
Seizing Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"This was an opportunity too good to miss."
"This type can be very naturally opportunistic, not only able to spot opportunities but also seize them."
"When I see an opportunity, I seize it."
"Big opportunities in life have to be seized."
"I saw my chance and I took it I ran I ran and I ran I Ran So Far Away."
"The harvest is there. We need the ability through God's power to see the opportunity and to seize the opportunities."
"Once there is an opportunity, I'm grabbing it."
"Can you seize the opportunity in front of you?"
"I think it's more a question of seizing the opportunities that present themselves."
"Take advantage of every chance you get."
"Opportunities like this, we've got to take them home."
"Seize the opportunity you get, never think about money."
"Chance for Leicester City and they take the lead at Anfield."
"Don't let that opportunity pass you by."
"Coach really Tiger told his team to seize the opportunities if you don't ask for permission for greatness you go out there and you take it."
"You have to seize it because it might not ever come again."
"I saw opportunities and I took them."
"Try and seize every opportunity you can."
"Seize the day. We make an amazing team."
"Make the most of opportunities when they come to you."
"They take their moments, they take their chances."
"You just got to seize it, however it's coming in. I have to seize it, you know, it's life."
"When you have these moments, you can't let them pass."
"You've got to seize the opportunities when you get them."
"You've got to take your opportunities."
"Sometimes you just gotta take these opportunities when they arise."
"This is it, this is the opportunity, so seizing it and hopefully it goes well."
"You've just got to take your opportunity when it comes up."
"Take chances, take opportunities as they arise."
"When you're given an opportunity like this, you don't want to ever let it pass you by."
"Make sure when the opportunity come, you know it is an opportunity and grab it because they don't come so often."
"You've got to take opportunities when they come."
"You don't want to look back on your life and think that you missed out on seizing every moment because you're insecure about your skin."
"When opportunity is staring you in the face, take it."
"The opportunity of the lifetime must be seized during the lifetime of the opportunity."
"Two years is not too long. I'll seize each day."
"These are the chances we get, so we're taking every opportunity."
"Grabbing happiness while you can."
"Sometimes an opportunity arrives, sometimes you just got to take it."
"Live in the moment, look for the moments, and grab what life has right now."
"The world was literally my oyster, so I seized my opportunity."
"He seized the moment and absolutely made the most of his ball use."
"The moment each of us has to seize the day."
"It's really important to grab the opportunity while you can."
"It's our season, and we are maximizing the moment."
"I'm going to take and seize every possible opportunity I can in life."
"When you get the opportunity, you've got to take it."
"You don't get very many opportunities, and you just got to take them when they're there."
"Someone grab life for all it's worth."
"You're seizing opportunities and moving forward."
"Do you hear what I hear? A chance, a chance, a chance not to pay. We must take them every day."
"We've just reached a point in our lives where we think you gotta grab life and give it your best."
"Take advantage of any opportunities that come your way."
"Whatever brings you joy in this miserable world, seize it with both hands."
"When opportunities arise, you jump on them and you take them."