
Lifelong Quotes

There are 499 quotes

"I feel like I'll be working for the rest of my life, absolutely, for the rest of my life."
"The healing journey is a lifelong journey until the day you die probably."
"Finding/discovering yourself is a never-ending journey."
"It's a moment you never forget, and an accomplishment you will carry your entire life."
"Healing from this is a process that takes a lifetime."
"Throughout my adult life, I've done everything I can to prevent war and destruction."
"Goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life."
"Maintenance of physical activity throughout life is key."
"I'll carry their memories with me forever, I'll carry their memories with me wherever I go."
"The Lord watches out for His people, guarding and protecting them throughout their lives."
"Please stay like this for the rest of your life."
"The love that you have together is meant to change both of your lives forever. I'm feeling like that is happiness, like this is a love of a lifetime."
"Truly, his goodness and unfailing love will comply with me all the days of my existence."
"You get to take a look at your followed citizens, so you can follow these people for their entire life."
"Marriage is so much more than getting married, it's a life commitment."
"He's indelibly marked my soul so that my engagement with animals will be lifelong."
"I'm a competitor and I'll be a competitor probably in a nursing home."
"True love came out, this is a romance of a lifetime."
"Be yourself and be the best person you can be. It's a lifelong process."
"The bagel and lox is definitely a lifetime sandwich."
"I'm gonna be homies with this person for the rest of my life."
"The Book of Mormon is not the first Domino it's the beginning of a lifelong dialogue because the Book of Mormon introduces us to a God who wants to engage with us in conversation and in conversion."
"One second you barely know this person, and the very next, they're like your pal for a good majority of your life, if not forever."
"My loyalty is lifelong. Why would it not be?"
"He had to work from the time he was a young boy and that instilled in him the work ethic that he carried with him for the rest of his life."
"When you fall in love with yourself, it's a lifelong romance."
"Family's family, whether you like them or not, they're going to be there for the rest of your life."
"Motorcycling is one of those things that you'll have for the rest of your life if you do it right."
"Take it slow, motorcycling is one of those things that you'll have for the rest of your life if you do it right."
"ADHD is a lifetime disorder; it doesn't go away."
"Isn't it crazy how we have best friends that will be with us for the rest of our lives?"
"I'm a huge Dragon Ball fan, pretty much have been my whole life."
"At 77, I have as much passion for sports as I did when I was nine."
"Learning is not just limited to classroom environments; learning is a lifelong process."
"I've been in love with him all my life."
"I have a feeling this isn't going to be the end of the Colton miles show. No, probably not. I have a feeling this is a lifelong friendship. Absolutely, lifelong Brotherhood."
"...learning is not ephemeral, it's a lifelong process till your last breath."
"I plan on being with you for the rest of my life."
"Your bond with this person is a lifelong bond."
"Being a parent is about modeling. Parenting never ends. It's not a zero to 18 contract. Parenting is a lifelong journey."
"Experiences that happened during this that I will take with for the rest of my life."
"Falling in love with yourself is the beginning of a lifelong romance that never tires, never disappoints, never leaves."
"Falling in love with yourself is the beginning of your lifelong romance."
"Best friends should always be together for life."
"There is almost so much that I know it's going to be a lifelong project to work my way through it."
"Cultivating continuous learning for lifelong fulfillment keeps our minds open to new experiences and adds excitement and vitality to our lives."
"Surrender is not a one-time deal. It's a lifelong event. Surrender is a daily, lifelong process."
"You never stop learning even when you leave school."
"For better, for worse, in sickness and in health, till death do us part."
"Once you learn something like this and you apply it, it becomes a part of you for your whole entire life."
"This relationship between you and this person will be for life."
"Learn a [__] skill that is good for life."
"Your person is going to be your person for the rest of your life if that's what you want."
"I would die for Mexican food, like I would eat that for the rest of my life."
"This is my person for life, like it's like they've picked their person for life."
"We are in love. A love affair that began early in our formative years and one we will take to our death."
"It really is a friendship for life."
"A lesson I've learned to remember for the rest of my life."
"Me and LJ definitely, definitely gotta stay in contact. We've got such a great relationship. It really is a friendship for life."
"Long-term friends are a rarity, and lifelong friends even rarer still."
"Real estate is a lifelong pursuit."
"This memory technique will be your go-to learning tool for the rest of your life."
