
Plotting Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"The essence of good plotting: being unpredictably intuitive."
"Season 4 has the most cohesive and well-placed plotting of the series."
"Nothing with her is ever a coincidence. It's all plotting, scheming, etc."
"Can we be there up the mountain neighbors and then plot on their demise?"
"Tony Soprano set up Tony B to find the money in drugs."
"Somebody thought they was going to get away with plotting something on you, they are not getting away."
"Ganondorf's plans went entirely as intended."
"Little do they know, the quiet kid has a plan."
"It's a roller coaster of collusion and plotting."
"The Council of 13 has gathered, a time to scheme, of opportunity screaming."
"The king's slow rot could be one of these deaths by design."
"It wasn't a failure; it was a plan, a plot, a scheme."
"We're gonna make him lose all his money, move in with us, and then he's gonna see this whole relationship unfold."
"Druid actually pinpoints directly to icarus and it's like icarus was the previous prime eternal... this guy's got motive he's got strength he's got the ability to pull it off."
"Numpy is useful in plotting and is the back end of many different applications."
"Revenge itself might feel sweet in the act of plotting, but it is equally true that more people end up getting hurt because of it."
"Wyman Manderly is one of the most significant players in the game of thrones, secretly plotting against the Boltons and Lannisters from within White Harbor."
"so what it's basically going to do for the plot these online 81 through 83 plotly basically takes lists of data to create a graph"
"Blackbeard is scheming something massive, and people right now are focused on other things."
"That would teach her a lesson," Julian thought, excitedly planning to use the experimental drug on Holly.
"Plot everything we're doing paper plotting in true degrees."
"I began plotting my revenge against her."
"Another great feature of Python is that you can immediately plot your results in a graphical way."
"He'd stewed in this anger patiently putting the pieces in place for his most glorious Revenge imaginable."
"Oh, it's wonderful plotted by Jim Lee, Will's Portacio, and Chris Claremont."
"Having a revenge plot tickling my brain sure is a hoot."
"He gets the murderers together and he sends them off to kill Banquo and Fleance and half of this and only half of this gets done which leads to the feast scene in which the ghost of Banquo appears."
"And it's a good chance as well. There's nothing in the way here. It's just about plotting your way around."
"The devil is a designer, the devil is a schemer, the devil is a plotter."
"This is useful if you are a plotter."
"Matplot Library, that's the final part that's what you want to show people and this is your plotting library in Python."
"Cayman had a better idea: revenge."
"...a whole bunch of awesome things whenever I start getting into the plot libraries...pretty pictures everywhere..."
"Let's go ahead and plot our learning curve."
"We can plot points and get the basic outline of all these proportions of this building."
"Like I was sowing the seed of sweet revenge."
"Matplotlib is a plotting library for the Python programming language and within Matplotlib there is a very useful plotting module that's called Pyplot."
"We're going to turn it into a data frame so it makes it even easier to plot."
"I'm surprised the policy even got approved, so you know that lets you know he was plotting."
"And now I'm going to start a whirlwind of different plots."
"It's really just a matter of making sure that you've plotted enough to get a smooth curve."
"What have I done here? I've said, 'Hey, plot the whole data frame, use the timestamp column as your X, plot anything numerical on the Y.'"
"We're going to sort that out and then we're going to plot coffees by day."
"Let's plot this data and see what it looks like."
"That will save us some points. Maybe we can only plot half the points instead of all of them."
"Sinister Vladimir is plotting on that island."
"And then I normalize the coordinates, and I get some X, Y, and Z values."
"Favorite thing about writing book three so far has been coming up with the overall plot."
"The plot in ggplot means we're going to plot our data, another word for visualizing it."
"Subplot is often desired to be able to put a couple of plots on the same display in the same window."
"We know nothing of any plotting by Mara of the Acoma."
"We want to solve this ODE to time equals 6, we'll plot the results of the function y of t."
"It has numerous built-in functions and various plotting capabilities; it also allows for developing user-defined functions."
"She plotted the revenge very strategically."
"Let's start to make this a useful plot."
"Let's say we also want to maybe plot some of these results as well."
"This is a real quick way to use plot to generate a graphic with multiple data sets on the same set of axes."
"In this video, I have a real treat for you; we're going to show you how to plot just about anything."
"Try to make your plots look nice in general; that's a good thing."
"We're gonna talk about plot styles, we're gonna primarily land on CTB's and color-dependent plotting."
"Just for a basic plot, this is the kind of stuff you do."
"You're gonna get better plotting results, I think, if you continue using zero zero."
"Vispy.plot is similar in concept to Matplotlib."
"Python can be really useful when it comes to plotting out either sets of data or even functions."