
Protagonism Quotes

There are 224 quotes

"Now is the time to be the main character in your movie and to take this happiness as the leading role."
"Everyone is the protagonist in our own stories."
"You are in your own lane, you are the main character in your story."
"He would almost be the PHD in criminal justice who found a way to solve his own crime and he got to be the star of his own show."
"I don't want my life to be like a movie, I want to be like a main character."
"Make yourself the main character in your own life story."
"Be your main character in your game of life."
"Amy Sakamoto: the protagonist of her own story."
"I am the protagonist and this is my story, and you're merely just living in it."
"If you don't star in your own life, who's going to?"
"Why did Meghan give a speech? Because she needed to say something, she just needed to be the protagonist in some way."
"She's the main character, her life feels like a movie."
"You are the main character in your life."
"I'm going to take up space, I'm going to take up room, and I'm going to be the main character in my life."
"We're authors of our own book, and we're the star of our own movie."
"You're the star of your own life, taking the lead role now."
"You are the leading cast in your own movie."
"We are all the main protagonists of our own lives."
"You don't have that main character energy."
"Be the main character of your own life."
"You are the hero in this narrative."
"You are the main character, you are the prize, you are the star of your reality."
"He feels like the protagonist of his own life story."
"You are the main character in a movie plot."
"You're on the leading edge of kind of your own life...like you're the main character."
"I'm the main character of my life."
"'I don't want to be compared to Zoo anymore,' Jing realizes. 'I'm the main character in my life.'"
"Jing decides: she won't let others define her. She's the main character in her own story."
"You're your own main character in your story."
"He's got main character vibes. He can do anything."
"Kogo was always the main character. I'm glad about that."
"She's the heroine of her own story."
"Noah, we finally got the opportunity to be the main characters of our own lives."
"He's literally the main character in his own story and on his own quest behind the scenes of the main show that we're watching."
"Living in New York City feels like being the main character in your favorite movie."
"Everybody is the lead actor in their own story."
"You are the main character in your life, and they find you 10 out of 10."
"I'm always the main character in my own life."
"You do things on your terms, you're never worried about the side characters."
"When you're the main character, you think about if things will benefit you and make you happy."
"Be self-aware and catch yourself if you start to feel uncomfortable, treat yourself like you are the main character."
"He might not be the hero, but he's the protagonist."
"Does this not give like main character energy?"
"You are the leading lady in your life."
"You're the main star of your own story."
"You are the main character in your story. You are it. You are the it girl. You are the main character. You are the one."
"Nothing says main character like having a show of your own life. It's basically like a diary or like one of those one line a day kind of Journal things."
"You give off the sense of a main character energy."
"I just have main character energy."
"You're the main character. You are right now."
"You can be the main character of your life right now."
"You're becoming the main character, the center of attention."
"You're the main character of your life."
"I am the main character after all."
"Every person is the lead character in the story of their own lives."
"You're a protagonist. You're a main character."
"Your Spirit guides want you to make yourself the main character."
"Everyone has a different journey. Make yourself the main character."
"Daemon was a star of his own short story."
"He walks around with main character energy and everyone else was just an NPC."
"It's like he's the main character, right? Makes sense."
"These ladies just wanted some main character syndrome to themselves."
"You are realizing that you are literally the main character."
"You need to be the main character of your own life."
"Don't just be an extra in your own story."
"We always knew that we'd be the main characters in this tale of resilience."
"This is her movie, without a doubt."
"That is some serious main character syndrome if I've ever seen it."
"He feels like a chosen one, like he is the one."
"I wanted to play main protagonists. I didn't want to play supporting roles anymore."
"Who doesn't want to be a main character?"
"You're the protagonist of your own life."
"You choose to be a main character."
"We were the main characters there."
"We were actually the main characters there."
"Main character life is for everybody and you can be the main character of your life even if you don't want to be over the top and loud and get all the attention on you. You can still be the main character. You still are the main character in your own life."
"It all starts with that. That's just the best life when we have so much self-love and when we're like the main character in our life creating our best life."
"My name is Luz, I'm the main character."
"I just love being my own main character."
"This is my league now. I'm the main character."
"Mob is the protagonist of his own life."
"It's critically important to me that you star in your own life."
"If you don't star in your life, who will?"
"Are you starring in your own life? Because if you don't star in your own life, for God's sakes, who is?"
"You're either the star of your own movie or you're the cameo in someone else's movie."
"We're all the main characters of our own story."
"It's the main character energy, yeah, it's just like I'm on an adventure."
"We need to stop thinking of ourselves as the protagonist and the lead character because we're not; He is."
"Live your life like you are the main character because you are, you are the main character of your life."
"You are the main character of your life."
"In this life, you are the main character; in your storyline, you are the main actor."
"You need to be the main character of your day."
"You are the most important person in your story; without you, there is no story."
"Some excuse must always be found to make the PCs the stars of the action."
