
Earthquake Quotes

There are 169 quotes

"A giant earthquake lasting around five minutes would be bad by itself, but remember, these types of quakes are a double whammy because they also generate huge tsunami waves."
"The earth shook on a February morning in 2001, it was a nerve-wracking reminder of the constant threat beneath us."
"It's the biggest disaster in more than 80 years according to Turkey's president, with devastation along a major fault line."
"At 4:17 am, we experience the worst disaster of the century since the 1939 Erzincan earthquake."
"Death toll is mounting after powerful quake struck parts of Turkey and Greece. It triggered a tsunami."
"Incredible! The sky is awash with swallows. Could this spectacle be linked to the Shandong earthquake? They're omnipresent!"
"An 8.2 magnitude earthquake rocks the coast of Chile, driving almost a million people to evacuate their homes."
"It was a 9.0 to 9.1 earthquake one of the most severe in recorded history."
"The magnitude 9 earthquake was so astonishingly violent."
"During a live 24 hour weather broadcast, the anchor heard the earthquake alarm and remained calm as he reported the size of the quake."
"If you're not prepared for an earthquake, you're a fool."
"Breaking news tonight on multiple fronts: the devastating earthquake in Haiti. Entire buildings destroyed, hundreds already confirmed dead, hospitals flooded."
"A desperate search for survivors amid fears of more aftershocks."
"This earthquake was so strong it was felt throughout the entire country."
"Let's focus on the location that the earthquake actually hit. Was that China Lake? It's ten miles from the main gate, I mean, it's literally... I can give you the coordinates if you want."
"A magnitude 7.6 earthquake shook Mexico's Central Pacific Coast."
"A 6.5 magnitude earthquake is shaking the foundations of the Bandgai Islands 93 million miles away."
"It will be one of the biggest earthquakes in history."
"The 1964 Anchorage quake had the power of 63,000 atomic bombs, changing the face of the earth."
"I don't think God will bring me this far to let me die in an earthquake."
"We thought it was an earthquake we sprinted to Brandon's room we're both screaming you shut the door and Asthma and Brandon's room the shaking Stone it was complete silent again."
"It's not often that an earthquake makes it possible to look inside a volcano that's been dormant since the Jurassic."
"The odd signal resembled a burst of energy rather than an earthquake."
"The effect of the earthquake as it strikes the state is captured on camera."
"Are you crazy? We survived a 4.8, bro! It barely shakes here in Los Angeles."
"When spiritual earthquakes occur, you will be able to stand strong because your spiritual foundation is solid and immovable."
"We're now in a sequence of at least three giant earthquakes we're expecting another one. The question is whether the earthquake and tsunami will be in the next 30 minutes or in the next 30 Years."
"The most tremendous earthquake of modern times has occurred."
"Researchers are thinking that perhaps the real earthquake and subsequent tsunami is what may have inspired the legend of Atlantis."
"The magnitude 7.8 earthquake in Nepal in 2015 killed nine thousand. More than 3 million were made homeless with entire villages flattened."
"It's fair to say that we're overdue for the big one and a lot of people think it's gonna happen in the next decade or two."
"A magnitude 5.5 earthquake hit just north of the Puente Hills less than an hour ago."
"He was worried... about breaking his gun as he fell into the earthquake cracks all around them."
"A most terrible earthquake shook the Earth so that we were rocked about like we'd been in a cradle."
"I see a good-sized earthquake here in the United States, might be in California, it might be right here where I'm sitting, I don't know, might be more towards the middle of, down towards Modesto, that kind of area there."
"Liquefaction happens when soil experiences an applied stress, like an earthquake, that causes it to behave like a liquid."
"Twice destroyed in 1923 after a terrible earthquake then in 1945 after the American bombardments, Tokyo has risen from its ashes each time."
"The 6.3 is your well-mannered uncle at a wedding who says and does all the right age-appropriate things until the very end of the reception when he's shutting down the dance floor with all the kids."
"A skyscraper with dampers can absorb up to three times more energy produced by an earthquake than a building without them."
"This is an earthquake, there was that moment."
"The San Francisco Earthquake of 1906 left devastation in its wake."
"The main Quake was followed by 1400 aftershocks."
"If you're in an earthquake, you have to get away from anything that might fall on you."
"The seismic shock of the 2004 earthquake rang the Earth like a bell, causing the entire planet to vibrate by as much as a centimeter."
"The most powerful earthquake ever recorded is a magnitude 9.5, called the Valdivia earthquake, which came in Southern Central Chile on the 22nd of May."
"Since Rachel showed that animals can be used to predict earthquakes, people can no longer dismiss the idea that animals may be better at forecasting than us."
