
Bibliophilia Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"It's lucrative, rewarding, relaxing, and I'm a bibliophile."
"The smell of books, I see as a book collector, that for me is just the most wonderful smell."
"I love, respect, and appreciate books in their entirety... they've been with me since I was reading books as a kid."
"I think we love books. I don't feel like we could ever have too many books."
"Getting to know good book dealers is a wonderful way to learn the field and to handle books."
"I tend to use books a lot for my everyday life and I feel like I find myself learning lessons and seeing things through books that's why I love them so much."
"I will tell you why I have loved that book because I only keep books that I have read and loved."
"The physical book is very important to me."
"I love books which is why this resonated with me."
"I love books about books and even within the book, they're talking about how rare book dealers just love books."
"I identified with his love of books, this love of learning."
"I love books, I love reading, I love writing, I love all things books and bookish."
"I grew up around books, so they've always just been a part of me."
"Books about books, books related to books, books with authors as main characters."
"Is there such a thing as too many books? I found out the answer is yes."
"I just love books so much and I love reading so much."
"I love books about books and the joy of reading."
"I just love books; I love collecting them, I love buying them, I love reading them."
"I love to hold them, sometimes even smell them, open them, read the publication information, read the acknowledgements."
"She loves books so much that it has made her love trees too because they produce books."
"I genuinely love libraries and I've been very grateful that I've been able to take books home from the jobs I had."
"I'm totally a bibliophile. I love books and I work in a library, so it helps."
"I'm just so excited to talk about books."
"Does anyone else like to smell their books? I love the smell."
"I love books, so this next idea is one of my all-time favorite gift ideas."
"I can never let go of physical books, I love them."
"We love comforting books and we love chatting about books together."
"I love books about people who love books."
"I love books. My dream is to have like a library full of them one day."
"You're Gonna Love This Book if you love books, you're going to love this book."
"She loved books so much she loved how they felt, how they smelled, and she once told me she wanted to live in a library."
"I'm a sucker for a library, as you guys know."
"I'm a bibliophile. I love books. I love reading. And I love collecting books."
"I love books... I love seeing how they're made, how they're put together, how they're sequenced."
"I always love books and so I was an avid reader as a kid."
"I love the way that books look, I love the way they smell; that's my thing."
"Preferring books over having three meals a day."
"I love holding a book in my hand... they're like little treasures I just can't get rid of them."
"I'm in love with my library at this point."
"I do love the feel and smell of a book."
"I love books. I could get lost in a book for many hours."
"I've loved books my whole entire life, ever since I first learned to read as a girl."
"The main character essentially lives in the library, or wants to work there, and libraries are magical."
"You don't have a book buying problem, you have a book storing problem."
"The ancients laughed at the difference between the materialistic bibliophile who collected books as commodities, and the cultured person who actually understood their contents."
"I love books, and this just makes my heart so happy."