
Potassium Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"The potassium plays a critical role in how your brain fires."
"Potassium works with the sodium to help regulate blood pressure and fluid balance."
"Now something else that really helped my fluid retention and just overall bettered my state of being during this challenge was ensuring that I was hitting my potassium goals."
"Potassium helps our blood vessels to expand and contract, and it can help decrease blood volume."
"Potassium, potassium, and suddenly hundreds of people dressed as bananas flood this restaurant chanting potassium over and over."
"Potassium is a physiological tranquilizer. It relaxes the body much like magnesium does."
"I love banana bread. I know. Potassium would be good for you."
"Apples offer a judicious dose of potassium, a vital mineral for overall kidney well-being."
"Potassium is going to continue to leave the cell beyond the resting value, past minus 72, minus 90."
"Bananas are very rich in potassium, which can aid digestion."
"Regular V8 is a salt bomb, but the low sodium is also loaded with potassium."
"When you look at potassium inside cells, it's about a hundred and forty."
"Just like hyperkalemia, hypokalemia can be very dangerous as well."
"If you're somebody who always has normal potassium and all of a sudden you have high potassium and you're like there's no way I didn't do anything different."
"Potassium is something that plants suck up when they are doing a lot of high-color intensity photosynthesis."
"A potato has more potassium in it than a banana."
"The banana that gives you the most is potassium."
"Bananas are very high in potassium."
"Potassium helps balance the negative effects of sodium and stabilize blood pressure."
"Potassium helps with basically root development, nice healthy roots."
"Potassium is a major intracellular cation important for muscle and heart function."
"Potassium is a physiological tranquilizer; it calms the nervous system down."
"Bananas are especially rich in potassium and can help replenish your body's stores."
"The function of potassium is regulation of neuromuscular excitability."
"Hyperkalemia, a too high of a concentration of potassium in the blood."
"High potassium is associated with better outcomes: fewer strokes, fewer heart attacks, lower blood pressure."
"Bananas have a lot of nutritional benefits: fiber, some potassium, B6, and vitamin C."
"Potassium rich foods are extremely important and helpful."
"If you increase the amount of potassium that you add into your diet, the natural reaction is going to be that your body is going to kick sodium out."
"It's actually like probably the richest source of potassium of any natural food in the whole world."
"Bananas help your muscles relax thanks to potassium."
"Potassium-rich foods include potatoes, oranges, tomatoes, avocados, strawberries, spinach, fish, mushrooms, and musk melons."
"Potassium has a really poor reputation in the kidney world and people get so scared of it, but it is an essential nutrient that our heart needs to beat."
"The rich potassium and minerals present in dates also help in controlling blood pressure levels."
"Potassium determines the electrical voltage of every single cell in our body."
"Potassium is really good for blood pressure and overall good heart health."
"Speaking of potassium, potatoes are excellent."
"Hypokalemia occurs if the potassium level drops below 3.5."
"When there's not enough potassium, the heart will have a harder time functioning."
"There happens to be a lot of potassium on the inside of the cell and there's a lot of sodium on the outside."
"Potassium regulates your CO2 uptake through the stomata and it's what helps with the flavor."
"Potassium is going to regulate how much water is taken up through the roots of the plant."
"Potassium has almost a hardening off effect of the plant, which will help it in turn fight disease."
"If potassium gets too high, we can get various arrhythmias and death; if it gets too low, it's used for multiple cell functions, also can result in death."