
Fantastic Quotes

There are 186 quotes

"It is jam-packed with fantastic features."
"He's been absolutely fantastic this season, 31 goals or assists, which is the best in the league."
"It sounds fantastic, it looks fantastic."
"That's just insane. So much space and so light and so bright and so contemporary. Just fantastic."
"It's a wonderful, wonderful thing to have a look at."
"This is absolutely fantastic and incredibly, it doesn't stop here."
"The look of Hellboy himself was pretty darn fantastic."
"I think that these are fantastic; they killed it."
"Jennifer Lawrence is a fantastic actress."
"Everyone should love the flowers; the flowers are fantastic."
"This is a fantastic movie, it is unlike any movie I've seen before."
"It's so fantastic, I don't know what to do with my hands."
"Have respect for what other people like, these are all fantastic."
"Both are fantastic performing CPUs."
"You're fantastic mixed with awesome."
"That was fantastic, one of the best you've seen on YouTube period."
"It's just an all-around fantastic movie and I recommend all of you watch it."
"The flavors are fantastic, like they all work. You've got sweet, salty, buttery, you've got everything in there."
"This thing sounds absolutely fantastic."
"What a fantastic series and we cannot there's no no more that's it."
"I think this is like an A+ cross the board couldn't have crushed it more it was fantastic I loved it so much."
"This is such a wonderful kind of a slow burn book. It's just such a fantastic book."
"Make that fight, that would be fantastic."
"What a fantastic end to a fantastic tournament."
"We had a fantastic time visiting so many awesome places in North Carolina."
"This is so cool, it turned out exactly as I thought it would but I had a little bit of problems, but thankfully I was able to fix it and it looks fantastic."
"How good was that? Oh man, that's fantastic."
"I'm happy because I'm alive. I'm good, you know? And life is still fantastic."
"It really is a fantastic little device."
"I thought this movie was fantastic, I loved the way they did it."
"It's absolutely fantastic. I can't believe it. It's amazing."
"I hope you have a fantastic fantastic day."
"Naturally, there are those who were skeptical—a man from another time who conversed through telepathic means. Much too fantastic. Alex Harper would look with infinitely sad eyes and agree that it was too much to expect anyone to believe his story. Except for one thing."
"Driving it, it's exceptional, it's fantastic."
"It was a great movie, a great time, a fantastic piece of work."
"All in all, it was a fantastic session."
"This house is fabulous, fantastic, absolutely amazing!"
"Absolutely delicious. It was just fantastic. It was great."
"I do not regret buying them, I think they are a fantastic product."
"What is there to say? This thing... It's just fantastic to drive."
"The interior of this car is absolutely fantastic."
"The complexity of it is just absolutely fantastic. There's enough here to keep the experts talking for years."
"That's fantastic. That's even better news."
"That's a godsend, that is, a big relief. That's brilliant, oh, fantastic."
"This thing's fantastic, for the price."
"Everything I've had from them has been absolutely fantastic."
"Look at this, it's empty. This is seriously fantastic."
"Honestly loved every minute of it and like I said, the memories out of all, I've had a fantastic memorable year of certain things."
"To be able to fly to start your journey, it's fantastic."
"A fantastic, well-curated, well-thought-out box."
"This album is fantastic. It's not good, it's not alright, it's fantastic."
"I believe your story, Roger, it's too fantastic to be anything but the truth."
"These results are just fantastic."
"Dunhill Icon - smells fantastic, completely overlooked."
"This place is fantastic, folks, just fantastic."
"This is turning out to be just absolutely fantastic."
"This is fantastic and I love it, oh my lord."
"Every relationship shown in this movie was fantastic."
"...building my projects takes like two seconds like the whole experience is fantastic no matter what you decide to throw at it."
"The Voice Direction was always fantastic—intentionally so with characters like Bentley who sound like absolute dorks."
"That was a fantastic session we ran through everything thank you."
"I'd say Kagame alone is fantastic though that's just one character I love so much about Kabuto."
"It's really just fantastic for everybody."
"...you just knew this is gonna be fantastic and everything just comes in...superb six six minutes worth of of just brilliance."
"This movie is freaking fantastic."
"Fantastic film. Definitely recommend buying it."
"This is absolutely fantastic. I'm pretty sure the bus I looked at did not have any lights and the lights really make this."
"It's absolutely fantastic to see that they were making real progress."
"It's a fantastic driving experience."
"This thing is just straight up butter, butter, butter smooth and fantastic ride."
"The view from up here? Fantastic!"
"This car really is fantastic, very happy with this."
"It's such a fantastic car, it's amazing."
"It's fantastic cars overall, fantastic cars."
"Don't forget to try the Focaccia barrese... it's fantastic."
"It's truly magical, it's unique, and it's fantastic."
"We think this movie's amazing, all right? It's fantastic."
"These were really underrated and they weren't all that popular at the time. NEC made some fantastic products, and this is actually one of them."
"I genuinely enjoyed that re-watch man, it was fantastic."
"Leftover meatloaf is also good, actually it's fantastic."
"Elimination Chamber matches were fantastic."
"This is perhaps the craziest I think we've seen it ever but it's absolutely fantastic."
"...their stuff is going to be more friendly to deeper skin tones which is fantastic..."
"The whole city is fantastic, the people, everything about it."
"I never ever believed that I would be able to add such a fantastic piece to the collection."
"This is some of the most fantastic three-wide racing ever seen in NASCAR."
"The house of raspberry lime flavor to it, almost like a raspberry lemonade in a doughy cookie, fantastic."
