
Sunday Quotes

There are 242 quotes

"I always had the idea that somebody out there should make a chicken sandwich store that's only available on Sundays."
"Hello everybody, happy day to you. It's Sunday today, beautiful sunny Sunday."
"On Sundays, I don't make myself follow any sort of routine."
"Happy Sunday, guys. How are we all?"
"I love Sundays. I live for Sundays."
"Good morning guys, so today is Sunday, and we're gonna have a great day today."
"Happy Sunday guys, I hope you're all well."
"I hope you guys are having a gorgeous Sunday and I will see you in the next one."
"Sunday... a potent day for honoring our personal needs, really receiving good energy."
"Great day to start a perfect Sunday: sleeping in."
"Happy Sunday, happy Easter, one of my favorite holidays of the year."
"Be blessed, have an amazing Sunday. Go get something to eat, do whatever you gotta do, but be back."
"Remember that every day is a Sunday."
"It's another beautiful Sunday morning."
"Sundays are arguably my favorite day of the week."
"Sunday is for beautiful people, AKA everyone. People are extra pretty. I'm the most patient and the most content on this day, and there's almost like a different air that makes zero sense, but I understand what I'm saying. LOL."
"Have a wonderful Sunday evening and I'll see you guys in the next one."
"Sundays are like cleaning up days, resetting days, decluttering, reorganizing, and getting ready for the week."
"Y'all, it is Sunday, it is a blessed Sunday that God created for all of us because we on here, at least, 1500 people, at least 1,500 of us."
"Sunday I think is the moment for us to return to the essentials of our life."
"...like it's any other Lazy Sunday."
"It was on the Lord's Day, the Sunday."
"Sunday is traditionally consecrated by Christian piety to do good works of humble service to the sick, the infirm, and the elderly."
"Something about Sunday evenings might be like one of my highlights of the week when all the work is done my home is clean and I can go into like self-care mode."
"Jesus rose on Sunday, Sunday, Sunday. Sunday is when Jesus rose again, and that is why we Christians want to go to church on Sunday because we want to remember the day, the first day of the week, put Him first, not last."
"...definition B Marian Webster says Sunday observed among Christians as a day of rest and worship..."
"Have a great Sunday and a great start of the week. See ya guys!"
"It's been a very, very chilled out Sunday."
"You have all of Sunday to sleep in."
"I think Sunday is great because I've been wanting to fix up some of the patchier parts of the yard here for a while."
"Hope you're having a God bless Sunday morning."
"...a little Sunday fun day grab a couple things to finish our back patio..."
"What a lovely Sunday and such good vibes this evening."
"Hello my babies, it is Sunday so we are doing a Sunday."
"It's Sunday, it's our favorite day to just lay around the house."
"Happy Sunday if you are watching this on Sunday."
"It's Sunday and it's 11:00. I'm going to the gym."
"Self-care Sunday no longer served me."
"Sundays are like a day of rest... It does not feel like any other day of the week."
"You know why don't you get go get fried fish it's Sunday why don't you go get fried fish collard greens as usual."
"We don't just want to treat Sunday as spiritual drugs to where we come here to get a spiritual High to escape the problems throughout the week."
"This is my dream, a relaxing Sunday like this."
"Sundays are truly so important for just resetting everything and resetting your mind. It really makes me feel rejuvenated."
"I hope you have a really great rest of your Sunday, and I'll see you all next week."
"It's just that today is Sunday, and that's the magic of it."
"Sundays are cozy and chilled and just have a really nice atmosphere about them."
"Everybody goes to Noah's Ark on Sunday."
"Sunday is chill day, you don't leave the Villa."
"Happy Sunday, how's it going? Cheers, hope you're having a good one."
"Sunday becomes then the day of commemoration of his resurrection."
"Good morning. It is Sunday and I have finally woken up sick."
"on the day after that of Saturn which is the day of the sun having appeared to his Apostles and disciples"
"I love tea but I really enjoyed this recent habit of spending my Sunday mornings with you and chatting with you."
"Chills, and it is actually Sunday. Salud!"
"Hope y'all having a blessed Sunday."
"I hope wherever you are in the world that you are having a very lovely Sunday."
"There is good news today: we are celebrating Sunday and not Friday. Friday was the day where everybody focused on what they thought was dead. Sunday is the day where we celebrate that God is alive."
"Yes sir, it is Sunday, and it's gonna be a beautiful day. There's no doubt about it, it's guaranteed."
"It is generally frowned upon to do any noisy housework on Sunday."
"Happy Sunday, glad you all can join me."
"I'm so happy y'all are down to join me on this wonderful Sunday."
