
Cloud Quotes

There are 140 quotes

"Google bills in second level increments, ensuring you only pay for compute time."
"When it comes to live migration of apps, this is one of the features which organizations usually like, which none of other competitors are offering."
"Amazon Connect is basically a call center in the cloud."
"Cloud SQL is a fully managed cloud-native relational database service that offers MySQL, Postgres, and SQL Server engines."
"Cloud SQL offers HA capabilities out of the box."
"Google Cloud Run is fully managed, so you don't have to worry about scaling up if you get more user or scaling down."
"This cloud just lit up, felt like you could feel the heat."
"Scaling up traditionally meant making the box bigger, but in the cloud, we think about smaller units and scale out, adding more of them."
"The cloud is consumption-based; essentially, you pay for what you use."
"There's no such thing as the cloud; it's just someone else's computer."
"Number one thing: patch, patch, patch, patch, patch. Secondly, if you can have your data in a secured environment, so one of the best things you can do, certainly for most organizations, is hold your data in the cloud."
"Terraform is cloud agnostic and is compatible with many clouds and services."
"A rare optic site the Brock inspector which occurs when a person stands at a higher altitude in the mountains and sees his shadow cast on a cloud at a lower altitude."
"It's like a cloud. It's like this is what you lay your head on in heaven."
"So soft and comfortable. It's like a cloud."
"Azure AD is not AD. It's a cloud-based identity provider."
"The AWS Cloud adaption framework perspective that deals with work force transformation attracts and develops skills and creates a digitally fluent high performance work force."
"Microsoft Dynamics 365 is the next generation of intelligent business applications in the cloud."
"It feels like I'm walking on a cloud."
"Microsoft Dynamics or Dynamics 365 is a cloud-based customer relationship management platform."
"Cloud puts up one hell of a fight."
"Popcorn, you're like a little fluffy cloud, a pink fluffy cloud."
"We're extending perview data security capabilities to cover your data, structured and unstructured, no matter whether it lives in the Microsoft cloud or on another cloud."
"I'm delighted to announce as a part of that, as a part of our new Microsoft AI cloud partner program, we're also going to open up our Microsoft Customer Engagement Methodology for partners."
"Pretty much all you need is a Linux server and preferably one in the cloud."
"Learning infrastructure as code allows you to build your environments that you're going to be working on."
"That's core to me, being able to use the cloud."
"The era of mobility and the cloud made computing and storage unlimited."
"I feel like I'm safe to say this. Something happens to Cloud and let's say he just transforms into something outside of himself for a second."
"The RDS makes it really easy to set up, operate, and scale a relational database in the cloud."
"Winning with infrastructure as code with all it brings and turbo charging your software development lifecycle from prototype into production with better cloud testing and observability."
"Terraform is a great solution for creating resources on your Cloud Network."
"A massive Cloud appeared and carried Romulus straight to heaven"
"What internet computer is, it's a crypto, it's a cyberspace cloud."
"Because this is a connected printer, you can do things like firmware directly over the cloud, which I like."
"Regardless, one thing was clear: this strange Cloud was truly captivating."
"Good enough to eat, that's a good-looking cloud."
"Sassy is more than just cloud delivered security."
"Infrastructure modernization: replacing Legacy hardware and software systems with Cloud Solutions."
"Application modernization: building web applications on top of cloud services."
"Cloud maturity assessment tool assesses organizations against the adoption framework."
"In the cloud brings a lot of benefits for us... when it comes to creating servers... deploying servers... but it also brings us some challenges."
"What's nice about Proclaim's cloud features is that everything I do on this computer in the cloud will show up on this MacBook in the cloud."
"It's a best practice to use the Terraform back end to store the TF State file so that whenever you run that Terraform command, it will be accessed from the S3 bucket and not locally."
"Computing everybody and their dog is moving their infrastructure their applications and their data to the cloud and innovating with emerging technologies like AI and blockchain."
"It's the number one Cloud Financial system."
"Customers are responsible for the data they put in the cloud."
"Cloud native applications live in modern clouds."
"Applications that live in modern clouds are distributed."
"We will connect the top layers of our neocortex to synthetic neocortex in the cloud."
"Bring your own license to the cloud."
"Isn't Cloud the best? Oh, I can hear the response."
"Glass storage in the cloud offers lifetimes for the data of upwards of tens to hundreds of thousands of years."
"Self-service in cloud technology means that users have direct control and autonomy over their computing resources without needing to go through a lengthy manual process."
"I feel like I'm swaddled in a cloud of cotton candy comfort."
"Cloud is irrefutable. It's foundational."
"In cloud will be the accelerated productivity innovation."
"Multi-tenant has become the foundation of everything we do on the public cloud ... it's a really valuable technology that's very flexible."
"This is the best secure platform for OpenShift and cloud."
"Microsoft Graph is the gateway to your data in the Microsoft cloud."
"It's just like eating a cloud that tastes like cheese."
"She dreamed that she opened a shop, a big shop, this was on the top of a huge white cloud."
"We get the footage from the cloud."
"Why Terraform? Terraform is multi-cloud, plugins-based, faster, infrastructure as code."
"Microsoft is generally very well protected thanks to their economic moats in software and cloud."
"All your data is in the clouds, there's no security risk."
"When you use fabric you won't even realize you're in Azure, there's no portal, no subscriptions, you don't have to create storage."
