
Societal Risk Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"Dr. Cocteau's solution to the crisis of the Scraps is deeply irresponsible, releasing Simon Phoenix would inevitably kill many people."
"This billionaire says he believes there's a 30% chance in the next 10 years we'll have a civil war-like conflict in the U.S."
"Elon Musk underscores the need to harness Innovation for the betterment of humanity lest it becomes a double-edged sword."
"People of privilege will always risk their complete destruction rather than surrender any material part of their advantage."
"There's this mass gaslighting that is going on; it's incredibly dangerous."
"We're getting to dangerous levels of political conflict."
"What is happening right now on the American right, this anti-democratic radicalization of the Republican party, is dangerous."
"These are extraordinary times and they're dangerous times."
"The universities have gone mad and it represents a direct threat to the continuation of this Republic."
"Right-wing political violence is rising, right-wing political extremism is rising, we've already had a series of mass shootings that were based in right wing hate and misinformation and bigotry there will probably be more."
"If something doesn't change quick, we will lose everything."
"The ignorance that dominates the educational system today, the lack of history, the lack of perspective, it could kill us as a civilization."
"Trade is so good for economies and so bad at keeping individual human beings not dead."
"That's really dangerous. It strikes at the very foundations of our country."
"There's nothing more dangerous in the world than a broken alone male."
"Once we lose critical thought and freedom of speech, what's between us and totalitarianism?"
"The biggest risk to us is that we unwittingly succumb to totalitarianism."
"Critical social justice can destroy liberalism from within."
"Our total existence as a free society is at risk."
"One wrong move, especially in these early days, and all of society collapses."
"It's a very big advantage that these athletes can tap into that experience."
"The left's use of corporations as a cudgel is dangerous for the nature of American political discourse."
"We are on a Razor's Edge where careless advancement could result in a widespread Schism between fact and fiction."
"This idea that kids should be thought of as experts is so insanely dangerous."
"Inflation is a very serious subject... if you overdo it too much you ruin your civilization a lot."
"Scary to see such a large amount of power in the hands of a few."
"Isn't it sad that we're in a country riddled with misinformation, where the potential to lose the Democratic process and one's freedoms are all at stake over a mistake?"
"There's nothing more dangerous than being able to censor what is said in a country." - Dr. Scott Atlas
"The traditional criterion of clear and present danger seems no longer adequate to a stage where the whole society is in the situation of the theater audience when somebody cries fire."
"One group of people hates our country so much that they're willing to risk their lives to destroy it."
"If there is power in tapping into the fantasies of the masses, there is also danger."
"The danger of Trumpism and right-wing extremism... is still so real..."
"It's actually not political and people need to take it seriously or die."
"The odds of America slipping into a civil war type scenario over the next 10 years is around 30 percent."
"One of the greatest dangers faced by humanity is that of the heretic."
"Pogba became the player with the most goals, most assists, most shots, most shots on target, most touches, and most chances created at the club in that year."
"This is dangerous. Elections have consequences."
"The stakes were that civilization was going to collapse."
"So, having extreme political beliefs and mental illness could be a perfect Brew for disaster."
"There is nothing more dangerous than the build-up of those who feel they have no stake in it."
"A lack of cybersecurity has become a clear and immediate danger to our society worldwide."
"They're dangerous because they know there's a radicalized group of individuals who will do exactly what they say."
"This is criminal because how many kids or adults have carcinogens in their system right now that they don't know about."
"Anything that undermines the foundations of Democracy in America or elsewhere is a risk."
"The single most dangerous thing for any society is gross inequality."
"Privacy is essential for maintaining a free society, and we do risk losing it if we don't fight for it."
"Nothing risks denying the danger hanging over their society."
"The discourse over the validity of science in the past year due to the global pandemic is leading us down a dangerous path."