
Bait Quotes

There are 250 quotes

"Triple trout can be hard to get, but if you can get your hands on one, they're awesome baits."
"It's all about giving the carp something that looks natural, and they will pick it up without hesitation."
"I think there's two things that are proven to get bass really big: it's bluegill and crawfish."
"I don't know what it is about crawfish, maybe they're really fatty, but they get bass like huge."
"That bait, that half a night crawler, just falling real slow, as it's falling, it's moving. That's deadly."
"Once the fish start feeding, the chances of them picking up your hook bait are very, very high."
"It's just you know one of the best carp baits of all time."
"...this bait absolutely dominated... it's all because of forward-facing sonar."
"...ultimately why this bait works so well is it just mimics baitfish much more natural than anything else."
"Consider using a larger bait if there are large shoals of bream around."
"One of the biggest game-changers for me was definitely yellow hook baits."
"...I put some fresh scent on there, and I immediately caught a fish, so my guess is that that's definitely impacting things."
"Corn: the ultimate bait for multi-species fishing."
"Different ways to mount corn for fishing."
"Boilies are probably the most used carp fishing bait."
"There are some subtleties when it comes to putting bait on whether you're using wire or monofilament."
"Bait is the key to unlock everything."
"The bait was really tough and it held up well against the bream. They didn't seem to like it and I switched onto that bait and it transformed my season on there."
"It's not what you put in the bait that counts, it's what they can't get out of it."
"You can control how much bait and food particles you're actually putting in the swim."
"This is an awesome bait, dare I say a new concept of action has been discovered."
"For bait today, I got a smorgasbord to offer these fish."
"let me show y'all the bait we have for today we've got some frozen mullet I've got some frozen shrimp caught in the cast net here a couple weeks back and then I went out last night caught myself a bunch of mud minnows"
"Big bait equals Big Fish. It's just like 1 plus 1 equal 2."
"...when you hop it off the bottom that weight falls down the bait can really shimmy on its way down triggering a bass bite."
"It reacts really quickly in the fish's mouth and it also hooks them really well."
"Meat is an absolutely deadly bait."
"This is one of my favorite baits to throw, especially around the spawn pre-spawn spawn and even post spawn."
"Now lure number four is a Glide bait."
"If you can find the schools of bait the you know Shad uh you know baby crappie baby bluegill whatever it may be on your fishery you will find the best so look for that bait look for the bait balls."
"Now is the chance for them to like yeah that doesn't look right right so if you're burning a bait past them and it's reacting and they're chasing it down you have a little bit more wiggle room or play to mess around with colors and such."
"Soft jerk baits are incredibly effective this time of year."
"I want to make sure that my baits are on the feeder so I'm going to be soaking the pellets for a maximum of sort of three minutes four minutes so they're still sort of crunch on the inside and soft on the outside like an armadillo. That's what I want."
"That is probably my favorite flipping bait. I know everybody thinks it's a jig, but I honestly think there's a part of my mind that would say if I could only have one flipping bait..."
"We know that shrimp is like one of the best baits in all of saltwater fishing."
"If you can't choose a color you want, just pick up this bait."
"I needed a man whose description would be as unimpressive as possible and whose face wouldn't be known to the public or the Press. I was setting a trap for the real killer and I needed bait."
"Bait would come ahead of rigs and then rigs lastly, but I would say the most important thing about a rig is that it's attached to a bait they want to open their mouth for."
"How much does that kind of thing play a part in bait, do you think?"
"On low stock waters or waters that aren't frequently fished, I think sweet corn is absolutely brilliant. It's one of the best baits you can possibly even think of using."
"Curly tail worms are the best baits ever made."
"You've always got to think what are these carp feeding on more than anything else."
"By far the most expensive bait that I found today."
"This bait right here will trigger a genetic response."
"I was mind blown when I saw this bait in the water, absolutely mind blown. It fishes so effectively, it's incredible. These two baits are probably, I'm willing to say it, they're probably the best glide baits I have seen come out in the last 10 years."
"Not a single bait died throughout the day."
"I'm thinking this is going to be like some sort of a Glide bait and I could definitely see us catching a big one on it."
"Beautiful matching the hatch with that little Pro Shad there."
"A nice paste, now paste is not a complicated bait at all."
"I always wanted a bait that I knew that when I turn up a carp will eat it um and that is why I always turn back to the S7."
"You want a non-selective bait: maggots, casters, worms, that you will catch everything."