"Hope everybody is doing well this Sunday."
"A beautiful Sunday afternoon, the temperature is in the low 60s, the humidity only 30%, and the forecast calling for no chance of rain."
"Happy Sunday everyone, God bless you."
"Enjoy the rest of your Sunday, stay safe, stay chilling."
"God bless you guys, you as well, have a good Sunday."
"God bless friend, have a good Sunday."
"Another Sunday has rolled around, and I'm happy about that because I'm having a self-care Sunday."
"Good morning, happy Sunday, this is gonna be a Sunday reset, it's time."
"Happy Sunday as well, the best day of the entire week, in my opinion."
"Well hello, welcome to today's Vlog; it is a nice Sunday."
"Hello, it's really good to see you on this beautiful Sunday."
"We're going to be getting our lives together, resetting on this Sunday."
"The best way I know to start a Sunday morning is bacon, egg, and cheese."
"It's Sunday morning, you want to hear the horn, you want to be happy, you're in a Zen moment."
"On the day called Sunday, there is a gathering together in the same place of all who live in a given city or rural district."
"He was crucified on Saturday and on the day after Saturday, which is the day of the Sun, having appeared to his apostles and disciples, he taught them these things which we have submitted to you for your consideration."
"Hope that you guys are all having an amazing Sunday."
"Have a great day, Sunday. Have a good Sunday."
"Sundays are my only lie-in day until 7:00 a.m."
"Blessings to everyone on this wonderful Sunday."
"Is fast food open on Sundays? Yes, but pretty much everything else is closed."
"Happy Sunday, blessed Sunday morning."
"Just finished our Sunday workout."
"Happy Sunday, I hope you guys are having something delicious on this glorious Sunday."
"Happy Sunday, you guys, I love you guys so much."
"Everybody knows Sunday is the Lord's Day, so every day on Sunday, I got to dress like it."
"I hope you're having a nice Sunday, whatever you're doing."
"Let's enjoy the rest of this Sunday."
"Good morning, guys. Today is Sunday, and I'm going to have a pretty active Sunday than I usually do."
"It's Sunday morning, the Lord's house, easy like Sunday morning."
"Sunday Morning Live, why not? It's Sunday morning."
"It's not easy on a Sunday; I want to relax."
"We're back because it's Sunday, our favorite day of the week."
"Starting the week on the right foot, Sunday for me is like the beginning of the week."
"I love Sunday. It's like everyone came together and said, 'If it's good, let's save it for Sunday.'"
"All is right with the world; it's a quiet Sunday morning."
"I hope you're having a wonderful Sunday."
"Sundays for me tend to be the more relaxing days."
"Sunday means family dinner over at my parents' house."
"This is exactly how it should be, people should be at home with their families on a Sunday morning."
"Literally the best way to begin a Sunday morning, right?"
"What a way to spend your Sunday in Bermuda."
"It's Sunday, it's a reason to celebrate."
"I just wanted to find out what's your perfect Sunday."
"Good morning everyone, and today's Sunday."
"It's Sunday, so it's just kind of a relaxing day."
"Sunday is the one day of the week a man can get up at noon and sit around with his boots off without anybody hollering at him about it."
"Sunday is like productive as hell."
"Good morning, good morning my loves, how y'all doing on this beautiful Sunday?"
"Sunday tends to be a more relaxing day, we're kind of recharging a little bit and taking it easy."
"I hope we learned something. Have a great Sunday, see you soon."
"This is the first Sunday we've had where we don't have to rush off somewhere right after church."
"Sundays are just such a great day to just relax and recharge for the week."
"You just do nice things on a Sunday."
"Sunday is fun day, especially with bulky items. Vendors mark stuff down because they don't want to carry it home."
"Have an amazing Sunday, guys. We will see you there. Goodnight!"
"Sundays was for God, so we was going to stay all Sunday."
"Sunday we often call the Lord's day in honor of His resurrection."
"Sunday is the best day; for some reason, I'm always in a good mood on Sunday."
"Pretty good for a Sunday afternoon."
"Hello and welcome and happy Sunday, good morning."
"Y'all have a beautiful Sunday, and I'll see y'all later on today."
"It is a glorious Sunday here in Nashville, Tennessee."
"Driving slow on Sunday morning and I never wanna leave."
"Sunday is the Fulfillment of the Sabbath."
"Happy Sunday today everybody, I hope and pray everybody's doing just fine because it's divine."
"Constantine... introduced the seven-day workweek... and he also introduced Sunday as a holy day."
"Hope y'all are having a blessed Sunday."
"It's Sunday and it is also Diwali."
"Easy like Sunday morning, I'm doing well."