"It's fantastic. It's exotic, something we haven't done before."
"That was fantastic, beautiful. The visuals are amazing, the story was amazing."
"It's just flipping fantastic let me throw more superlatives at it I am super impressed with this bike."
"The second goal was a fantastic goal from Amin Eunice."
"It was absolutely phenomenal, it was absolutely fantastic."
"I think it's fantastic to watch, and I think that comes out of the greatest respects for the horror genre which is a much maligned thing."
"That's fantastic, isn't it? Imagine that on stage."
"You can't describe the feeling. It was just like...nice. It doesn't do the feeling justice, but it was just incredible, fantastic, wonderful, great."
"Just absolutely fantastic animation."
"What a fantastic evening it's turning out to be."
"I'm loving the show, it's fantastic."
"This was just absolutely fantastic, I enjoyed this so much."
"I mean, it was just absolutely fantastic and a true Joy."
"It was like being reborn, it was just fantastic."
"What a beautiful story that was, fantastic."
"It's been a fantastic season, baby, love today."
"He's the most likable little yellow, red-cheeked mouse on the planet, and he shoots lightning out of his tail. Are you kidding me? He's fantastic."
"The reviews are wonderful, they're coming in so quickly as well. I've not seen anything like it, it's fantastic."
"The product's fantastic and I believe it will go from strength to strength."
"I'm sure that pissed him off even more, but it was [ __ ] fantastic."
"It's amazing to think that this is a toy. It's just fantastic."
"Looks fantastic, love when that stuff comes out correct."
"It's a fantastic piece of free and open-source software."
"It is fantastic. It's well worth the effort to make this."
"The way that bralette was used was fantastic."
"Looks fantastic, just for the initial impressions."
"Wow, no lie, really strange when you come across this much fantastic games in one lot."
"For 25 bucks, that's a fantastic pick."
"It's pretty fantastic, you know what I mean?"
"This car has fantastic proportions."
"The characters are just fantastic. I love Laszlo and Sarai's relationship."
"No, it's actually been fantastic."
"Personally, I think it worked out fantastic."
"Celebration party mode button: fantastic."
"Just everything about this is fantastic."
"I think it looks fantastic. It's just very, very cool and stylized."
"This was a great list. I think this was a fantastic list."
"The quality of the food is fantastic."
"The big six on his own is just fantastic, in my opinion."
"That's a fantastic thing we have here at the World Series."
"The overall design of the unit is absolutely fantastic."
"It's fantastic for the track itself."
"We want you to see that this is a fantastic picture."
"This has got to be one of the most fantastic places."
"I'm liking it as much as I am, my pursuit to try to only read fantastic books at the end of the year is working so far."
"It was really mind-blowing, it was so incredible and fantastic."
"He's having an absolutely fantastic day."
"This is what I'm talking about, look at this, it's so fun, this is fantastic."
"Everything about the place has just been fantastic."
"It's an absolutely fantastic model."
"Walk around Manhattan, it is fantastic."
"I've never seen anything like it, and I remember it as long as I live. Absolutely fantastic."
"We had a week in New York, fantastic place."
"It's been a fantastic journey, I really have, this has been my favorite."
"That is fantastic, it's way beyond my expectations."
"It was magical, yeah, it was absolutely fantastic."
"She just looks utterly fantastic."
"What crazy, crazy layout here, fantastic work."
"It's just such a fantastic piece of sci-fi."
"It smells fantastic to me, it smells like a chypre."
"It's a fantastic mat, it's super comfortable."
"That's one of the best games I've seen, it was fantastic."
"We had such a good time; oh, it was fantastic. I loved every minute."
"Right, my friends, well I've got to tell you, this looks absolutely fantastic."
"This one is just so fantastic from whatever angle you slice it, and it's one of the truly incredible Looney Tunes shorts."
"This is the true highlight of the wave; this is fantastic."
"This is such a fantastic display option."
"It's just overwhelming, fantastic."
"The Invisible Man from 1933... a fantastic film."
"Fantastic and a beautiful looking watch."
"I tell you, this is really fantastic."
"It's absolutely fantastic, thank you."
"It's just absolutely fantastic and I cannot put in any words anymore, it is just so good."
"This is absolutely going to be fantastic."
"Can you believe it? Oh, believe me, I am just fantastic."
"Oh, that's better than that, it is absolutely fantastic."
"Reflecting on how fantastic this trip has been, like it has been so cool and so magical."
"It was the beginning of one of the most bizarre, fantastic events."
"It's just been fantastic, really, really has."
"Golden 10th Anniversary J is obviously made to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Ninjago, and this figure is really, really fantastic."
"It's so fantastic and so creative."
"There's life in plastic, it's fantastic."
"Honestly, this is fantastic and it's definitely been an eye-opener for me."
"This kit is definitely very, very fantastic."
"It's fantastic, it's a really, really amazing manga."
"Without a shadow of a doubt, it was fantastic. I would do it again next week if there was one."
"This is fantastic, this is amazing."
"This is fantastic, absolutely fantastic, incredible."
"I hope everybody is doing absolutely fantastic."
"This has been a fantastic journey."
"Bridge is very social and a fantastic game."
"It's not quite what I was expecting. It's fantastic!"
"Conditions are actually perfect, amazing turnout, it's absolutely fantastic."
"You are not gonna believe how fantastic this is."
"Absolutely fantastic, great to see them up close and at night."
"The music was so fantastic once again."
"I hope you have absolutely fabulous and fantastic energy that comes to you."