
Social Action Quotes

There are 105 quotes

"It's the responsibility of those who can, to do so."
"I will donate my time to put on any show to raise money to make this stop."
"Some people are rich and many are poor, some are fortunate and many are not. On the very face of it, that is wrong and unfair, and something must be done, or so you might think."
"Be a part of reducing stigma and emboldening others to do better and be better."
"The work that is called for that we must do has no expiration date: it is the construction of our more perfect union."
"It was really one of the most beautiful effective exercises of social action."
"As the Muslim community, it's really incumbent upon us to step in."
"The prophecy of Armageddon has also been used as a call to action, urging people to work towards a better world and to strive for social justice and peace."
"The church needs to wake up, pray, preach, and vote. When the righteous rule, the people rejoice."
"Unlike many countries, the people of Iceland actually chased out their bankers and jailed them."
"Good faith actions that will actually lead to increased engagement."
"Actions speak louder than words, and if they wanted to stop this, they could."
"We have a moral responsibility to act and act boldly and to do that yes it is going to be expensive."
"We've got to make a difference... put some action behind those words."
"Now we fight on principle, not based on political expediency."
"At a certain point, we have to band together to do the right thing."
"I wouldn't go out in the public and be like get on pitchforks flaming torches let's go."
"Speaking out is really vital but I want people to understand that actually none of us are really disempowered there's so much we can do."
"Beyond the power of the alphabet is the power of knowledge and social action."
"We need to be a little uncomfortable because I think when you're done watching this movie you're going to be motivated to act."
"To anyone who's thinking of, I'm just saying that we've proven here today that we can mobilize quick and quick."
"I feel like that communication piece was never really understood at a level to really push people to action."
"It's time to go home, it's time to end this illegal activity, and it's time to come together as a country."
"Everybody always heard this is now morally responsible for doing something about this."
"This isn't just a wake-up call, it's a call to action."
"Do not be silent. If we're silent, we are really going to lose."
"This mask off [__] is something that only happens as the dialectic is brought closer towards moments of action."
"I just feel like a lot more people need to be doing what the boys are doing."
"Our activism can have a real world impact on the sufferings of other people."
"We may have passed the time to talk and now we got to be what are the actions people can take in their lives to fix these things what are the."
"Collective non-compliance with rent payments can cast light on the cracks in the system."
"Tweets, thoughts, and prayers are not enough right now—we need action."
"We're in a state of emergency in the black community."
"Stop going to all these places and shaking your ass, eating food, listening to music, but then we don't turn around and use that same collective action to put people in office."
"It's one thing to complain about it or protest about it. It's another thing for us to come together and do something about it. Action is always going to be a better cure than sitting back and talking."
"Glitter bombs and cockroaches are just harmless entertainment, but our best chance of working together to shut these guys down for good is by shining a light to foster some accountability."
"The question isn't whether there's a net worth black-white gap, there is. The question is what do we do about it today?"
"So instead of us waiting on the politicians to change why don't we just decide as a people that we're not just going to want people to give us reparations but we gonna take what's ours."
"Let's hear the call and the cry, let's meet the moment, let us finally do something."
"For every thumbs up this video gets, one Karen doesn't get to control what someone else eats."
"I'm trusting everyone watching this to do their part."
"Jays actually taking action and doing something about it, and why do we have to pick a side?"
"Save one, he saved one. She saved one. Next you know, we got the whole community."
"Go out into America and find people who want the best for their country."
"In a day and age like this, they just want to help, jump on a bandwagon. That's what you do, what was it, what's it, what are they supposed to do?"
"You just need a good parking spot, a few friends, yeah, and you can take disclosure to the people."
"The rise of the Social Gospel urged middle class Christians to take up the mantle of solving social problems."
"Why would you play a punching Nazis game when you can just go outside?"
"If what you really want is to help trans people, I don't see why turning them away, scaring them away from actual help, is completing your goal."
"Sometimes you gotta force people into their humanity."
"We assume someone else is going to do the work... That's not how this works. We are all responsible."
"One way to start is to ask yourself how you're taking action each day to make a material visible difference for black people and people of color."
"All it takes to stand up to the bad guys is just a couple of people. That's it, just not one, two."