"It definitely an easy, lazy Sunday morning that I appreciate."
"Feeling good and energized for this Sunday Vibe."
"I hope you're having a lovely Sunday, enjoy your week next week, I hope it treats you well."
"I hope you're having a lovely Sunday."
"Please enjoy the rest of your Sundays, it's precious. Have a great start to your weeks tomorrow."
"I'm so exhausted, I've been just doing so much today, been a very productive Sunday."
"This is a Sunday boot; you get to get dressed up, look sharp in this thing, and really have a lot of confidence when you're wearing this boot."
"Happy Sunday, y'all. Hope y'all doing well."
"This is like the perfect start to Sunday."
"I hope you guys have a wonderful Sunday, a wonderful beginning of December, and enjoy continuing to decorate your home over time."
"God bless all of y'all; may y'all have a wonderful Sunday evening."
"Good morning, it's Sunday, which means... pancake."
"Sunday means it's everything. It is everything in our world, just comes down to being perfect."
"Sunday is the last day to kind of have the most fun and to be the best you can be."
"To me, Sunday is the accumulation of all the work I've put in for decades."
"Being there on Sunday is everything. It really is everything in our sport."
"Ultimately, that's the only day that really matters. Nobody talks about Friday or Saturday, even after the tournament's over. It's just about what happened on Sunday."
"Sunday paintball for me is like you make one step for glory."
"You do not want to find yourself in the wild card round because it means you have to win four games on Sunday in order to win the tournament."
"Looking forward to what's going to be a chilled Super Sunday show."
"I hope you're having a blessed, marvelous, and a prosperous Sunday."
"Welcome back to a Sunday with us."
"The Lord's Day, the day of the Resurrection, the day of Christians, is our day."
"Blessed is Sunday, for on it began creation, the world's salvation, the renewal of the human race."
"Blessed is Sunday, for on it were opened the gates of paradise so that Adam and all the exiles might enter it without fear."
"It's the start of a beautiful Sunday."
"It's a beautiful Sunday, cool and crisp."
"Enjoy the rest of your Sunday, and I'll see you on the next one. Be blessed."
"It is a beautiful Sunday here in South Williamsport."
"Happy Sunday to everyone, I hope you're having a great Sunday so far."
"Happy Sunday everybody, I hope and I pray that you guys are having a marvelous Sunday."
"It's Sunday, you know, Sunday Funday."
"Happy Sunday to you all, we hope that you all had a wonderful service today."
"I'm so excited to have a cozy, lazy Sunday."
"It's always a good Sunday thing to do."
"Happy Sunday to you too, Gene. How you doing? How you feeling?"
"I hope everyone's having a good Sunday today and enjoying it with your family."
"Thank you so much for tuning in this good Sunday afternoon."
"I am praying that if you are watching this on a Sunday, that you have a blessed Sunday."
"We always want Chick-fil-A on a Sunday."
"Happy Sunday, if you guys are already know, Sunday is the day I reunite with Sonny."
"Hope you're having a nice Sunday."
"We just don't have breakfast Sunday morning."
"I hope you guys are having a fantastic Sunday."
"Let's find out what's coming our way today; it's a beautiful Sunday."
"Hope everyone is having a wonderful Sunday."
"That is a really perfect way to begin a chilly Sunday morning."
"When I have a day like this on a Sunday, it really sets my week up to be so much better."
"Can we just keep it positive? It's Sunday, and this is positive."
"You're worthy to receive the worship that this congregation can sing on this Sunday morning."
"It's Sunday, lazy day, I'll make something special."
"I'm feeling great on this Sunday."
"It's a Sunday full of celebration."
"Good morning everybody and happy Sunday."
"We can actually have a chill relaxing Sunday."
"Happy Sunday to you; I hope you're having a blessed one."
"Welcome, you guys. It is Sunday night, I hope you all had a good Lord's day."
"Sunday is normally just a relaxing day for me."
"It's going to be a casual, nice, enjoyable Sunday, and I'm glad you're here."
"I hope you guys have a lovely Sunday."
"Sunday morning is a wonderful time anywhere in the world."
"Have a lovely Sunday and have a lovely week."
"It is Sunday, so it's lazy lazy Sunday guys."
"Happy Sunday! Hope you all are having a fantastic Sunday and holiday season."
"It's the perfect thing to do is to go and have a good Sunday afternoon nap."
"Good morning, Mount Zion family! Good morning, happy Sunday!"
"I feel like it's very important on a Sunday personally to kind of rejuvenate and recharge myself ready for the new week."
"These wildebeests are very calm and very relaxed on their Sunday afternoon."
"Beautiful Sunday, I hope you guys had the same."