
Tsunami Quotes

There are 77 quotes

"A giant earthquake lasting around five minutes would be bad by itself, but remember, these types of quakes are a double whammy because they also generate huge tsunami waves."
"Tsunamis are global-sized events with global ramifications."
"The devastating tsunami born from a catastrophic earthquake."
"Indian Ocean earthquake tsunami: Over 230,000 lives lost."
"If we have direct tsunami detection in the open sea, we can forecast how big the tsunami will be."
"Girl lost in South Asia tsunami found alive 10 years later."
"But some families were able to reunite. In Banda Aceh, a woman and her husband were devastated when they thought their son had died in the tsunami and they never gave up looking for him."
"The 2004 Boxing Day tsunami was the worst tsunami in recorded history."
"Every year on the anniversary of the tsunami, the family gathers on the beach at the water. The family honors the memory of all those who died in the disaster."
"You would need a major oceanic subduction zone type of an event to generate that type of a wave."
"Death toll is mounting after powerful quake struck parts of Turkey and Greece. It triggered a tsunami."
"Prevention is better than the cure, so knowing how to recognize the warning signs of a possible tsunami, and getting away from lowground, will always be better than any decision you may make in the midst of the rushing waves."
"The effects of the tsunami were felt all over the world."
"Nobody could foresee that a 15 meter high monstrosity of a wave would hit them that day."
"Indian Ocean tsunami 2004: one of the deadliest natural disasters."
"Waves a meter higher than usual were registered on the western coast of the United States, Japan, 8,000 kilometers away."
"Hello world, we are surviving the tsunami out here in Pacifica. I can tell you it is happening, y'all. It is happening."
"Presenting a stark reminder of the enormity of the tsunami"
"The Japanese tsunami of 2011 was one of the most severe natural disasters."
"An American mega tsunami may be unthinkable, but it is inescapable."
"If they have their epicenter in the ocean like this one, you can expect massive tsunami waves to hit right after."
"Some of those secret and bizarre things come to the surface after a tsunami."
"A tsunami of love just came from around the world."
"The last time a tsunami on this scale hit the southern arc of the Ring of Fire was December 26, 2004, devastating 14 countries and killing 230,000 people--a terrible reminder of the power of the deadly Pacific."
"A major eruption could send tsunami waves racing towards Tokyo, population 38 million."
"Tsunamis are freaking terrifying."
"We're now in a sequence of at least three giant earthquakes we're expecting another one. The question is whether the earthquake and tsunami will be in the next 30 minutes or in the next 30 Years."
"Researchers are thinking that perhaps the real earthquake and subsequent tsunami is what may have inspired the legend of Atlantis."
"Part of a Japanese shrine washed ashore in Oregon in 2013, a symbol of the tsunami's impact on sacred spaces."
"A mysterious white creature appeared on the shoreline after the 2011 tsunami, sparking speculation about its origins."
"A soccer ball was one of the only things that remained from a young teenager's home after the 2011 tsunami, eventually finding its way to Alaska."
"Tsunami, real base [ __ ] yes sir heavy riffs up your ass what's up."
"Every cubic meter of water weighs a ton, and the waves from the Indian Ocean delivered 100,000 tons of water to each 1 and 1/2 meters of coastline."
"Enormous tsunami of our own making is approaching us."
"Mapping the sea floor is very useful for predicting how big a tsunami is going to be."
"As well as the destructive force of the blast, the explosion created a tsunami; a crashing six-storey wall of water that surged into the leveled city, crushing and drowning many of those who had survived the initial blast."
"The largest tsunami ever recorded happened in 1958 in Lituya Bay, Alaska."
"This seismic event triggered a massive tsunami with waves towering as high as 35 m."
"Between Earth's oceanic plates are alive with seismic activity, ready to trigger one of the deadliest natural disasters known to man: a tsunami."
"I heard about a piano that survived the tsunami. I wanted to hear its sound."
"Geologist Kim Hwi warns about the dangers of a possible new tsunami."
"The possibility of a mega-tsunami, a wave that could reach fifty meters at least."
"A tsunami wave... packs an amount of energy which is way beyond any of these waves in a normal surf zone."
"This tsunami affected every coastline in the world."
"The oldest tsunami deposit bearing human remains found in East Africa."
"This is the story of the tsunami ghosts."
"The volcanic eruption likely created a giant tsunami, the likes of which humans have never seen since."
"If you're in a tsunami situation, remember what you should do? You should calculate the gradient and go along the gradient."
"I'm not a normal ocean wave, I'm a [__] tsunami."
"A tsunami can move as fast as 500 miles per hour, that's as fast as a jet plane."
"A mega earthquake struck the Pacific Northwest... it created a tsunami just like the one in Japan."
"A tsunami is a truly terrifying event."
"A gigantic 524 meter high mega tsunami was created after a magnitude 8 earthquake."
"This lodged a massive amount of rock which fell directly into the bay below, spawning a tsunami that was truly the stuff of nightmares."
"The mega tsunami would have probably been at least one kilometer high."
"The force of the initial impact when the massive wall of water struck everything would have been unimaginable."
"Australia was hit by a devastating 180-meter or 590-foot high mega tsunami sometime around 5000 years ago."
"Tsunami waves are surface gravity waves that are formed as the displaced water mass moves under the influence of gravity."
"A tsunami can be generated by any disturbance that displaces a large water mass from its equilibrium position."
"As the tsunami reaches shallow water, its speed decreases but the energy it contains remains about the same."
"These hills, known as Chevrons, are a typical byproduct of a mega tsunami event."
"The largest tsunami that was ever recorded was 1720 feet tall in Alaska, that's enormous."
"The largest tsunami ever recorded was 1720 feet tall in Alaska."