"The largest earthquake ever registered was 9.5 on the scale, if we got a 12 or larger, it would split the earth in half, wow."
"Securing the bookcases to the wall is a critical part of this project. Make sure that you anchor your bookcases to the wall so they can't be shaken down in the event of an earthquake or topple with disastrous consequences."
"It is done. And there were noises and thunderings and lightnings, and there was a great earthquake, such a mighty and great earthquake as had not occurred since men were on the earth."
"Yeah, it was weird. Everything in my room started shaking. I was like, 'Hold on a sec, what is this? Is this an earthquake in PA?'"
"...it just shows the destruction that the earthquake caused."
"A picture frame falling could cause an earthquake, totally."
"The fact that the earthquake was so far away from Mexico City really is what spurred the idea of developing an early warning system."
"Tests show that in an earthquake, strong flexible or ductile buildings hold together, giving inhabitants a chance to survive."
"Buildings facing the fault were more likely to survive than those built at right angles to it."
"The earthquake unleashed a cataclysmic chain reaction powerful enough to destroy over 5 million buildings."
"It was a surprise to us that it was tiny amounts of stress that was enough to trigger an earthquake."
"We don't know a damn thing it's disconcerting, but just looking at the past, we know that more deep slab quakes are coming possibly one or two in your lifetime."
"I have deployed my system. That is an early warning."
"Oh no, earthquake! This is not a drill, screen shaking again."
"The Chicxulub impact was approximately a magnitude 11 earthquake, which is kind of like having a magnitude 9 earthquake everywhere on the planet."
"And when we have an earthquake on a thrust fault, we still have the hanging wall going up. To review, both reverse and thrust faults are the result of crustal squeezing, crustal compression, shortening the crust, causing uplift."
"But the thing is that, when you talk about Kurosawa, and you talk about, um, who I adore, you know, seeing all these movies, Kurosawa was somebody who was very deeply affected by the Kanto earthquake, very early in his life which he visited and saw."
"The Quake That Shook Alaska in 1964 had a magnitude of 9.2, making it the most powerful earthquake ever to hit North America."
"The earthquake on April 18th, 1906 remains one of the most devastating in recorded history."
"The earthquake left 63 people dead, caused as much as 10 billion dollars in damage and touched off a national conversation about seismic readiness."
"The shaking registered a magnitude 6.9, the biggest quake the Bay Area had seen since the great San Francisco earthquake of 1906."
"California has made the largest financial commitment to earthquake risk reduction in the country."
"If you ever find yourself in an earthquake, drop to your hands and knees so you don't get knocked over."
"How do animals know an earthquake is going to happen before it happens? They probably feel the disturbance happening before we do."
"The architecture Pombalino had a very well-studied structure under the fear of another earthquake."
"On March 11th, 2011, Japan faced its most powerful earthquake ever recorded."
"On May 18th, 1980, an earthquake of magnitude 5.1 triggered a massive collapse of the North Face of the mountain."
"Nothing short of miraculous, this rescue of a teen and a dog in the aftermath of a devastating earthquake."
"It's a very 8:21 here on the air, we're experiencing very strong shaking, I think we need to get under the desk."
"This fault, the hurricane fault, is capable of producing magnitude 7 or greater earthquakes."
"The fault is responsible for at least four magnitude seven earthquakes in the past 2,500 years."
"The most recent quake caused the bedrock south of the fault to jump up suddenly 21 feet about 1,100 years ago."
"An earthquake is simply a vibration of Earth produced by the rapid release of energy."
"The energy released radiates in all directions from the source, and we call that source the hypocenter, the focus."
"Earthquakes most often occur along active faults whenever the frictional forces on the fault surfaces are overcome."
"The most common experience that people describe is something called ground roll, where the ground literally feels like it's rolling."
"The epicenter is the location on the surface directly above the focus."
"The water bends the plate, the bending of the plate triggers these normal faults... these faults then load the southern San Andreas."
"It's important to realize that the day will come when we will have a major earthquake in our state."
"The 1906 earthquake was so strong it shook the whole economy and founded a new government entity."
"This is earthquake country; more earthquakes will happen, and survival may well depend on just how prepared you are."
"With every tremor and jolt, the question is asked: is there a way to create an effective warning system?"
"Japan earthquakes destroy a popular manga Museum."
"It wasn't as big as the one in '94, and people always ask me, 'Do you remember the big one?' and I always think, 'Oh yes,' and then I realize they're talking about the earthquake."
"On March 11, 2011, a devastating magnitude 9.1 earthquake rocked eastern Asia's seafloor."
"What's my favorite hypothesis? I'm a geologist, I like the earthquake idea."