"Google Cloud Platform offers different storage-based services out of which storage, which is your object storage, is quite a popular one."
"Mobile device is merely a portal to cloud services now."
"This entire ecosystem is on AWS and we use FedRAMP services to make all this magic happen."
"Hopefully, the cloud integration will be a game-changer for you guys."
"You can actually host your projects on Google Cloud."
"Real-time vehicle tracking via cloud."
"I think of this bedroom as being a little bit like sleeping in a cloud."
"You can take the advantage of cloud and scale your application based on the customer load on that, and you can scale it vertically or horizontally."
"As a solutions engineer, I've helped many customers build and manage their private and public clouds using vRealize Automation."
"The pendulum is swinging also in terms of edge and cloud... it's swung to everything is out in the cloud but we see it beginning to swing back to moving it on the edge itself."
"You can run your day-to-day operations without any problem and all in the cloud, access it from anywhere."
"Automate those scripts on a cloud server like Amazon AWS or Microsoft Azure."
"Nicely enough, Altium Designer lets you create workspace libraries which are shared in a cloud."
"Cloud SQL also has a built-in high availability option which helps you to reduce downtime when a zone or instance becomes unavailable."
"Cloud SQL also provides you with both automated and on-demand backups with point-in-time recovery."
"Cloud SQL works across many use cases from gaming to inventory management and many more."
"I captured a cloud. Would you look at this? It's in my paw, it's a freaking cloud."
"Snowflake is a SQL database built for the cloud, which means it is a full cloud data platform."
"Snowflake combines a completely new SQL query engine with an innovative architecture natively designed for the cloud."
"This is your starting point and I want to show you real quick how easy it is to get this moved up to analysis services in the cloud."
"Success is designed to work at cloud scale."
"With each of our tools, what we aim to do is create a standardized control plane for common automation tasks which might stretch across your single or more likely multi-cloud environment."
"Maybe you don't want to host your own server, you might want the built-in authentication which helps with different permissions working with service accounts and keeping everything organized from a security perspective on the cloud."
"Synchronization will allow for your NAS to act as a cloud where you can access data from anywhere with an internet connection."
"Everything we've got in cloud is already on-prem, so it'll make it nice and easy for everybody to follow along."
"It looks like a big giant puffy cloud."
"Customers can scale it as needed depending on the need or use the auto-scale capabilities of Azure."
"It's a great use case for leveraging the Cloudflare ecosystem."
"What is the name for a cloud that touches the ground? Fog."
"This camera backs everything up online on the cloud."
"The most interesting applications are those that access data in the cloud, giving you seamless access to your data wherever you are."
"With Android cloud-to-device messaging, your servers can send lightweight data messages to your applications on devices."
"It really shows some of the really cool applications that you can build with cloud-to-device messaging."
"If we can simulate that infinitely in the cloud, we can make and distribute that product more effectively, efficiently, and sustainably."
"We're used to daily wins in the cloud, what's a daily win in the cloud? It's another sale on Stripe, it's another user, it's another follower, it's another click."
"The free tier offered by Google Cloud Platform is very generous."
"We have our new website on Google Cloud Platform, hosted on Google server, and if we stay under the free tier, which is a very generous tier, our website is going to be hosted on Google servers for free."
"You can execute the very same workflow on a cluster system or on several cloud providers."
"You get cloud video storage for 10,000 videos."
"It stays online so that even if your computer completely blew up one day, it would save the latest version of this online."
"You might do serverless solutions where you're having Azure Functions."
"It starts with the intelligent cloud and the intelligent edge."
"Exception handling and retries are vital in a world of cloud and hybrid architectures; we must be able to recover from these exceptions."
"As soon as the activity launches, if the device is registered and I have a Google account associated, I'm just going to go and fetch my task from the cloud."
"I want to also show you how to deploy this application to the cloud."
"The ABAP programming language is restricted in the cloud."
"The new plan... gives you Rekordbox cloud unlimited."
"The move to the cloud is a boon to increasing more connected planning."
"The weather forecast today was for cloud, which is entirely the reason why I've come here."
"Remember, if you're using the HANA Cloud trial, each night to save in cost for unused systems, it does stop, which basically just puts the system to sleep."
"I have already provisioned my SAP HANA Cloud instance."
"In this way, Azure ensures that your security is up to the mark."
"How do we build the world's productivity cloud so that every one of us can spend our time on things that matter the most to us?"
"In this video, I'm going to be showing you how to use the Bim project cloud."
"12c refers to the cloud. It is allowed to put databases into public or private clouds."
"Security is a very important factor for the cloud."
"Step functions is all about managing application state in the cloud."
"Dev spaces are like isolated virtual machines in the cloud that can be instantly spinned up where you can efficiently develop, test, build, and run the solution."
"The beauty about using addressables is that they're in the cloud."
"The world is a computer, and one aspect of that vision is taking all the programming models for the cloud and supporting them as far down the device spectrum as we can."
"We put our data in the cloud in an encrypted way."
"It's almost like a cotton candy cloud dream."
"The public cloud is probably more secure than most of our on-premises data centers."
"If you come with an open mind... you'll find that there's a lot of money to be saved when leveraging the cloud."
"It's a cloud-powered database, it's kind of a cool concept."
"The vast majority of computing is going to be done in the cloud."