
Voter Fraud Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"If there was a significant amount of voter fraud, you would be an idiot to say that we don't need voter ID."
"Those who say the election was affected by widespread voter fraud are lying. They were lying in 2020, they were lying in 2021, and indeed, they are lying today."
"The vast majority of studies and analysis when it comes to things like voter impersonation fraud, non-citizen or non-resident voting, claims of fraud predicated on lists matching methods, and other alleged methods of voter fraud show that it is not an issue to be concerned with."
"The kind of voter fraud that occurs tends to be votes counted that shouldn't have been counted."
"Republicans will just keep lying over and over again as though it's happening all the goddamn time."
"We have continued to try to secure our elections by passing legislation, by getting convictions for voter fraud, cleaning up voter rolls."
"If you're only concerned about voter fraud when it happens on one side of the aisle, you are not really concerned about voter fraud."
"We know without any doubt that the turnout of the recent election for a national constituent assembly was manipulated."
"It is a disservice to the public for representatives of a campaign, especially the campaign of any incumbent president, to make and repeat the claim that there's proof of massive voter fraud, only to abandon any claim of fraud in the courtroom."
"There is no proof of massive, organized voter fraud."
"A bombshell voter fraud revelation in Wisconsin."
"Voter fraud of this kind is very rare, but when we find it, it's almost always Republicans."
"The left keeps saying... 'no evidence of widespread voter fraud.' Okay, well, whatever. There's evidence of voter fraud."
"If Donald Trump loses because of voter fraud, who can you blame except yourself?"
"This election is about great voter fraud, fraud that has never been seen like this before."
"We have affidavits that suggest that there was mail-in voter fraud."
"I objected on January 6...because there were thousands of people that signed their name at risk of perjuring themselves in a court of law saying that they had witnessed voter fraud."
"Fake electors were also meeting elsewhere in the same state capital at the same time on the same day."
"Project Veritas released videos alleging widespread voter fraud in Minneapolis."
"Voter fraud is a thing, okay? It is to pretend that it does not exist and the possibility does not exist counters a significant number of cases."
"The judge in the Dominion lawsuit has once again ruled against Fox News saying that they cannot use the argument that the voter fraud conspiracies were newsworthy."
"We've put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics."
"It seems to me that they are suggesting possibly felony voter fraud."
"There is significant evidence that there was meaningful voter fraud."
"There's so much history of voter fraud it goes way back... happens every election somewhere someplace."
"They've made it as easy as possible to commit the most brazen and bold voter fraud ever."
"This fundraising scheme might potentially be fraudulent, not just because it induced donations with claims of voter fraud, but also because the money did not go to where people thought it was going to go."
"Thousands and thousands of instances across America, people are cheating in elections. Period."
"Even one instance of voter fraud should be too many for all of us."
"The Tories banging on about the idea that people are committing voter fraud when they're not."
"The case of actual voter fraud that they're talking about is infinitesimally small, less than 1% of 1%."
"I'm very worried about mail-in voting because I think it's subject to tremendous fraud and being rigged."
"What is not being able to give someone water or snacks going to do to quell the notion of voter fraud?"
"And there's no possibility of somebody voting twice, there's basically no possibility of voter fraud whatsoever with this system."
"If they're right and there was mass voter fraud, then we're not overturning the election."
"Vice President Pence shares the concerns of millions of Americans about voter fraud and irregularities in the last election."
"Is there evidence of voter fraud? The answer is, oh yeah."
"More evidence builds of voter fraud in the 2020 election."
"Voters are aware of busting voting false face operations."
"Individual voter fraud of this kind is very, very rare in the United States."
"There's no evidence of mass scale voter fraud... Well, actually there is evidence of voter fraud." - Unknown speaker
"I think if I don't win by more than two, three percent it will get stolen from me."
"No substantive voter fraud was uncovered in my investigations... every fraud claim I was asked to investigate was false." - Ken Block
"Absolutely, it's interesting that the people that pushed voter fraud lies are some of the same people that are trying to discredit researchers that are trying to understand the problem."
"Illegal voter fraud has been going on for a very, very long time."
"That's one of our most major vulnerabilities in this country: voter fraud."
"Voter fraud is a USDA grade A prime beef lie."