
Solid Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"A solid showing." - EHOME's performance impresses.
"Nothing groundbreaking by any means but incredibly solid, absolutely understanding what its audience wanted."
"Honestly, there's not much I really want to change about this game. It's a pretty solid entry in the Luigi's Mansion series."
"It's not a super sick flick, but it is a really solid zombie film that I highly recommend."
"Just a solid, interesting thriller."
"Overall, it's a really solid lineup, even if expensive for their cheapest model."
"Your first film was honestly pretty [ __ ] solid."
"This thing is solid, it is just gonna be a really nice deal."
"Lucy is a solid character who feels like more than a generic love interest."
"He's a solid man who has good ideas and loves your second amendment rights"
"Carnage's character in this show is so solid."
"That's definitely an A plus in my opinion for a 35 mystery box. That was pretty solid."
"It's solid. It's hefty. It's one of the better hammers I've ever wielded."
"Wow, that was solid writing, honestly solid."
"This is a solid chocolate chip cookie."
"Solid and even a step up from the debut."
"Patrick, a really cool long-lasting solid boy name."
"The action was so solid, it was so good."
"Even with all the disturbing nature in it, even with all the messed up things that do happen, I still consider this a very solid and a really good movie."
"This is a solid option, especially in this premier configuration."
"An overall very solid trilogy in my eyes."
"Our net is anywhere from four to four thousand to forty five hundred which is solid."
"Honestly, there's not much I suggest you can improve here. Solid job."
"This is just a really solid Optimus."
"This is just some really good solid deep psych."
"It's solid, it gives you a lot of hope for the team."
"The animation, headed by Don Bluth, is typically solid."
"Plastic-wise feels nice, it's not creaky at all, feels very solid I have to say, more solid than the real deal."
"It's laminated, it is solid, there is zero flex to this roof."
"For a noise gate, it's definitely solid."
"That's so solid, that's what I'm talking about!"
"Rock solid, just absolutely rock solid."
"This is a very solid little sweatshirt."
"It's a solid option in conclusion."
"That's actually really, really solid."
"That one is actually really, really solid."
"The A36 showed itself to be a very solid aircraft."
"Overall, I think this figure looks really, really solid."
"Overall, it's quiet, solid, and refined."
"If you're looking for an interesting twist on the classic Carol, this one is rock solid."
"I don't think it completely blows your socks off or anything, but I do think it is solid."
"I still think it's a really, really solid Kiss record."
"Very solid Giallo film from him actually, I definitely recommend that one."
"The very center of the Earth, even though the temperature is much hotter than the outer parts of the layers, it's solid because it's pressure frozen."
"His discography is pretty damn solid."
"Overall, I thought it was a pretty solid season; I really enjoyed it."
"It's just an incredibly solid movie."
"God's Word doesn't conform, it doesn't change with the times; it's remained solid and unyielding."
"Everything in this movie, in terms of writing, is pretty damn solid, if not just really good."
"Overall, a solid entry-level keyboard."
"Overall, The Beast of Catalu Adventure is a very solid game and it was a lot of fun."
"For heat conduction within a solid, this equation involves temperature as a function of position and time."
"The album overall seems really solid."
"That was overall a very solid performance."
"Solid is an acronym: S stands for Single Responsibility, O for Open-Closed, L for Liskov Substitution, I for Interface Segregation, and D for Dependency Inversion."