"It's not a forever experience unless it's operative throughout the rest of your life."
"Lifelong commitment to diversity."
"Don't forget to keep in touch with Trail friends, some of these people will be lifelong friends and some of the best friends you will ever have."
"This is a journey. It's a lifelong journey for me."
"I think we'll probably be friends the rest of our lives."
"You should have a lifelong thirst for learning."
"Music won't leave you if you don't leave it... It never left me."
"This is lifetime partnership connection here."
"People can wait their whole lives hoping to find that special something."
"It's hard because that stays with us our entire lives."
"The good news is that there are many people who are dedicated to being lifelong learners."
"I'm still learning. Seriously, it's a lifelong thing. You never stop and you never stop learning."
"Learning may start after you get out of formal education, but certainly it does not end when you get out of formal education."
"Reading the great books is not a one and done thing. It's not a task to be checked off and completed with a paper degree handed to you at the end of it."
"Recovery is a continuing process you never get over it you don't graduate it's for the rest of your life."
"I hope all of you never stop asking questions your whole life long."
"The sensation of achievement goes with you forever and it's fantastic."
"These are people that I'm going to keep in touch with for the rest of my life."
"Discipleship is a lifelong process, and it doesn't end until you finish the race. At that point, you receive the prize, you finally become like Christ, perfect. But until then, you should be striving to become more and more like Christ."
"Freedom is the most expensive thing you'll ever pay for because you never stop paying for it."
"The friendship between them lasted the rest of their lives."
"If you develop the healthy habits in children, then they'll have those healthy habits for life."
"I'm absolutely fascinated by politics, that's been all my life."
"Never stop reading, never stop learning. You are never too old to learn new things."
"Learning is a treasure that follows its owner everywhere."
"It'll definitely be a big deal for the rest of my life."
"Getting in the program was a lifelong achievement."
"These are things that are going to affect her for life."
"Just as we're all students throughout life, we're all teachers."
"We should walk in the fear of God all the days of our lives."
"There's always been a child running through my head laughing all through my life all the time."
"People been waiting for this their whole lives in 10 years."
"I've wanted one of those fish my entire life."
"For the rest of my life, I'll yet praise him."
"Teach a child the way he should go and he should not part from the way until he's old."
"I finally met the woman I love after 50 some years, and this is my rock."
"Your job as a parent is never really done until you leave this realm."
"So continuing to grow in love, means you always take care of the physical, intellectual, emotional, spiritual, as long as you live, but at the same time, it means that you continue to try to grow together."
"The goal with ADHD is really lifelong care."
"I'm indebted to her for the rest of my life."
"Rehab is going to be a life long activity for you if you've had a stroke."
"Pretty much my whole life, I've enjoyed electronics."
"Recovery from a brain injury will happen until the day that you die, and you will get as much out of it as you put into it."
"Forgiveness is the work of a lifetime."
"You are going to be connecting with somebody that understands you on this level, and they are somebody that's going to be in your life for the rest of your life."
"High school sweethearts that lived their life and they loved each other to death."
"Like a wild animal will grow up fast; a dog never grows up, it's a puppy for life."
"I've built a lot of great relationships here that I'll cherish for the rest of my life."
"Bowling is for life, and USBC is with you every step of the way."
"Your impact on my life will exist till I'm dead."
"Take a lifetime approach in which you're simply trying to learn as much as you can about which foods are good for you."
"A son is a son till he takes him a wife, but his mother is his mother all of his life."
"They say that your college friends turn into lifelong friends. I know that's true because of you."
"It's like one of those things, they clearly grew up together, friends their whole life."
"This became my Disneyland, so I had an avid interest in the Civil War at an early age, and it's continued my entire life."
"I think you can continue peaking for the rest of your life."
"I will always be your partner for life."
"I have loved you my whole life. You are my great consuming love."
"I really want to be with you all my life and never be separated."
"From the moment we were born, we were friends."
"Reading has been something I've done my whole life that has been a hobby."
"I've been an artist my entire life."
"The two friends declare their friendship to last until their lifetime."
"Erikson believed that a person's personality keeps on developing throughout the person's entire lifespan."
"They've met when they were 15 and 14, and that was it for the rest of their life."
"I know that anything on this list they will absolutely love and they will thank you for for the rest of their lives."
