
Poker Strategy Quotes

There are 170 quotes

"If you're sitting at a poker table and you don't know who the patsy is, you're the patsy."
"If you want to be great at poker, you have to be able to read people. You have to look across the table and know whether someone is weak."
"Everything everyone does at the poker table conveys information."
"It was very brave for Alex Foxen to sort of be the first guy to say like look at this hand."
"If he's a young kid and he has a lot of chips in front of him I'd be more prone to call if he's an old guy wearing a suit and he has almost no hands played."
"Bluffing is a lot better than calling in big spots."
"Well Vince, if you're sitting in Andy's seat, you just think the guy's got a flush draw or an overpair in this spot, just can't imagine you're not gonna raise back with the top two pair."
"Oh, he will not lay it down. This is how good Jason Mercier is, he just got three better hands to fold and one worse hand to call him."
"If you're gonna call a raise with an ace and you hit one, you should at least stick around for one bet."
"I'm gonna raise here to make sure he's not taking a flop six ways."
"Every time he said 'min raise' so far he's had the best hand."
"Risk reward is a core concept of poker, and I try to embody that as much as possible."
"Poker is a game played in the mind as much as on the felt."
"Sound reasoning can make for crazy plays that are correct even though to amateurs they may look like donkey moves."
"You don't have to be folding everywhere to people, you don't have to be playing a certain way, you don't have to do any of that [ __ ] you just have to play good solid poker."
"It's just very hard for me to have a bluff here when I check all the turns that size bet and I think my play works if he doesn't have in groupings I like my play time Ariane's it's a little bit wild but that's sometimes what you got to do."
"Daniel wins the left-hand table but Doug bets two-thirds on the turn so that he can bet two-thirds all in on the river. That's what you call a geometric sizing pattern."
"Poker at the end of the day is making more good decisions than bad decisions."
"Juicing the pot with jack nine off suit is so bad."
"Doug's commitment to studying after each session is commendable."
"Tight is right, tight aggressive, just like Harrington used to say in his book."
"The bot aims to approximate the Nash equilibrium and that's actually what a lot of expert poker players aim for as well."
"Poker is a game of infinite solutions. You always have some percentage assigned to some answer."
"Most small stakes players are actually risk-averse. Apply any real pressure to them pre-flop and they're likely to fold."
"When you raise from later positions and get three bets you should actually continue with a wider range of hands overall."
"Be proactive in that thought process and you'll get rid of a lot of different hands that cause a lot of players a lot of preflop leakage."
"Nice hand there from our short stack... high level of poker."
"There it is and here we are." - Daniel Negreanu
"To beat the small stakes games for the maximum amount possible, you must get well out of line to take advantage of the things your opponents do incorrectly. You have to exploit them."
"I definitely like the check raise here a lot."
"He could have easily improved with hands like six five or maybe even Jack 10 that calls with a gut shot on the Flop and of course sets better two pairs Etc."
"Playing passively causes you to bleed chips constantly while waiting to cool or someone."
"The benefit of poker is you're competing against other players."
"Kind of an insane fold if you ask me, but kudos to him for saving a bunch of money."
"So with that in mind I decide to make a very tight fold."
"Yeah, I'm going to go all in because I don't think you got the spades."
"The key to the game is playing the man, not the cards."
"No more bluffing people. I'm done with it. Value only."
"Doug Polk with the check call, yep caught Daniel speeding."
"When you're in a hand, sometimes you have to just go for these bluffs."
"I know I need to be bluffing here, even if I'm not entirely sure."
"When you have strong hands in poker, you should lean towards raising."
"Pocket aces is actually my favorite hand in the game... it's the best hand, it is the most profitable hand by a mile."
"Thank you guys for joining me today for poker hands."
"If you don't get caught with your hand in the cookie jar, you're not playing good enough poker. If you're never bluffing, if you're never taking shots at pots, you don't win."
