
Posing Quotes

There are 105 quotes

"I'm a gift to this world I'm just gonna pose here bravado stunning."
"Posing is always important. That was the magic of bodybuilding. It was almost like muscular ballet. The body spoke, your body spoke with the music."
"Even with my guy, I would teach him a certain way to pose. He comes to you, you just open up."
"My trick is that I have a few go-to poses that I always do, but I feel like at the end of the day, you do want to just do poses that you feel comfortable and natural."
"They're always just kind of posing for pictures."
"The trick there is just to understand simply that if you can control proportion, then you can modify it yourself and sort of create interesting poses and ideas."
"Try to get your posing down in the very beginning stages of your bodybuilding journey."
"My posing is not traditional because I focus on connection over perfection."
"This is ridiculous. What kind of pose do you want? You're going to get it, folks. Don't even worry about it."
"I'm trying to pose like the picture, foreign."
"But man am I loving the way we can pose these smaller ones in the detail on those."
"Space bumblebee has a perfect alt mode with a decent robot mode that's accurate to what it's going for, with a good transformation and amazing posing."
"Brittany's really getting creative with her posing. I think she's doing a great job. She's really thinking of every different thing that she can do."
"Things that we're considering when we're making these poses is contrast between them."
"Feminine poses are just a lot more fun and in my view more visually appealing."
"Float the limbs. You want to feel like they're being lifted, right? So like we don't want the arms to be like this, we want them to kind of come off the body like that. It shows shape to the body."
"It's all about angles, right? And the other thing we don't want to do when we're posing somebody, we want to avoid smooshing the body unless that's something specific you're working to do."
"Every couple has a pose, now it's not always true, but it doesn't matter because the goal is to encourage my client."
"Pose their bodies like two pieces of a puzzle."
"I think if he can make some tweaks to his posing, I think he can improve, because it looks like, like you look at a rear lats spread, he's got all the muscle there, but then he hits a rear double and it just isn't there, and I think it's a posing thing."
"Where are you taking this pose today?"
"I feel like this is a look. Like, to take a pic."
"...in the right poses this guy can look fantastic."
"But in the long run, you end up with fantastic looking poses."
"There's only one rubber piece on the entire figure and that's the gasket around the neck that means you can go absolutely crazy with your posing and not have to worry about any creasing."
"The articulation allows for dynamic posing."
"Hips are actually the most important cornerstone for making good poses and gestures."
"Pelvic tilt understanding is essential for making stylized poses and dynamic characters."
"So many different poses... subtle little tweaks can completely change the vibe."
"...it's easy to get him into really cool Dynamic poses with not a whole lot of effort you know so figures like that are nice that are like you know not too difficult to get in the cool poses and stuff."
"The accessories are awesome, the overall aesthetic is pretty darn good, you just have to work around the posing."
"The swords offer some pretty neat posing options too."
"But what if you're looking for more movement in your display? What are some ways that you can pose your toys but still put the action in action figures?"
"Nothing crazy but I also wanted to have like a similar pose."
"I've had a blast posing this figure around, quite literally with the amazing blast effects and the stellar articulation."
"Dead body of a naked young woman lying on the bed face up. She had been carefully posed, again her legs spread wide open facing the entrance to the room, propped up on pillows, her face brutally battered."
"Can you yourself take a polaroid of how you would like me to pose in things?"
"Simple posing is always best, but the secret to great posing is to use the props around you."
"Interval shooting is really cool... it's great for people to kind of change pose."
"Knowing how to pose is really critical."
"Practice your posing every single day."
"I found a very, very nice solution to one of the trickiest processes inside ZBrush, which is posing."
"Angel looks perfect in this kimono, and I love all of the colors and the pose."
"Posing is definitely more of an art than people really give it credit for."
"Being able to hold the pose and make it look effortless, that's the goal, the end goal."
"You should be able to hit these poses with your eyes closed."
"He's just so easy to pose and flexible, which is great."
"You can come up with some pretty cool poses with this amount of movement, it's not too bad at all."
"She knew how to pose for a picture too, she really kind of picked her head up, ears went up, took that shot."
"The heart that she's making with her hands makes for a great pose."
"This figure is definitely a fun figure to pose around."
"Let's talk about philosophy, why and how I pose the couple."
"That time that I spent posing, I was trying to actually do something good."
"You can get some really, really cool poses like that, just looks fantastic, incredible."
"The toes do bend a good amount for nice dynamic posing."
"Benny Toss is really cute. I love his little earring and his pose options are really nice."
"Make your posing so good that no matter when the photographer takes that picture, they can't get a bad shot of you on stage."
"The proportions are very nice, especially when you do some proper posing."
"It's definitely possible to get some really cool poses out of these guys."
"Posing is hard work, but when you get real good at it, it'll look effortless."
"Posing is always a little hard, but when you really master it... it's effortless."
"The posing can be as important as your lighting setup."
"Make sure that the pose stays relaxed."
"This is what you do with freaking Spider-Man figures, you pose the crap out of them."
"You can really have a lot of fun posing this figure."
"This was the most fun to pose. I love how it looks."
"This thing is just going to be an absolute pleasure to pose around the studio."
"I really enjoyed posing this guy around."
"Enjoy creating impressive poses by using its whole body structure."
"We assumed they were going to ask us for a photo, so we stood there with our arms around each other, posing."
"She does in fact actually have 50 movable joints which is going to be really awesome for getting her into some of those dynamic poses."
"This figure is beautifully articulated and you can get him posed in any number of different ways."
"You can definitely get some really neat poses going."
"Move a little to the left, don't be too stiff, smile a bit, be natural."
"You very often can get a good enough pose, natural enough."
"I especially love how this kit looks when it's posed up; it looks fantastic in really cool action dynamic poses."
"Lee Haney can easily be counted among the world's best when it comes to the art of posing."
"It is a lot of fun to handle this toy, and you will get it in some great looking poses."
"These guys pose just like any of your other Masters of the Universe Classics figures."
"These hands are so expressive that it makes the character so much fun to just kind of pose around."
"Allow your design to drive the anatomy with your pose."
"The three P's: the placement of the character, the pose of the character, and the proportions of the mannequin model figure."
"This figure is absolutely hefty and it can hold a pose with all of that awesomeness."
"I want her neck to arch down and forward, and that is typically always the first pose I'm going to try and get while the horse is fresh and happy."
"It's all about the posing, guys; you need to know your angles."
"Those statuesque moments you might catch in a posing routine that just makes you stop and go WOW."
"I do not know how he's able to pull off as many poses as he can and not be wobbling and toppling over, but he's surprisingly very sturdy."
"If you were a superhero, what would be your superhero pose?"
"It's amazing such a nice picture that she's posing so nicely on that fallen over tree."
"It's very fun and effortless to pose them around and get them into great poses."
"You can see he balances really, really well with that, so that way you can get them in some great poses."
"Gesture lines go through all of your pieces, all good poses have gesture lines."
"This Rollins can pose around with the best of them."
"The articulation is really good and that will give you a lot of really nice posing options."
"It's safe to assume that whatever pose you might have in mind for the kits, it's not really going to be an issue with the articulation."
"It really looks good and is a lot of fun to pose and really kind of play with."
"What I hope for in a pose like this is to achieve a nice sense of rhythm throughout."
"The articulation is quite good and that does make it actually a really fun kit to pose."
"All the articulation is there to really create some absolutely awesome and very dynamic looks when you're posing this guy."