
Making Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"It was a moment where you could make stuff, whatever you wanted."
"To be a maker all it requires is that you have a desire to make something, anything, whatever brings you happiness."
"I gotta make things; I like to make things."
"Honestly, I don't think anything brings me more joy than making things for him."
"I like to make things. I like to make new things."
"I just wanted to make stuff, man. I really just wanted to make stuff."
"Be making stuff, always be making stuff."
"Stay tuned, stay creative, and as always, keep making cool stuff."
"Making is a process and we're not going to be perfect at it to begin with but what's important is that you've given yourself this time to slow down, relax, and get creative and that is good for the soul and for the mind."
"It's funny how much work goes into making something look so effortless."
"Don't be afraid of making mistakes."
"I just feel like with YouTube, you can make it on your terms."
"that's the point I'm making that's crazy"
"How do you make money making music?"
"We felt great making that, really great."
"I really enjoyed making this video for you guys."
"We ain't rewriting history, we making it."
"I really want to make something like this now."
"I love the digital side of making."
"I just love the things that you can make."
"And remember the ABCs of making: Always Be Creating. Till next time."
"In the 3D printing industry, we are all makers and creative people; the fun of 3D printing is not only printing itself but upgrading and figuring out how to make the printer better."
"A maker is anyone that makes things."
"Kid, I think this sentence is going to be the making of you."
"Being a maker, in my opinion, is about creating whatever you like, the way you like it, as a hobby, and just be creative about it."
"Don't you just wish you could make stuff sometimes?"
"The creativity of thinking through making lies in the improvisation rather than in innovation."
"It's whatever you feel like making; you are the maker."
"Making should not be a competition, it should just be what inspires."
"Make something from nothing, that's what creativity is."
"Nothing's perfect, especially in making. This is yet another mistake I have wonderfully made on camera to share with you."
"I always enjoy making something from nothing without templates."
"You're a maker, make it, change it into something, see what you want to do."
"I love to create; I create all kinds of things."
"I am just somebody that likes to make stuff."
"I want to be able to make things, you know, because I do have a lot of ideas creatively."
"Just get your hands dirty and just make stuff, that's what it's about."
"I love creating things that you're inspired by."
"A house is not a home until you make it a home."
"What matters is going and making something and enjoying what you're doing."
"For as long as I can remember, I've always loved making things."
"A part of the maker journey is learning how to troubleshoot, is finding where the problem is."
"That's what makers do, they just inspire."
"In the end of the day, I just really like making things."
"The point is, it's something fun to make, and don't let that ruin the joy of creating."
"I for one would rather see somebody go out and make things."
"I hope you get to make some things; if you do, let me know what you're making."
"It's just nice to be able to create this kind of stuff."
"Maker tales where I'm sharing my maker journey to help you go further in yours."
"Let's stop talking, let's start making stuff."
"Now I can make stuff, I can make whatever I want."
"I reached a point where I was more interested in creating things."
"The gentle tug of yarn, the click of the hook - this is the music of making."
"If there's something you're dying to make, figure out how to make that thing because if you're motivated to do it, I'm sure you can find a way to make it happen."
"That is definitely the fun part of being a maker, you could be really creative."
"Now you make something, now you get those creative juices flowing."
"To me, being a maker means an opportunity to build the way you want to build."
"The competition aspect doesn't really draw me to the program itself; it really is more about the making and about the creativity and the inspiration."
"You can make stuff out of nothing, and that's 99% of the fun."
"These opportunities for making are not being evenly distributed and it is up to every single one of us to help make sure that they're evenly distributed."
"I wake up every morning just so excited to make things, so excited to create things."
"I'm beginning to realize that I really enjoy making and I really enjoy creating."
"I just really love creating and making stuff."
"That's the sound of being able to make and create something, that's the sound that sparks creativity. I love it."