
Societal Order Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"San Angeles is predicated on order and conformity. Social interactions are formalized and ritualized to protect each person's personal boundaries."
"Our culture has just two options: Christ or chaos."
"Justice first. You have to raise your kids empathy first, but you have to order your society justice first."
"The law are the wise restraints that keep men free."
"In order for society to function, police need to be able to arrest people... You win in the courts, and they did." - Tim Pool
"We are the thin black line Between Justice and complete chaos."
"Legalization is the way we restore order to this madness."
"You must obey law enforcement because we're a nation of laws."
"Etiquette is like communication, it's like a language."
"Freedom didn't proceed the right, you needed the right hierarchy."
"It's wrong to judge, I mean it's wrong to pass judgment on fellow people just in your day-to-day but there are times when man is compelled to pass judgment on men in order to maintain order and balance in a society."
"We have to make sure that we're a country of Law and Order."
"The rules are made to keep order; they're not meant to be broken."
"I'm kind of torn on this because while I don't necessarily support vigilante justice, I think if we went down that road, it would just be chaos all day long on the streets."
"The difference between police and no police is the difference between order and chaos."
"Propaganda will never die out. Intelligent men must realize that propaganda is the modern instrument by which they can fight for productive ends and help to bring order out of chaos."
"More laws is not the answer, obedience to the law of God is."
"If you outlaw police, only the outlaws will be police."
"There's a kind of right ordering of the world... it involves hierarchy... but there's also a strain of equality to it as well."
"Once we get worship right and we get this function and flow of society right starting with man woman in the house, what God will do for his people will be miraculous."
"You cannot create more moral order when you abandon the created order."
"In the absence of a central government, honor is a really, really good way to ensure interactions are trustable."
"You can do what's right to you but it'll be Anarchy at the end. There still has to be some sort of order."
"If these particular jurisdictions want to keep the same voting patterns... when you make law illegal you have lawlessness."
"An orderly Society is necessary to have Liberty."
"Hierarchy of technologies used to reinforce social order."
"We changed that by creating order and delivering justice in the open."
"You have to follow the rules. We're a nation of laws."
"Nobody's breaking into windows and looting shops."
"When the good men do not stand up, the world turns into chaos."
"The enemies of free speech are the enemies of the process that turns potential into habitable order."
"Christian nationalism or leftist globalism? Which political order do you want to live under?"
"Islam is not calling human beings to create havoc in the land, to spread corruption."
"I don't believe we are in a state of anarchy yet but the question must be how do we ensure a level of transparency with our government."
"I just want order, I just want there to be some peace and stability."
"The law is the rulebook that keeps ordered society from descending into chaos."
"If we don't have rules, then we have nothing."
"If you get rid of the big rules, you don't end up with no rules, you end up with an infinity of tiny rules."
"Enough is enough when it comes to crime and social disorder."
"Government authorities... execute justice by punishing those who do evil and rewarding those who do good." - Role of government in executing justice.
"What happens when no one enforces that order? I'll tell you what happens lawlessness is what happens when court orders are not enforced."
"Violence, looting, anarchy: not to be tolerated. Plain and simple."
"Germans wait for the green man to go before they cross the road... nice and orderly, just very different."
"The police are necessary to the healthy functioning of society, not from a thin blue line between us and barbarism."
"We're supposed to be a nation of laws, not a nation of anarchy and chaos."
"When I'm in chaos I say chaos, when I mean Anarchy I say Anarchy."
"The American people want to see law and order. They don't want to see lawlessness and disarray."
"History is just that period where the divine monarch imposes order onto chaos."
"The Pharaoh's duty was to uphold order against chaos and provide for his people."
"Anarchy only means without rulers, not chaos."
"The answer he gives is also particularly distinctive... reduced to the struggle for power and the provision or maintenance of order."
"Your reason for obeying it is that it is the law."
"Anything without rules is anarchy, chaos, madness."
"The offering they are bringing is securing the judgments of God that are setting things in order in society."
"His key idea was that self-interest could produce an orderly society benefiting everybody. It was as though there were an invisible hand at work."
"They crash the ark down to earth. They set up camp at Arcadia, which means no more Lord of the Flies stuff. The adults are in charge again."
"Japan has a very low level of immigration, a very high level of homogeneity. It is an orderly society, it is a successful society. But let's not think that Japan is the answer."
"Barbarians were not subordinated or domesticated to the hierarchical social order of sedentary agriculture in the state they were in almost every respect freer than the celebrated yeoman farmer."
"If citizens could choose to follow certain laws but ignore the others, society would break down."
"Where there is no prophetic revelation of God, the people cast off restraints."
"What makes people follow what the laws in the United States?"
"Human beings need order to function just as much as they need food."
"When we think of law and order, we usually think of crime and punishment, but it's all about protecting our person."
"The order that we live in that we take for granted is fragile."
"Our job is to see that society works peacefully according to law."
"Heaven is a monarchy, and the family is a monarchy."
"The production of law and order is the primary function of the state."
"Everything that you do, you have to have order to be respected as a people, to be respected as a nation."
"Historically, when they have hyperinflation, they want to keep enough order to keep the government in power and at least a modicum of peace in society."
"Law and Order is the most important prerequisite."
"Liberty can be realized only within an established state, ready to prevent a gangster from killing and robbing his weaker fellows."
"Order results in what we sometimes call human flourishing."
"That's how we bring civilization back, as long as we still have court systems."
"Safety isn't political. Having rules isn't political. Without rules, we have chaos, we have anarchy."
"The common good is always oriented toward the progress of persons; the order of things must be subordinate to the order of persons, and not the other way around."
"Wherever there's confusion, there's a lack of laws."
"The foundation of all free and good government, and of all social order, must be laid in families."