"Don't feel like the world is against you and that this only happens to you... it'll help you down the road as you try and progress as a poker player."
"All you really have to do to succeed at poker is find games you can beat and then put in a ton of volume."
"Position matters way more than it does in Hold'em because so much of the board can be represented."
"Mind games going on. All the tricks in the book."
"Can't get to showdown when you fold, now can you?"
"Wow, what a massive flop and Queens just gets out of there."
"What a complete bank this hand turned from a disaster to a lovely present."
"The most important decision you can make at a poker table is whether or not to play your hand."
"Only playing hands that are going to show positive expectation and put you in profitable positions."
"Tells can be extremely profitable... if you understand them."
"The best hands in No Limit Hold'em are the big pairs and the big suited Broadway hands."
"Pocket pairs are a tricky hand that a lot of people don't understand how to play properly."
"One big blind right, that's all you're risking to try and see three."
"Kind of an interesting hand and nice to hold up against a combo draw like he had."
"Maintaining a poker face, even with the sour candy, is crucial for winning."
"There's a reason why poker players go to great lengths to hide every aspect of their body language."
"The only thing that he could be a little bit worried about is that his continuation bet was very big."
"Tough to bluff someone off the second nuts, especially when the first nuts happens less often than a Blood Moon."
"Just play like a theory based style and make some small adjustments as you learn about them. That's how I push poker. It's not really like a debate."
"If I had jacks on this flop, I put all my money in and I take out my wallet and ask how much more am I allowed to put in there."
"No one plays perfect. To get to the top of poker, you're going to have to make mistakes and learn from them."
"You want to eliminate that because it's just a clear-cut mistake and like I said earlier the one with the fewest mistakes is the one who's gonna win in poker."
"Raise to 450... and the winner of the t-shirt is Eric Holt! Eric says 10-10 Queen Jack, beautiful hand."
"Understand that you should not raise to a specific size just because that is what most players in your games do."
"In cash games, if your opponents do not raise you, you should usually presume you have the best hand when you flop top pair."
"When you flop top pair, just bet and keep putting a reasonable amount of money in the pot."
"When you flop nothing, or even perhaps like a gut shot straight draw here with no backdoor flush draw, facing a bet, just get out of the way. It is okay to fold."
"If they are raising wide and not calling off appropriately, you can jam very wide as a bluff."
"If you are going to check-check the turn, you gotta go for value on the river."
"Weak tight poker players do not win anymore."
"You don't always need to use a large size when you are bluffing."
"Flopping the nuts and getting three streets of value... running good here in Dallas so far."
"Type it in for ace queen offsuit, 12 combinations."
"Most players only three-bet with their best hands. They wait until they have the nuts and then three-bet with it. But that is really, really, really easy to play against. You do not want to be easy to play against."
"When you're playing 20 big blinds deep, you need to be jamming it all in. If someone raises, your play is to go all-in or fold for the most part."
"If you can't spot the mark in your first five minutes at the table, that means you are the mark."
"He's got two aces versus two eights. Dylan's eyebrows raised up. Gonna play against one guy when you have a big pair, not necessarily three. What a party."
"You start with 25 big blinds as they've entered late, Mr. Lucky Chewy is our chip leader at the feature table."
"Are you surprised to see that? With people left to act behind him, king queen offit just doesn't seem that appealing to me."
"Playing a 10 to 20 big blind stack can be boring and thrilling at the same time."
"For all its sex appeal, king queen suited is still an underdog if the money goes in against ace rag."
"You can win the hand and lose value at the same time."
"Taking the higher variance route."
"Why are the Finns so good at poker? Finns are really calm. They never tilt. Many of them don't have a big ego. But some of them are known to drink and play, but they're very aggressive. They're smart."
"Pros know how to win pots without the best cards, amateurs sometimes if they don't hit anything on the flop that helps them, they'll just check and then get away from the hand."
"So many players just want to splash around on the flop and try to make good hands post flop, but that is not how you actually crush one to No Limit."
