
Dreaminess Quotes

There are 113 quotes

"This one in Cassiopeia smells like a summer dream."
"You have this dreamy, spiritual, connected to the other side energy about you."
"Someone who is in contact with their emotions, someone who is dreamy and someone who is self-reflective."
"There's something dreamlike about you and your aura is very dreamy."
"Your gentle makeup and dreaminess are very attractive."
"You're very ethereal. There's a sort of dreaminess to you, a flowiness to you in the way that you look."
"Pisces, that sign is known for being a dreamer."
"They have a good balance of being very sturdy but also very dreamy."
"Wow, that is one of the dreamiest tanks."
"It looks like it's out of a dream, the Dream Lights."
"Why is this the best pumpkin pie? Well, let me tell you, it is so ridiculously dreamy."
"they're really dreamy really really gorgeous."
"The song just felt like a straight up dream where it's multiple different scenes."
"Enjoy this feeling of dreamy relaxation, knowing that it will follow you."
"Nothing like midsummer dream here."
"When turning it to the negative side, both our foreground and background subjects become softer, giving a dreamy effect."
"Your skin will look so dreamy, you may feel like you're on cloud nine."
"A stereo analog delay section here and it sounds really dreamy if you want these beautiful space-like delay sounds."
"...leave room for the viewer hopefully to imagine and to kind of fill in this sort of dreaminess."
"How dreamy it is to be in love, oh how I wish."
"It's so soulful, it feels like a dream."
"That's just so dreamy and very serene."
"It was as if I floated up into the clouds."
"It's just so dreamy, like, it's just stunning."
"It's a magical medium to me, and it reminds me of the early days of 35 with less sharpness and more room to dream."
"I adore the colors in this one so much; it's so dreamy."
"These Shadows are just building up like a dream and they have no Fallout."
"You are so dreamy and imaginative but that does not mean that you are delusional."
"That cake dissolves into a chocolate dream."
"You know that like super dreamy sound."
"Venus sextile Neptune... this is a dreamy day, Venus all about love."
"This feels a little bit like riding on a cloud."
"It's very romantic, and there is this very dreamy feeling."
"They're beautiful and like dreamy and just heavenly."
"...it's a very dreamy sort of devastating concept."
"It was like just dreamy and amazing, all in their white, was just gorgeous, perfect, amazing."
"The choux pastry itself, it's got... It's like it's something you'd find in a dream, it's honestly magical."
"Whenever you slow down 30 frames per second footage to 24 frames per second, it makes it look all dreamy and magical."
"I had the coziest Sunday yesterday, it was like a dream."
"It was wonderful," she'd gotten a dreamy look on her face and said.
"It's so cute and dreamy, that's a perfect way to explain this place."
"It is called pale cornflower and I think it is such a dreamy color."
"Isn't this song just so freaking dreamy?"
"It's really pretty and it's really dark, and it's also a bit, I don't know, dreamy, spacey, I guess would be the words to describe it."
"We got to love it for the explosions and the fun, the way they combine together, they just make it feel dreamy."
"I am starry-eyed and vaguely discontented, like a nightingale without a song to sing."
"You have a dreaminess into your eyes, to your aura."
"You live in a dream wherever you are."
"Her eyes opened slowly, and there was almost a dreamy look on her face as their gazes met."
"They like how dreamy you seem sometimes and how you'd sometimes tend to just look into the distance."
"How dreamy is this? Now I see how babies feel when they get rocked to sleep."
"Everything seems to be so dreamlike after meeting you."
"This stunning cardigan is just such a dreamy outfit."
"It's such a dreamy place for all things Halloween."
"I love the dreaminess, I just love the colors."
"I love the colors, I love the dreaminess."
"I'm chasing butterflies, so lost in dreams."
"I love this photocard set; it's so dreamy."
"It makes it feel a little bit more dreamy."
"He felt like he was in a balloon dreamland."
"I tend to like somewhat melancholic and dreamy feelings, rather than direct and straightforward ones."
"I feel like I'm floating on a cloud."
"It's making such a nice pastel color palette; it's really dreamy."
"It's soft, it's fuzzy, it's very dreamy."
"It feels sort of dreamy, as if someone were--holding one quite safe."
"It's not too soft; it doesn't mean that anyone's going to notice the softness in your images, but it does mean that anything you shoot will have not too defined an edge, just a lovely softness, a lovely dreaminess."
"I often feel like I'm just living in a dream when I stare at him because he's so sweet."
"We absolutely love it, guys. It is so white, it is so dreamy."
"This is definitely a hit, this isn't a miss, this production, hello? Oh, this is so dreamy."
"All the stars have come in close, just to see you was supposed, then they're a gleaming, you must be dreamy."
"I wanted this illustration to look very soft and dreamy."
"Mr. Sandman, bring me a dream, make him the cutest I've ever seen."
"Doesn't this just look so dreamy?"
"This is honestly so soft, like it's such a dream."
"I feel like my eyes look kind of dreamy right now."
"It blended like a dream, it's very, very nice."
"It is just about the dreamiest thing that ever could have come."
"It's like the sweetest, dreamiest combo."
"It just feels like you're on a cloud."
"So pretty and very dreamy, aesthetically pleasing."
"It's really beautiful and really dreamy."
"It's beautiful, it's honestly sounded so magical, so dreamy, so ethereal."
"It's really beautiful, very dreamy. I really like it."
"Once upon a dream... this one is really pretty."
"This is just so dreamy and so beautiful."
"Everything looks very cozy, very like dreamy, very floraly."
"It's dreamy, it's beautiful, it's statement."
"It's just such a great design and the fabric is just so incredibly dreamy."
"You're a fantasy, you're a dream to them."
"This dress is the dream, and it's so easy to style up different ways."
"This is just a dream in a dress, honestly, I'm in love."
"It smells like a dream come true."
"This love just feels like fireworks, it feels like a dream, it feels like a summer night."
"I like splatters; it softens it all up, it kind of makes it look a little bit more dreamy."
"It's just so dreamy and whimsical looking."
"I love it, it's the jumper of dreams."
"This vanilla, oh my god, it will have you dreaming, honey."
"Very dreamy, very romantic, just feeling love and passion and sweetness."
"Gosh, these shadows are a dream to work with, they really are beautiful."