"Act like you're the main character of your own movie."
"You're in your main character energy."
"Your life is like a movie, and you're the main character."
"I'm the protagonist of this story."
"You're not the sidekick, you are the main act."
"I feel like I'm the main character in my life now."
"Everyone is a side character in other people's stories, but we are each the protagonist of our own lives."
"You're the main character, everybody else is just a side."
"Be a traveler, not a wanderer. You are the protagonist in your own story."
"You're the main character, and the world is your stage."
"I've got a lot of main character energy today."
"Always remember that you guys are your own main characters."
"This is how I live my life. I'm always the main character."
"You're the star of your own story."
"They are the stars of their own movie."
"Step into your star-like quality, essentially become the main character of your own life."
"I have got main character energy."
"I am 100% the hero of that story, and I'm living my movie of my own life."
"You are the hero in your story; everyone else around you are just secondary characters."
"You're the lead character in the story of your life."
"You are the true protagonist of this story."
"I love my female protagonist right where they belong, at the front and center of the story."
"Be the main character without being the antagonist."
"You need to be the main character in your own story."
"You want to be the main character in your life."
"You are the main character of your life; you're not in the backdrop."
"Main character mentality means... you're going to give them the leading role where no matter what happens... there's a purpose to this character that they get the end result."
"Shift out of backdrop mentality and move yourself into main character mentality."
"I need you to be the main character, I need the main character energy in your life."
"You're the main character in your story."
"My idea as a coach has always been the same, which is to be a protagonist."
"We all want to be a protagonist at our ages."
"I am main girl, I am it girl, I am main character."
"You're the protagonist; you're the main character of your own story."
"You can be the main character of your life."
"I'm the hero in this conversation."
"I very much feel like the main character right now."
"You're the protagonist of your life; take action now."
"Be the main character of your movie."
"You are now the main character of your own movie."
"You are the main character of your story, and that is a beautiful mindset to cultivate."
"You're not the hero of the story, I am."
"You're not somebody who should be a background character in your own life."
"I'm the main character, and my destiny needs to suffer alone."
"You have to be the main character of your own life, don't you?"
"You're the main character of this story."
"Life is just so magical, we're really the main characters."
"Start living as the main character, that is how you romanticize your life."
"Dragons are cool, okay? I want them to be the main character."
"Romanticize everything... act like the main character of your life because, girl, you are the main character of your life."
"You are the main character of your story."
"I'm the main character of my own movie."
"We'd like to think we're the main character of our own story, therefore we have plot armor."
"You decide that you're the lead character in the story of your life."
"You are the lead character in the story of your life and you get to decide what happens."
"You're the protagonist of your own story."
"You control your life; you're the main character of your own story."
"I see you still don't know that I'm the main character."
"In the dream, I am the star; it's me."
"Everyone has their own story, and rarely, very rarely, the real protagonist appears."
"You are the main character of your movie."
"You guys are becoming the main character in your life."
"We're all the main characters in our own stories."
"You are the star of the show that is your life."
"You are the main character, you are the star."
"You're making yourself the star of your own show; you are the main character in your story."
"You're the star in the movie; everybody else is just background characters."
"We're all the main characters of our own life."
"I think I'm the main character of a movie."
"You need to take more of a center stage role or you need to be the main character of your own story."
"You're the main character in this movie."
"You're the main character in your own movie."
"I am the main character of this bad boy, and I'm gonna make sure that she's doing everything she wants to do and feels good while she's doing them."
"I am the main character in my life and I'm not gonna let other people's judgments, no matter how close to me they are, affect me."
"You're the star in your own story."
"You are the star of your own story."
"Life is your stage, and you are a performer on that stage, the main character on that stage."
"This is your life, you're the creator, you're the main role, you're the star."
"You're the main character here, so embrace it."
"You are the main character in your narrative, you are slaying any obstacle that comes in your way."
"Own the moment, be the main character."
"I want to feel like I'm the main character of my life."
"You write your own world, you're the main character here, you're the star of the show."
"It's time for you to be the main character in your own movie."
"I only tell my own stories, yet I became the main character without even knowing."
"You are the main character in this movie called life."
"You are stepping into being the main character of your life."
"I am the main character of my own plot at all times."
"You're the contestant in your own life, you're the main character, you don't gotta live by anybody else's rules."
"Honor yourself as if you were the star of the movie of your life."
"You are your own main character in your life."
"Everybody's the main character in their own life."
"You are not an observer but rather the hero of your own life story."
"You start to see yourself as the main character in your own movie."
"Life should be one big adventure, and you're the main star in your adventure, in your life."
"You have become the main character in the movie that is your life."
"I don't know if this is just me or what, but I'm the main character; like I'm in the book."
"You're the star in your own life, not the supporting actress in everyone else's."
"It's my story, so clearly I'm the hero."
"You are the main character, don't forget that."
"You are moving up, you're becoming the star, you're the main character."