history of mankind that we have in his short writings. They're worth reading."
"This is a book that you can just get like an infinite number of things out of."
"The Bible has the same value as Shakespeare."
"Some of the best literature is that which can powerfully capture human experience."
"I have written my work not as an essay which is to win the applause of the moment but as a possession for all time."
"The old stuff is often underestimated; the quality of writing is something people vastly underestimate."
"The remains of the day really taught me that non-genre fiction are not so much about the premise of the book like the premise of the book doesn't have to be interesting for the book to be interesting to read like it's more about the execution."
"Wit is what oft was thought but never so well expressed." - Alexander Pope
"This was obviously a five stars... I'm so happy that this one ended up being a winner... if you hate this book it's probably because you didn't see the value in it."
"Books are empathy machines; they let you see through someone else's eyes."
"There's nothing else like it in the world, and if you haven't read it, you really should."
"Purple is the noblest shroud." - Worth repeating.
"It is a treasure, it is a treasure of a novel."
"Poetry makes room for silence, it also makes room for grief, for sorrow, for longing, for those moments of rage."
"Fan fiction is as legitimate a medium as poetry or novels or short stories."
"I think there's a lot of meaning in producing audiobook content."
"Literary fiction is the essence of the writer made manifest, the author's heart and soul and profound truths are found within."
"I make no apologies for this science fiction gives us a suite of literary tools that allow us to do things that couldn't be done in mainstream fiction."
"It has a place in the world that's fairly easy to recommend."
"The most important thing about a book in my opinion is whether it's engaging and whether it's fun. You know, writing is an art, it's for enjoyment, it's for entertainment."
"This book truly captures the essence of why books are so important."
"Fiction is a deeper truth than anything you could read that's non-fiction."
"Books are marvelous companions but no book equals this one."
"If it’s of a written form--it’s literature, it doesn’t have to be a novel penned in 1887 for it to be worthy of merit--it just has to be good."
"The classics always have the inside track. They're timeless."
"English language and literature really did combine something from all other areas."
"Poetry gives you a way of understanding which is very different from the news."
"In terms of value, value is a completely different subject necessarily divorced from the importance of the book."
"Everything is relative, you pick some names like John Dee and everything, these are very desirable authors."
"A story really isn't any good unless it successfully resists paraphrase, unless it hangs on and expands in the mind."
"Poetry is the highest of the literary form or the highest of the languages."
"If it wasn't for the bad books, there wouldn't be good books."
"She has conjured a world that was worth inexpressibly more than the sum of its dazzling parts."
"It's poetry. It's like Homer or something. It just stays. It just continues."
"If you said to me, 'You have to pick one of your books, and nobody will ever read any of your other books ever again,' this is that book."
"Just because it's old doesn't mean that you shouldn't read it; this is good stuff even to today's standards."
"We believe Shakespeare, like any other playwright, no more and no less, has literary merit."
"Just because something's easy to read doesn't actually mean that it's worth reading."
"A writer should be known for his works rather than through any other means."
"There is a reason why this is considered a classic, and I ended up really, really loving it."