
Tactic Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"Every single thing pointed that the left hook was gonna be the money shot."
"The push, push if you will, being used by everybody in college football and pro alike."
"It's a legit tactic, um, is it Yana Kuniskaya? That's basically all she does."
"It's a devastating tactic because people never pre-bait a swim and you can actually do it on a smaller session as a day session just by drip feeding bait into the swim over the course of a few hours."
"Distraction is key in every single circumstance."
"It's a really simple tactic to use and it catches an awful lot of carp."
"It's a tactic that's been used a number of times by Jimmy Connors - fiddles with his strings and you're about to serve, and he's not looking at you, so you interrupt your rhythm."
"Using the hotel to get a reservation, veteran move."
"Get out there and try it. It's definitely a match winning tactic."
"It's definitely a chess move, man."
"We have all other standard threats here with F4 or Bishop G5 attacking all these Knights but they can't go D6 so they can't even defend the Knight because the pawn is pinned."
"The successful tactician studies the situation to develop in his mind a clear picture of what is happening, how it got that way, and how it might develop further."
"Instead, their tactic has long been playing to the truly toxic ego of the creature - Designing the containment chamber more like a luxury hotel room, perfectly suited to 056’s refined taste."
"The trick of distracting his Sentry by throwing a pebble over his head or behind him is known as Yoji kakuri no jitsu."
"there's parking the bus guys and then there's this really"
"If there is a tactic that is disconnected from the strategy it's virtually guaranteed to lose."
"This is what we call the real tire attack [__]."
"Transform weakness into power with the surrender tactic - regroup, redirect, and set the stage for a future advance."
"That's the beauty of the air raid."
"Big Show exposed the middle turnbuckle in this match then threw Rikishi into it, using his ass cheeks against him."
"But in the right areas, crankbaits can be a really devastating tactic."
"The use of hostages was a well tactic in Westeros."
"Let's join James and Troy Lindner in more details on the Ned rig, an unbelievably simple finesse tactic that catches bass anywhere they swim."
"The tactical way of opening velcro without hearing the velcro."
"Maybe something like this might help you if you're looking for some attention out in the wild."
"One of the best experiences is when you see a tactic."
"Just calling the dinkage constantly."
"And now we play Queen to e4. This time, this is check, and we can pick up this rook."
"Being a sniper might sound or feel like a very clinical way of taking someone out, it is, but it is also a very very important tactic."
"The Anubis completely surprised the crew of the Scapulae, appearing within striking distance without being noticed."
"Bishop on F5 is an amazing piece."
"Rook F2... lures The Rook to an undesired Square, this is also known as a decoy tactic."
"A skewer in chess is when you attack a high-value piece and it moves out of the way, and then you are able to capture a lesser value piece behind it."
"The Queen to h3 move was actually a double attack, hitting the undefended d6 pawn as well as threatening mate."
"The Knight takes c6 check, a pretty cute little tactic there."
"Scholars mate style Queen F7 mate, that is a cool sequence."
"Pawn takes pawn, intermediate move, this is an intermezzo."
"This is a very simple deflection, and Rook C1 is mate."
"This is called the smothered checkmate."
"Bishop takes F4, and this is just insanely brilliant."
"That's a royal Fork, right? It doesn't get much better than a royal Fork."
"Good game, that knight h4 queen f3, interesting maneuver."
"A windmill is basically when you have continual discovered checks and you can move back and win materials."
"Knight D6 is a stunner, just leaving the entire rook en prise."