"Carp fishing has no rules, but it's all about confidence, and for me, S7 gives me the most confidence in any bait I've ever used."
"The best thing about the S7 is that it comes in three different colors for the hookbait. It just goes to show how color is affecting the spot and affecting the carp picking up the rig."
"...a perfect way of getting round your venue that might ban imitation baits."
"I don't like bait limits you know what I mean."
"There's no better bait than paste for being able to keep a tight line to your hook bait which is perfect for showing off everything that's going on in your pack."
"It's all about the lovely sexy fall of that bait."
"The key thing that I'm after is my bait to impart the most attraction."
"It's worth noting that because there's a lot more going on with the likes of the chod rig and the hinge rig sort of at the hook bait end you need to use a really buoyant pop-up."
"I've run out of live bait and these fish don't seem to prefer the grubs I've been throwing at them."
"I absolutely love these hooks for margin work you can fish nice big hook baits big bunch of maggots two bits of corn two full worms and that's it that's a components don't mess around when you're fishing in the edge."
"The Ned rig is only small fish bait because it absolutely is not."
"Winter fishing such an underestimated bait, corn."
"Corn is a really, really good bait."
"You can smash them on a fluke even when they want a top water. You could speed that fluke up, work it right on the surface cutting and hopping, and they come unglued for it."
"Oh, I love the lipless crank bait."
"I just don't think you can get a better hook bait than that."
"That bait's gonna sit horizontal in the water just like a fish."
"The soft plastic swim bait imitates baitfish like shad, minnows, and bluegill, and does an excellent job of mimicking those types of bait fish."
"So all I'm doing is I'm piercing them at the top, through the two little black eyes, to avoid bursting them, making like a nice little maggoty kebab on the bait screw, on the bait needle."
"...the lipless crankbait was the deal for casting in and around shallow grass ripping it out of that grass to create a reaction strike."
"I also love tipping my zigs with maggots. I think a carp swimming past sees that wiggling ball of maggots, and I mean anyone will tell you it's Alan Blair's favorite hook bait choice, a big ball of maggots."
"If you just want a lure that is consistent, that you can use pretty much anywhere just to get strikes, if you're just trying to get tight lines, I can't think of a better bait than the Slam Shady."
"They're both killer baits in my opinion, oh yeah, they both work super well."
"...this bait especially with a bait like a z craw or anything with a bunch of action is the perfect bait for covering water in the Ozark region of the country."
"All the baits in this video will catch fish."
"I'm just gonna stick these little pieces of bait on there and throw these things out."
"Magnum swimbaits are the way to go."
"What bait to use...doesn't make a great deal of difference."
"A lot of his fish coming on a three-quarter ounce lipless crankbait."
"This helgermite imitation works exceptionally well in the spring."
"And this is a maggot that could represent anything from a Caddis larva to a scud and even a wax worm."
"Using double baits and then a double bait rig is completely different and it will really trip up those wary carp."
"Matching the hatch can really trip up those fish that don't get caught very often."
"Using something that matches their natural food can really help you catch those extra fish."
"Just try bigger baits and I think you will be thanking me for it."
"Soaking your baits in lake water before your session can mimic that situation of washed out bait."
"Caught one on the crankbait, definitely not on a jerk bait."
"...they both have pros and cons but there have been days I've been out fishing where fish gum didn't catch the fish and fish bites did or vice versa so I do like to always have both options."
"So when in doubt go to live bait I promise you fishing with that live bait it's probably gonna get you more bites however going to some of those artificials can certainly trigger some very big fish"
"We're going to go ahead to Mr. Richards bait shop and get us some live herring for the first time."
"The baits I've actually brought today, I've got some six mil meat now this is going to be thrown on a short line."
"Love catching catfish on those blood baits."
"A Glide bait is typically a jointed lure but it can be a solid body lure."
"Great bait all year round, especially in the spring."
"If you want to give your pellet an extra glaze, some extra attraction, then they're definitely the ones to use."
"...you can just make a bait that's shaped the right way and as long as it swims right you can just... it'll catch fish."
"The cliff banger, the reason why it is such a great crankbait is it's super buoyant."
"It's just a mega line for catching a massive amount of your weight every single match you go to whether it's maggots or casters."
"Using boilies to attract the crayfish in and often what I do I bait I might I might bait a lot of tiger nut and not tiger nuts I might bait a lot of flake scopic squid and 20 Millers and 24 Millers."
"When the bait fish is present in the shallows, your top water bite is ready to kick off."
