
Personal Reminder Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"I'd like to share with you some important lessons that I need reminding of, and you all, I believe, also do too."
"Look at your lock screen, that's your reason to keep going."
"It's a reminder to me that there is immense beauty and immense magic in allowing yourself to feel emotions."
"It's the very first thing you told me when I met you at the tugboat war: war never changes."
"Sorry for the intrusion, hey Nat, why don't you hang out with Mom and get started on your homework? Mom, I'll be right back, okay?"
"Every time it happens I'm so grateful for the reminder."
"When you feel like quitting, remember why you started."
"Don't ever forget who you are." - Michelle Williams
"Strength" - a constant companion on my wrist.
"That's an important statement, just put that in your hat."
"Let me tell you boo boo, this is a reminder that you are sexy, you are amazing."
"Sometimes people forget that you're actually a human."
"Every time I see that hamster, I remember, 'Oh yeah, don't trust Squashy.'"
"I'm a heavyweight... just in case you don't remember."
"Watches can house something that I think can be a reminder for us as we continue throughout our lives."
"We literally have one life, one life you guys, and this is something that I remind myself of whenever I feel stressed or fear or I feel like down on myself."
"Do you remember what day it is today? Happy birthday!"
"Remember how happy you are and how good you feel right now when you are tempted or have to struggle in the future."
"Let this be a reminder to you, it'll never fall off."
"Remember to shine your light, remember your confidence."
"This is just a reminder to me that God was with me and I believe he protected me."
"You're forgetting something about yourself. Your body's made up of 65% water."
"You take that. Anytime you need a reminder, okay?"
"I hope it serves as a reminder to take care of yourself."
"Here's your sign to get whatever you need to done."
"I gotta hurry up, I haven't ordered mine yet!"
"Everything is different everything is different okay remember that everybody."
"Life moves fast, people. Sit back and enjoy it when you can."
"Never lose sight of why you were creating in the first place."
"It's all about patience as well. I started my business in 2017, y'all, I cannot stress this enough, 2017, stop playing with me."
"It's just a sign to myself that I already saw this one."
"You deserve better. The fact that you know that, you need to remind yourself of that every single day."
"The book 'Don't Be a Wife to a Boyfriend' is sitting on the nightstand and I see the title every day. I've never read the book but the title reminds me to value myself."
"I need to make sure that remind myself yeah that I'm good that I'm okay you know what I mean like after all this showing off his right artistic abilities."
"It's just a reminder of why I cook at home."
"My doctor says whenever I get a trophy craving I should just put in a commemorative DVD to remind me that it’s really about the journey, not the destination so much."
"A tattoo done properly is a reminder to yourself."
"Sarah of the future, if you feel like doing this again, Sarah of the even further future would be so happy about it."
"I'm just human, going to go play a game, and that sort of reminds me to keep things simple and just play football."
"You've got to remember why you started trading."
"I keep this picture of myself in my wallet so I can see it when I'm about to waste money on things I don't need."
"And everything you do, remember to do it, be you."
"This is a friendly reminder for myself to not move out of California because Sarah Lee blueberry bagels are the best of the best."
"Note to self: never eat currywurst before a 1,000 kilometer challenge."
"Remember who you are, remember that you're an adaptable being."
"The most important person in my knitting life is me and I have to remember that."