"Thank you, Jesus, I thank you all the days of my life."
"I promise to love and cherish you all of my life."
"Praise the Lord, my soul; I will praise the Lord all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live."
"Once you build this skill, it will serve you for the remainder of your life."
"This is one of the great joys of life: learning. So body, spirit, and mind are lifelong."
"We've known each other our whole lives."
"Nevertheless, the heart of Asa was wholly true to the Lord all his days."
"Sanctification is the work of a lifetime."
"We're literally going to be superheroes for the rest of our lives."
"Journaling was a practice that I would have to do for life."
"You are learning your profession, you're learning your career, and this is the thing that you're gonna do for the rest of your life, which is pretty awesome."
"Once a teacher, forever a father."
"To fall in love with classic cars, it's a passion that lasts a lifetime."
"We're going to learn how to be lovers for the rest of our lives."
"Marriage means a lifelong bond and it's going to make us safe."
"We never in our entire lives will ever stop learning."
"The best gig in the world is dad, always and forever."
"I vow to love and to care for you, for as long as we both shall live."
"Praise Jah! Let my whole being praise Jehovah. I will praise Jehovah all my life."
"You're a parent until you die; that kid is going to be your kid forever because that's your baby."
"I promised to make the loved one who changed my life happy for the rest of my life."
"This is a career for life now; I've got this opportunity."
"Autism is just something I was born with; it's something I live with. I will have it my whole life."
"They formed friendships that endured for their entire lives."
"Networking is something you do throughout your entire life."
"Music's gonna be with you till the day that you die."
"I've played with swords my whole life, ever since I was a kid."
"No one wants to crash their car, so it's not just be safe or look safe for your driving test, it's drive safely forever."
"I chose them with the intent that these are girls that I'd be friends with literally for the rest of my life."
"I have been making these cookies every year for pretty much my entire life."
"We were facing the right direction, my husband's been Muslim his whole entire life."
"Parenthood does not end when your children leave the home."
"I have always loved theater from the time I was a kid."
"It's a lifelong learning process."
"It's stuff like this that I'm going to remember for the rest of my life."
"Those words have always been remembered by me for my entire life."
"Art is definitely an ongoing lifelong journey."
"This baby is gonna be so loved and it's a forever baby."
"Once you're a parent, you're a parent for life. You're never not a parent anymore."
"Meditation would be my companion for life."
"You can never master it; it's a game that I feel like I'll be playing till I'm like seventy years old, God willing."
"We continue to grow new brain cells at every age."
"If I only had one car to drive for the rest of my life, it would be a Mustang."
"Integrity safeguards family love, and love makes family life rich and zestful—now and forever."
"I've been doing art for most of my life and I just love it so much."
"Parenting is for a season, but being a parent is for a lifetime."
"We're brothers, and the type of relationships and friendships that you'll have for the rest of your life."
"Ultimately, college is teaching us how to learn, which we'll keep doing for the rest of our lives."
"Surely goodness and mercies shall follow you all the days of your life."
"People watch TV, watch movies, read books, or have books read to them literally to the day they die."
"Lord, your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life."
"This big empty piece in my heart, and it has been my whole life."
"I've just always loved reading my entire life."
"I want to be together with you all my life."
"The general rebelliousness, anti-authoritarian, I think that stuck with him for his whole life."
"We're going to be brothers till we die; we might as well make the best of it."
"It's not just a four-year commitment, it's a lifelong connection."
"We've been together our whole lives."
"There's something for everybody, and it's something that we're going to enjoy doing probably for the rest of our lives."
"You're always going to be changing it for the rest of our lives, and that's fun."
"Train up a child in the way they shall go, and when they are old they will not depart from it."
"I will sleep on a silk pillowcase for the rest of my life."
"That's a question I've wondered about my entire life."
"That Rose is happy and safe for the rest of her life."
"She's been a part of my life longer than she hasn't been a part of my life."
"It takes discipline to take care of our brains, but the benefits are for life."
"This is who we are, this is where we are, this is the stuff that we work on for the rest of our days."
"Thank you, I'll be thankful forever."
"As long as I live, and laugh, and love, it will be for you."
"Elena and I are bonded for life. I can't imagine it any other way."
"Something is starting, something is about to begin that is going to stay with you for the rest of your life."
"I've always enjoyed reading; I've been an avid reader since I was a child."