"Whitebeard, who's like one of the strongest pirates from a previous era, who very poetically, by the way, with the earthquake fruit, is one of the strongest people who has literally made the world tremble."
"Aftershocks felt across the Northeast after a rare earthquake shakes the region."
"New Yorkers left in disbelief as they felt buildings tremble."
"The capital Tashkent still bears the pain of the devastating earthquake it experienced in 1966."
"It's the most powerful earthquake ever recorded on an alien planet."
"This very busy day, a day that hours after Japan was rocked by a massive earthquake."
"The earthquake of 1202 is largely forgotten today, but it was significant not just in the damage that it caused but in the impact that it had on history."
"In this four-part series, we'll be exploring a full abandoned town in the middle of the mountains that was damaged by an earthquake."
"We are having an earthquake, quick, cover, get under the table!"
"These lines here are called slickensides and they actually indicate which way the fault moved when this little earthquake happened."
"Scripture records that there was this great earthquake in the time of King Uzziah of Judah."
"It's really amazing to me in this picture is just the outstanding magnitude of ground displacement that this rupture happened."
"The earth did quake, the rocks rent, the graves were opened."
"It was a terrible day for our town because it's the first time we've been hit by an earthquake."
"It was a 4.8 magnitude earthquake recorded in New Jersey."
"I felt like I was shaking, but when I woke up, I wasn't shaking, the couch and the floor were shaking."
"It will ultimately release the built-up strain resulting in a great earthquake."
"If another big earthquake were to strike on the San Andreas, the death toll could again climb into the thousands."
"It will be the worst earthquake California has seen in a century or more."
"At 4:17 a.m. early morning of the 6th of February 2023, the heart was ripped out of this thriving community by the deadliest earthquake Turkey has seen in centuries."
"The quake hit San Francisco on Wednesday, April 18, at precisely 12 minutes past 5 o'clock in the morning."
"Most earthquake damage is caused by shaking."
"An earthquake isn't just something that hits me; it starts by two sides of the fault moving and over time it starts to cascade out of control."
"The ShakeAlert system has the potential to be incredibly helpful for those aftershocks."
"Every significant earthquake now has an aftershock probability forecast, basically going forward."
"We now know there's an average of five hundred years between great earthquakes in Washington."
"The curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom; the earth shook, and the rocks were split."
"A mega earthquake struck the Pacific Northwest... it created a tsunami just like the one in Japan."
"The Great East Japan earthquake... was an undersea quake that not only produced the fourth highest magnitude quake on Earth since those records could be kept but was followed up by tsunamis that continued to ravage a multitude of prefectures in central Japan."
"What makes the Earth shake? It's called an earthquake; let's learn about the seismic waves that make the ground break."
"This is going to be Seismic Basics number one: intro to earthquake engineering."
"Earthquakes have something called a frequency content."
"Earthquake loads are quite different; they're dynamic, changing over time."
"The structure usually deforms in an earthquake with what's called a shear response."
"It's California earthquake ready."
"The Loma Prieta quake was a magnitude six point nine."
"The first thing to have people to realize is that Loma Prieta was not the big one."
"The real cost of an earthquake are not necessarily repairing a building after the event, but it's the fact that you can't do what you use the building to do on a normal basis while the building is being repaired."
"After the earthquake, there is a lot of panic... then in a week they feel fear and anger... and then for 1 year people are determined to fix this beast causing the shaking of the earthquake."
"Earthquake is not a problem of the individual person, it should be regulated by the state, by the code."
"When the earthquake happens, stay under the table and then call 911."
"We're going to use triangulation to identify the location of the earthquake."
"The whole country moved 12 centimeters nearer to France."
"Sometimes a tremor like this is just a pre-shock to a much bigger event."
"The cyclic direct simple shear test is a much better simulation of what the soil is actually feeling in the ground in a real earthquake."
"On average, it tends to break and have an earthquake every 150 years; it has now been over 300 years since we last had an earthquake."
"Magnitude 7.5 earthquake; these scenes of devastation unfolding right now in Turkey and Syria."
"The lock zone breaks and you get a great earthquake like Sendai."
"This Christchurch earthquake has become arguably the most important and significant case study for soil liquefaction in history."
"This earthquake was the initiator for modern-day seismic resistant design in the world."
"This was the second largest earthquake to ever be recorded in modern history."
"This earthquake was officially the most expensive natural disaster in the world."
"We see on this nice plot the earthquake happening right here."
"Let's hope we're okay here; this is an earthquake in New York City."
"The greatest hazard on human time scales in the Yellowstone region can be strong earthquakes once or twice per century."
"Last night I experienced another earthquake. It was so scary."
"I've never experienced an earthquake in my life, and now I can say I've experienced four."
"Let's turn to the earthquake data."