"When those fish eat it, the stick bait gives you just a little split-second before you hit it or feel it."
"If you have not seen raw baits, check him out on Instagram. He's a bait genius."
"Hey, look at this bait. This bait don't work no more."
"I love having jigging wrap style baits on hand because you never know when you're gonna be fishing in deep water or fishing heavy current and you need something you can rip in the current or in the deep water and get the fish's attention."
"So if all your baits come out gooey just give me a call, I'll come refill you."
"Great bait, something good to eat, fun for the kids to catch, or fun for the big kids like me to catch."
"If I could catch catfish on sticks and limbs and stuff, Lord, I'd never run out of bait."
"They'll still hit close to the surface, they just won't break the surface, especially when you see no bait."
"this is my go-to bait it will generate bigger bites than that spark chad though you can still catch fish on the spark chad in the exact same situations"
"It's really about just giving you a couple tidbits of information about each one of these baits that I'm going to show you and tell you what I like about them and why and where I throw them."
"10-inch worm gas, all right, this is a mondo worm here, you know, it's just a big worm, right? Any 10-inch worm will work, but this one right here, it's kind of special, just kind of, it's kind of special."
"I mean, not super exciting, but a pretty good bait."
"I love when people take my bait, uh."
"That was a bait, unfortunately you'll be taking your leave."
"There are plenty of other baits you'll see for sea fishing other than lugworm"
"The caster can be a phenomenal bait if you can get the fish switched onto it."
"...finding a hook bait from the bomb that was more versatile than a hard pellet."
"...a bait that stands out among many."
"...these were definitely the choice finding their eight mil sinking expanders."
"...it is my go-to hook bait whenever i'm feeding eight mils on a bomb."
"...a hook bait that stands out among all the others."
"The neat thing about this is that this is a very economical bait."
"The Strike King 1.5 is just a legendary bait and it's simple."
"This is actually more of a wake bait than it is a crankbait."
"The Lucky Craft BDS 1, such a deadly deadly bait."
"...absolute fish crushing machine."
"I've had the baits that literally I would pick apart from meat."
"...um so I'm just gonna pop a Caster cast is a really good bait on the Trent at the minute so I'm just going to hook it um through there like that in fact just while I'm doing that I'll just run through the bait..."
"Month of May down South, walking top water bait and a popping style bait are phenomenal."
"In the month of May down South, pop a bluegill colored popper around the beds."
"Try those four baits in the month of May and you're going to catch some bass."
"Essentially all you're doing is taking live bait, putting it on a little hook, and then you have a bunch of invisible fluorocarbon and you're just dangling that bait right in front of the walleye's face."
"Anywhere where you've got a lot of carp in the venue, they love a hard pellet. It's almost their staple diet."
"Kevin called that sexy shad at bait early in the week for the week talked about catching him on and he said we're gonna bring sexy back this week and we've done that."
"What is the Bandito Bug? The Bandito Bug is a compact creature bait with a lot of little appendages on it."
"You can catch them on a swimbait head with your traditional 4.8 or whatever soft swim bait you may like, but if you add a little flash a little vibration it goes a long way."
"So you get very good hook sets, you can feel every bite, and it will just allow you to know if your bait is performing properly under the water at all times."
"That's it, yeah, dude, so super overlooked bait, the Hazedong, but dude, it's so fun."
"I'm the only bait company in Europe, as far as I know, that has gone to the trouble of producing this dose rate chart."
"If you had one muskie bait to go musky fishing, this would pretty much be a lock and load, all you'd need."
"you've got just this beautiful kind of pink Gil pattern in a bait that has that DD so or DRS so that one knocker sound"
"The first time catfishing with chicken."
"When big fish are the target on commercials, there's only one bait for me."
"There are two baits in my box that I would throw as a Glide bait."
"I caught a lot of fish on this bait."
"Swim bait wise, I'm bringing some Nico Winnows. These are basically an indestructible paddle tail, it's fantastic."
"Fish number four mate, fruit and nut, yeah mate on a little bag."
"There is just something special about this style of bait when it comes to targeting Big Fish."
"Using these ground baits to attract the fish into the peg and then using them in a different way to catch them is what can be so effective."
"Z-man partnered with Ned Kade on this to create the TRD which are the little tiny worm that everybody's calling the turd."
"When you get in that situation that bait, those fish are getting wary they still want to feed but they're feeling those things go by there's something about that bait that just continues to get them."