"It is good to play heads up against one bad player because then you're going to be able to really maximize your skill edge."
"If your opponents raise too wide to begin with, you are going to want to adjust by three-betting wider for value."
"Keep mixing it up like Lane, a crazy wild kind of image that gets you money."
"I think the greatest deal that a poker player can have is a combination of discipline and the ability to recall things that happened in the past."
"Jason Koon is never so bad where he has two under cards."
"Just a nice pressure play by Ming 'The Sting.' You know, my image is everything at the poker table."
"Non-nut hands be careful with non-nut hands."
"I think the right play here is to call and hit a queen on the turn."
"...any time you raise and put more than half your stack in you're supposed to put it all in it'll work."
"If you do these three things at all times, you will win at poker: find a game you can beat, play it a lot, and keep a proper bankroll."
"Recognize that if you can't figure out how to win with pocket Jacks you are not going to be able to win with almost any hand."
"Protecting your hand is completely overrated when it comes at the cost of making the pot big and condensing your opponent's range."
"I think it's okay to just muck them when there's already so much action ahead like a raise and then a re-raise but I do also think that occasionally using them as a re-raise yourself is totally fine"
"With the big blind ante structure you really need to play a lot of hands in each position."
"It refers to taking a hand that has no prayer of winning and just trying to fire it through, bluff it all the way down."
"If your hand cannot win at the showdown, you should be way more inclined to bluff than when you have some showdown value."
"Do not play too loose. Many players raise and call raises far too often."
"Sometimes you just hold on, you make top pair, you call down, you win."
"The way you win at poker is to find a game you can beat, play it a lot, and keep a proper bankroll."
"If your opponent is not playing the proper strategy, the right strategy against Phil may just be to go all in a lot when you get shallow."
"One of the things that I think protects the integrity of the game is that every single hand is recorded electronically."
"It is vitally important that you study poker away from the table if you want to have any chance of success."
"The days of continuation betting small every single time and having your opponents drastically overfold are over."
"Be aggressive with your top pairs, particularly on disconnected boards."
"When I have the highest high card and the lowest low card, it strikes me as just an absolute pure slam dunk."
"You're going to be able to read people well."
"Compared to a cash game, you can defend much wider in a tournament because there's no rake in play."
"The best player in the world goes all in with Queen three offsuit."
"If you know how to play short-stacked well while everyone else is deep, you will have a gigantic edge."
"I think what Phil's really good at is just remembering how people or almost like empathizing with how people feel when they're playing against him."
"Playing a pot in position with initiative with an uncapped range is just the best way for your overall range composition to realize its equity."
"I want to make a hand they can beat aces, and then I'm going to pile the money in the pot because a lot of people are not capable of folding their aces."
"All you really have to do to win at poker is find a game you can beat, play it a lot, and keep a proper bankroll."
"The things that separate good players and really good players is the ability to get thin value."
"Bankroll management is absolutely vital to you succeeding at poker long term."
"Mastering the fundamentals of final tables is crucial in any poker situation with an abnormal structure."
"I was straight back to playing poker, to try to build a bankroll and keep moving up stakes."
"A good poker face is just being relaxed and natural and showing that you're comfortable even when you're not."
"Blockers in poker are pretty simple: When we hold a certain card, our opponent cannot hold that very same card."
"When you're in a poker game, if you don't know who the sucker is, the sucker is you."
"When everybody's there looking to gamble, that is when the games are going to be very soft, and that is exactly what the WSOP provides."
"You really want to focus on playing pots with your opponents who are going to make mistakes, especially from in position with reasonable ranges."
"If you play a good strategy in poker, it's going to allow you to win the most pots possible."
"Sometimes you have to fold the best hand in poker, unfortunately."
"Confidence is a big thing in poker."
"Don't call, just three bet or fold."
"You only need thirty percent equity to call and thirty percent equity is very easy to have preflop essentially."
"The squeeze play is very lucrative and a highly successful play."