
PowerApps Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"This is a relatively new interface, and it's awesome in the PowerApps space."
"Powerapps provides a rapid low-code development environment for building custom apps for business needs."
"Power Apps allows app makers and creators, as well as app users, to create and run apps in browsers or on mobile devices."
"PowerApps portals will allow you to get to the finish line much, much faster for your application needs."
"PowerApps portals build much faster."
"Understand delegation, and you can responsibly build Power Apps."
"Hopefully by now you should be able to make your own custom form designs in power apps without being limited to the default form designs."
"Once you click on save and run, the PowerApps agent DevOps will run and start executing one by one task that we have assigned for the pipeline."
"Sharing is caring, so don't forget to share this tutorial with your fellow PowerApps enthusiasts."
"Keep learning, keep exploring, and keep rocking PowerApps like a true Pro."
"PowerApps allows you to easily add Artificial Intelligence to your applications."
"PowerApps can be embedded in other applications, meeting users where they are."
"Delegation allows Power Apps to handle large datasets effectively."
"Efficient delegation is key to scaling Power Apps."
"So many good innovations going on in the power apps space here."
"In PowerApps, you can show information about the current user using the user function."
"...instead of having two hundred-plus wide columns, how a lot of times here at Power Apps 9-1-1 we design things so we have the header record right which is the parent data and then we have the response data in an up-and-down list..."
"When expressiveness of PowerApps formulas meets the requirements to reduce data movement across the network, delegation is the output."
"This is true security. I added a security group in Azure AD."
"Now that I have my security defined, let's go back to PowerApps."
"PowerApps is built for creating web and mobile apps with a fully featured low code no code development experience."
"PowerApps: the ultimate solution for advanced form customization."
"Choose PowerApps for full control over your form."
"Typically you want to keep a PowerApps application between one and maybe 20-25 screens."
"Hopefully this will give you yet another way that you can easily brand your applications in PowerApps."
"In today's show, I want to talk about the PowerApps date and time functions."
"PowerApps got you upside down? Go ahead and click on the like for this video and subscribe to this channel now, and we'll help you turn right side up."
"This video is part of our solution series where we explore real-life PowerApps solutions designed to solve business problems."
"What we're going to do today is we're going to build out some PowerApps reporting."
"And after we get done building it, we'll talk about the performance side."
"You can't be a PowerApps maker without understanding delegation."
"In today's video, we will build a multi-select checkbox experience in PowerApps."
"Power Apps is the perfect replacement for VB with Access forms."
"This Power Apps is almost 4x the growth of last year."
"This is my first webinar about Power Apps, and I would like to talk about how you're able to submit data into your SQL database."
"I'm going to show you how you can create a Power Apps form app that connects to your SQL database in just literally five minutes."
"We're going to focus on just some core functions that you're going to want to know to start with inside of Power Apps."
"The filter command is a common one you're going to use in Power Apps to apply a filter to any gallery."
"The search command is used to parse input coming in and pass it across as a search across 'n' number of columns that you want to search for."
"The lookup command is going to point to a different table... it's the equivalent of a database join."
"The set command is going to be used for setting a global variable and making it where it works over and over again."
"PowerApps is always going to tell you what the data type is."
"Take advantage of the formula data up here and the data types down here."
"Microsoft has provided a whole bunch of sample Power Apps."
"Hey everybody, Randy Hayes here welcoming you to another exciting session on PowerApps design."
"This opens up many new possibilities to develop solutions with Power Apps and with SharePoint."
"There's this awesome function called text in Power Apps, and you can use it to format numbers and dates into the format that you want to see it."
"What I found with SharePoint is it doesn't like to show images in Power Apps unless they've been to that SharePoint site recently."
"I've defined template fill and I'll just type in white here so I've got a little bit of a separator within my gallery."
"Deleting is so easy within PowerApps."
"I'm going to show you how to send out an email directly from PowerApps and not even use PowerAutomate."
"We've built a Power App to do an org chart because a lot of organizations like to have it on a special page where people can go view the org chart."
"In today's video, I'm going to show you how you can create an Excel-like freeze panes effect in PowerApps."
"This item is a keyword within PowerApps that allows you to reference the current record there within that row."
"It's very easy to rapidly create this thing right inside of Power Apps."