"The majority want to protect kids and they need to stand out. The time is now to stand up."
"The YouTube community actually made a real difference in bringing attention to this situation."
"It just takes one share, it just takes one person to care for a minute."
"We need to make people recognize that it's not yes, we are inclusive, yes, we want people to accept Christ, we want to invite others in, but we also need to stand up for what's right and call out evil."
"I urge you to please share this video and to take the initiative to broaden your world view so stereotypes and demonization aren't all you see."
"If you can do something kind for somebody else this weekend."
"We can't turn away. Let's do what we know in our hearts that we need to do."
"Thoughts and prayers isn't doing anything for the people."
"I hope others follow suit ya know thank you very much all I'll say it like the less they're gonna say is put that outrage into behavior in some way like if you're angry about something you know do something"
"It's an identity based on possible victimhood that is passivity... rather than what we actually do in the world and what we decide."
"We've done enough talking; now we need to see some progress."
"We feel helpless. There is a website, FamiliesBelongTogether.org, that has been trending for a week now."
"We got to stop talking and start doing because if we don't, if black people keep doing what we're doing, statistics say that by 2050, 2052 black people net worth will be zero."
"I would say that we need to do a lot more of that."
"Anyone who is disgusted by what their folks protesting alongside are doing needs to step up and take responsibility."
"We got to do what's right. All it takes is one person to step out there, then five people step out there, then six, seven, eight, it emboldens other people all around the world."
"This is not a political thing if you just want to help people who need help."
"There's a way in which what we do right now is the message."
"Racism is bad; yeah, yeah, yeah, we know. What are you gonna do about it?"
"Social action that comes out of a joy of the beauty of the process is social action in which your every bit of energy, like judo, is optimized to bring about the result."
"Voting is critical, but social action is critical too. Getting in these streets, doing what we did the other day across this nation and indeed across this world where people say enough is enough, we are not going to take it, we're going to raise our voices."
"I think loneliness is special because it really feels like one of those problems that like we can we can do something about."
"Sharing stories is a form of social action and pursuit of justice."
"It's not for us to finish the work. We all have to do what we can."
"The correlation of worship and service is especially pronounced in those clusters around the world where Bahá'í communities have significantly grown in size and vitality and where engagement in social action is apparent."
"If you want to make this country better, fling a fiver to a food bank."
"The taking affirmative action to meet the depression and give people back their own sense of self-confidence."
"All great art is not engaged, but when it is good, it can legitimately move people to action."
"That's what we need to do, we need to unite man."
"They might as well just actually do something positive."
"To be honored for the connection of music and social action and culture and the highest honor really that exists in this country is very rewarding for me."
"Social action is being undertaken in a number of important fields including the environment, agriculture, health, the arts, and particularly education."
"Instead of complaining about something, she did something about it."
"When she saw people in need, she stepped forward. When she saw something that could be fixed, she stepped out and she stepped up."
"If we can work with other communities to serve the homeless, we can work with other communities to challenge oppression."
"Stop blaming God. People are hungry, what are you doing about it? People are incarcerated illegally and immorally, what are you doing about it?"
"It boggles the mind. I mean, how much evidence do people need before they do something?"
"The people take a global stance from the very start: bread and land; how do we go about getting bread and land?"
"The stories people tell and are exposed to about social injustice, racism, and health inequity can influence the boundaries and scope of legitimate organized action against social injustice."
"Learn to do good; Seek justice, Reprove the oppressor; Defend the fatherless, Plead for the widow."
"This world will never become a better place to live in if we don't get up off our lazy backsides and do something."
"Every day, Catrin and Ann endeavor to reduce the number of beggars camped out on the street."
"Reflexivity is a concept which is in social action."
"Subjectivity is down to people's opinions, so social action theories are very much based on smaller sections of society."
"If you and I cannot go down there and say, 'Let's take care of these poor people,' then my billions were made at the cost of these poor people's blood."
"We have to find them, not only for me but also to find allies to help our community."
"Social action is about the shifting of power and resources."
"Every once in a while, Democrats do something for poor people."
"If we're taking down Confederate stuff and renaming schools, then let's rename the FBI building."
"Who's going to help the poor? My answer is me and you. Let's do it. Let's do it now."