
Comparative Religion Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"The beauty of Islam is you get the Old Testament, the New Testament, the Last Testament."
"Jesus Christ, at that level, competes with no other religion. Why? Because he offers me something none of the others do."
"If Christianity can be reformed, Hinduism can be reformed, then Islam can be reformed too."
"How are the Heaven's Gate and Jonestown incidents any different? They all willingly died for a lie too."
"All religions are not the same... we have been given the truth and the fullness of the truth in our Church."
"There are many valuable spiritual insights contained in each major religion throughout history."
"There's no significant difference between different religious Frameworks in wisdom cultivation."
"My friends, you know, I'm past the age when I can claim the noun 'kid' no matter what adjective precedes it. But tonight we sure showed them what a comeback looks like!"
"Paul is considered by Jews and scholars to be the founder of Christianity, while Akiva is considered to be the founder of rabbinic Judaism."
"We know the Jewish, Christian, and Islamic perspectives, and then choose what is true."
"We are going to discuss the end time views of the different world religions."
"Every newborn child is born upon the way of Islam but it is his parents that make him into a Jew, Christian, or a magian."
"I believe atheism is false, but if we're talking about things we're worried about in the world, I'm much more worried about the spread of Islam than the spread of atheism."
"As much as we would want to do otherwise we need to recognize the national socialism fascism Marxism and so on are religions."
"If you try to understand the Chinese version of Islam, you have to study Buddhism, you have to study Confucianism, you have to study Taoism."
"He talks about God, he never mentions Jesus."
"The relics of Muhammad are like the Islamic version of the holy relics of Jesus."
"Thus, the Mesopotamian, Hebrew, and Greek deluge stories resolve themselves into an early legend."
"Allah, according to the dictionary and according to Jesus... is Allah."
"The difference between Christianity and any other world religion is that we believe that salvation is by grace through faith alone."
"Evidence shows that Muhammad's biography follows similar stories from the Bible."
"If a Muslim view of Jesus is that he was just a prophet and the Christian view is that he is co-equal with God and died, those two things are now in conflict."
"Muslims need to catch up with Christians when it comes to providing sophisticated defenses of the truth of their faith."
"The doctrine of the virgin birth works better with the Greek."
"Miracles don't just happen in Christianity, of course, Islam is full of them."
"How is the Christian God for which you think there is no evidence distinguishable from a Hindu god that you have no evidence for?"
"So, everything we know about Jesus is written down within 15 to 60 years, while the eyewitnesses were still living. Whereas everything we know about Muhammad is written two to three hundred years after the fact."
"Islam is as complex as Christianity and Judaism and Buddhism and Hindus."
"Islam presents itself as the final religion sent by the same God who established Judaism and Christianity."
"Muslims and Jesus are brothers in one faith, teaching the same principles."
"Religion takes you outward, spirituality takes you inward."
"It is only an article of faith that allows you to put the four Gospels of the Bible above texts like the Gospel of Thomas."
"The religion of the Hebrews may reasonably be expected to have been the same as that of the Druids."
"Christianity is the most marked of all religions."
"The evil eye belief complex appears in Christianity, Judaism, and Islam."
"If you want to know what a Mormon believes or what a Buddhist or a Hindu believes, don't ask a Baptist, because many outsiders would rather give you the wrong answer than to admit that they don't know."
"Jesus was a human being like Buddha, like Ramakrishna, like Ramana Maharshi."
"Religions changed more in the last hundred years than it did in the previous thousand years."
"A lot of the verses where Jesus, really Yeshua, is speaking in the Bible is really fragments and fractals of what he learned in the Egyptian mystery schools."
"Let's not think that just because it's not of its origins in Christianity means it's wrong. Maybe we could look even at pagan religions and say, 'Huh, they captured something of God's nature in the created world that's really beautiful.'"
"Every other religion is man trying to reach up to God. Christianity is God reaching down to man."
"The satanic temple qualifies as a religion, with a set of Ethics... superior to Christianity or Islam."
"We're just talking about using logic, rationality, and science. If we believe this message is the truth, then every other system, religion, philosophy can't be true."
"If you convince someone that God exists, you've brought them up to the iman, the level of faith, of Shaytan."
"The fact that I have all this evidence for Christianity is evidence against Thor."
"Certainly Jesus later teaching and miracles have uncanny parallels with the teaching and miracles of the Buddha."
"Glory to Jesus Christ who crushed Muhammad under His feet."
"There's a Christ Consciousness that predates Jesus. African spirituality is remotely older than Christianity."
"Jesus does not claim equality with god in any of these other gospels."
"Jesus is Allah according to this passage again according to Islam."
"Christianity and Islam cannot both be true, and if you're someone who seeks truth, you need to understand that principle."
"I wanted to just hit mainly on Buddhism but I wanted to kind of tie in some of the other religions and show you how all the stuff points back to Babylon because it all does okay."
"The original story of Jesus closely matches the story of Horus."
"My God is greater. He is the everlasting sky. Your God lives underneath him."
"It's quite amazing. Even though the Quran came 500 years after the New Testament, its teachings about Jesus make more historical sense."
"If you have so much hooked on to the Old Testament, no problem, read the Old Testament, then read the Quran, at least agree what is common."
"Through an examination of their lives, teachings, and the scriptures that document their words, this article seeks to uncover both the divergent and convergent paths of Buddhist and Christian thought."
"Comparing the teachings of Buddha and Jesus provides invaluable insights into two of the world's largest religions—Buddhism and Christianity."
"Jesus is by no means the only person in the ancient world who is considered to be divine. You find it in so many different traditions."
"It is a powerful defense of comparative religion."
"The birth of Isa (Jesus) without a father doesn't make him the son of God; Adam also had no father."
"What we see in both the ancient Maya civilization and in the Book of Mormon is the central religious theme of a dying and resurrecting God."
"Maybe Jesus wasn't a direct ripoff of one particular God, still there's no denying the comparisons between Jesus and a dozen gods that came before him."
"Let us now begin the first session of the debate titled 'The Bible or the Quran: Which is the God's word?'"
"The morning star Inanna, the god that goes down to hell and returns after three days, and Jesus who dies and returns after three days."
"The teachings of Sri Ramana thus throw a fresh light upon the spiritual teachings contained in the Bible... they clarify the inner essence not only of Advaita Vedanta but also of all other spiritual traditions."
"When you talk about Christianity and other religions it's not that Christianity is true and these religions are false it's that when Christianity and these religions differ Christianity um is is to be believed."
"I think the ego too, when you find out about other religions and how similar they are... to think that your religion that you grew up with is the right one is insane to me."
"The concept of the great mother belongs to the field of comparative religion and embraces widely varying types of mother goddess."
"Many of the Indian gods we know of today were like the gods of Greece."
"I agree that there are Christian attempts at making truth grounded in something better than what an atheist can do."
"For the most basic fundamental understanding of the oneness of God, you will find that this is something very similar in both Islam and Judaism."