
Problem Identification Quotes

There are 92 quotes

"We have a significant problem that is addressed by one and an imaginary problem that isn't even addressed by the voter ID thing."
"Narratives are usually another beautiful sign of where the root of the problem is."
"We know what the problems are, but we're not valuing the right things or we're valuing the wrong things."
"This is a real problem. It's a crisis. It is not the apocalypse."
"The answer is not anything else; it's not economics, it's not political...the answer is spiritual because the problem's spiritual."
"If everywhere you go smells like sh*t, it might be time to check your own shoes."
"You need to put the solution in context to an actual problem that they have."
"It's probably accidental but it is evidently in existence and it needs to be addressed."
"After you identify the problem, make sure you know what you're talking about because people will quickly sniff out if there's any kind of BS in what you're saying."
"She is not the problem, she is a symptom of the problem."
"We can actually help save our economy if we change the way we grow food."
"Complete lack of accountability is perhaps the biggest problem."
"We have to focus on what the problem is in this instance and it's that these corporations have way too much power."
"There are coaches that are very good at identifying problems but not solving problems."
"Anyone who says that just instantly like [ __ ] you, like you're part of the problem."
"Something we are doing in society today is wrong and it's not working."
"Truthfully what we are good at is showing the problem but we are failing and being the answer."
"If we made it pretty clear that firearms are not causing the problem, what is causing the problem?"
"Players don't understand what the issue is, that is very scary."
"If you love something, you have to hate that which threatens it, and if you want to solve a problem, you have to identify it correctly."
"This is the first big problem that we've seen so far. It's a credit to the fight scene that there are so few of them."
"It's all a distraction. No one wants to get to the real problem."
"If you're still giving our 500-year-old open enemies the benefit of the doubt, you're part of the problem."
"If we don't know what we're looking at, how do we work with it, how do we treat it? And I think that's part of the problem."
"There's something wrong here, something does not add up."
"Clearly we have some kind of error going on."
"It's these weak males that are actually the problem."
"The hard part in software is not the production of the result, it's the identification of the problem and the design of the solution."
"Something's wrong, something's wrong, something's wrong."
"Stream sniping affects such a small portion of the community, but it's definitely something that needs to be fixed."
"Everybody wants to win over getting the right answer. It's a f***ing disease, everybody has."
"The reality is the problem lies with the United States."
"What's the biggest problem? Financial literacy."
"It would be insane for anybody to see those changes and not see red flags going up."
"That distillation of what we're facing here is the most compelling way to put it."
"Nuclear colonialism is not the solution to the world's problems."
"Complaining is a good thing because it helps inform them on what needs attention."
"There's a difference between a symptom and a cause."
"We have to talk about race because it's the only way to identify solutions."
"They basically got the dog trainer to come over and say the dogs aren't the problem but you are."
"I think one thing that people do see like you had talked about what the problem is and you said it's us."
"There really is a problem with documentation here."
"There are many decent Muslims, but that shouldn't stop us from identifying the problem and limiting."
"These people are not your friends. These people are not your solution."
"Trouble may be brewing, but the data doesn't lie."
"This sort of thing just isn't supposed to happen."
"I actually think if you look around the table and you cannot have the problem, that means you're the problem."
"I'm glad Josie's gone be clear that he is the problem and you've seen it all he had two days with these players so technically he could have done very much."
"When you identify what the specific problems are, you are then giving God permission and power to help you in those specific areas."
"Anything that sounds abnormal, uh, it's a problem."
"If you have a tilting main support, there's something wrong."
"But we've got serious problems over here at the mega tower."
"By identifying and articulating the negatives, it can help us take those valuable parts."
"Identify these problems and not complain about them, but leave."
"What are the problems, what are the challenges we're trying to solve before we come up with ideas and solutions?"
"If we find a problem worth solving, we need to uncover a solution."
"Everybody knows my favorite technique is if we find a problem worth solving, we need to uncover a solution for it."
"Identifying situations where AI/ML may not be the best solution is important for understanding alternative approaches."
"They just need to look at a dashboard and they need to say, 'Okay, we see these two problem areas, we need to come up with an immediate solution about that.'"
"Troubleshooting: separating factors that are not causing the problem from those that are or might be."
"The identifying a problem is actually quite an important and quite a critical part of the research process."
"It's not just good enough to say there is a problem. You need to establish what the consequences are if you do not address this problem."
"What's the problem? Is this really a problem?"
"I really want this addressed. There was actually also three other pieces where I had a similar issue; there seems to be something going on with the 1x2 modified bricks."
"It's just the case of that alternator."
"I do salute the populists for identifying the problem, but their solutions often fall short."
"Make sure you've identified the problem correctly and then make only one change at a time."
"Implementing robust unit tests helps identify and fix issues early in the development process."
"Problem identification: Can you see things that other people aren't seeing? Can you surface latent needs?"
"Identifying the problem: the symptoms are not the problem."
"Identify the symptoms, be aware of how your system operates so that you can easily identify when a problem has occurred."
"Problems are these conditions that deviate from the ideal or desired state."
"The first one is definitely user research."
"We need to understand what is the problem that we're trying to solve."
"Vision isn't drawn out of the sky; maybe vision is drawn out of what's missing."
"The more thoroughly you can do that, the sooner you'll pick up the other problems, the as soon as you get hyalase in the right places and the better the situation hopefully for everyone concerned."
"The essence of troubleshooting is understanding what the problem was."
"Don't look for ideas, just look for problems and then the solution to that problem is your idea."
"A problem only exists if there is a difference between what is actually happening and what you desire to be happening."
"I think you've identified one of the main problems with our society today."
"Identifying the function of problem behavior is critical."
"Adaptive challenges are problems that aren't clearly defined or easy to identify and which do not have a clear solution."
"The foundation of the whole thing is: What is the problem?"
"It lets you know when you've got an arrangement problem, a sequencing problem, a sound choice problem, or a mixing problem."
"We're in a world where we've lots of stupid problems and low-hanging fruit."
"We're using utility-based scores to get an idea about where are the problems."
"We can't solve problems we don't know about."
"The first step into figuring out a solution is to identify the challenge."
"Show them that they have a problem and then demonstrate how you can fix that."
"Identify the imminent problems that you're about to have."