"Live bait such as Anchovies, smelts, and sardines can be effective for catching Halibut."
"Flash is everything, especially with shad; it can be the difference between getting 2 or 30 bites."
"If I've got that cover up along shore, I've got a couple of baits that I use. One is still the frog."
"Everything you do, be it Plumbing up not feeding just dropping out one delicate painting it's just not upsetting them fish and getting those few extra bites when the fish aren't feeding right."
"So you got that guy right there, Power Worm on the jig head right in the roof of the mouth, super easy."
"That's a big boy swim bait right there."
"Berkeley Gulp of any kind in general is so useful, especially when you're fishing for fish that are more reliant on smell."
"This is the Storm Wild Eye Sunfish. This is a fairly cheap, inexpensive swim bait."
"The most important aspect of this bait is... providing spacing between the bait and the hook so the hook always is going to swing freely behind the bait."
"Can we just take a moment here to notice that these fish didn't want the orange, the peanut butter, this stand-up jig? They wanted a topwater bait."
"These trout love inline spinners not so much on the flu flu jigs even the one-dollar spinner they like."
"I've got some baits that I would, that are really beat up and stuff, but it looks a little bit too nice."
"...if you guys are looking to get into some trout, bottom-bouncing baits, you don't really like the Huddlestons or, you know, basements are way too much, Savage Gear's got you covered now with their pulse tail trout."
"Buzzbait moves faster, it's harder for them to miss it if that makes sense."
"A neutral buoyancy hook bait or something that behaves a little bit different from the offerings can be very, very successful outwitting your carp."
"This is my favorite bottom bait presentation, it's a rig I've been using with a lot of success over the past year."
"Matching your hook bait to the offerings can often be a winner."
"A popper is an amazing bait maybe I'm going fishing with a kid or maybe I'm going fishing with somebody who doesn't fish very often a popper is a great place to start."
"Now what's awesome about a walking bait is rarely do I ever stop this thing it's almost always a constant movement on the surface."
"...a bait that I have a ton of confidence in."
"Let's go hair jig, let's go chatter bait, and Tube it's literally all we need here, they're not picky."
"This is my favorite bait of all time."
"Big bass cannot stand it, they just crush it."
"it's an excellent option for throwing the trace got it paired up with a Shimano Corrado 200 7.5 four to one seven to one gear ratio as my preferred speed because this bait was designed to be burned"
"The smart baits, and what's really cool about these is they change colors."
"This style bait seems to catch them best in smaller bodies of water."
"This right here, I can guarantee you, this is gonna work. This is going to draw out strikes. That is going to look like a dying, twitching, on-his-last-legs baitfish, and bass just come unglued on stuff like this right here. Super realistic, man. Stoked on the new Panorama."
"That looks like almost like you're fishing cut bait, you know what I mean? Like you're one step away from a bucket of minnows with that one right there."
"I think anyone who's ever thrown a grub, you know, black, blue flake, green pumpkin, watermelon, things like that are always effective."
"They make some really awesome baits for snook, redfish, tarpon, pretty much anything you can catch inshore."
"This stuff right here, bait pop. Oh, it's the deal. I got a fresh thing of bait pop on there. When it comes up there behind, they bite it 100% of the time."
"Puffy fluffy grabs a jar of fishing bait."
"I'm planning to catch some live bait and hopefully I get a few bread and butter fish as well."
"I want my bait to look so real and to look so right, I strive for the most natural presentation."
"Fish love to eat earthworms. It's like peanut butter and jelly to them."
"Shrimp style baits are one of the hottest soft plastic baits in Japan because, well, shrimp live in most of the waters there."
"Maggots are great because all fish eat maggots, from the tiniest little minnows all the way through to great big carps."
"Is the Senko the best bass fishing bait ever made? So many tournaments been won on it, so many big fish have been caught on it."
"This right here is the best plopping style bait on the market, hands down, point blank period."
"Use the baits you're confident in, and the fish will find it."
"The plan here is to get some bait fish so that we can use them this evening."
"If we're going fishing for Mr. Yarbo, I might as well be the worm."
"The best bait that you can use on the reef is the bait that lives on the reef."
"My go-to bait is going to be shrimp, you're gonna catch pretty much every species imaginable on a shrimp."
"Fresh bait is vital in today's highly pressured fisheries."
"Food is the key to catch any fish."
"It goes along the natural and something that fish naturally feed on in the river."
"Live target is basically a company that makes these ultra-realistic looking baits."