
Barbering Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"If you can fade from skin to a number two, you're not going to have any issues."
"Really good barbers are using really good techniques to get the same results over and over again."
"You guys understand not only how to remove the skin line, you know how to blend with your clipper."
"We're going to learn how to detail them beards, how to properly hold that razor."
"We got over 300 videos to help you learn all things barbering."
"One good thing about being a barber, you get to talk to people, you get to help people."
"Talking about the Barber Wars, ladies and gentlemen."
"It's like a joke in barbering, but it's not a joke because it works."
"But the opportunity I got right now to be 20 years old, to be 19 years old and to do something with barbering that's never been done before to be able to inspire regeneration of people was only going to last for a short amount of time."
"If you were watching this DVD hoping that you would find something that would give you the confidence that you may have not had before, you know this is definitely something that you can use practice and I promise it will develop the skills needed to become a master barber."
"Barbering is one of the best jobs in the world because you can earn money anywhere, in any part of the world."
"That loyalty, that's what makes barbering sustainable."
"Barbering changed my life, man. This thing is crazy, like who would have thought a pair of clippers would have opened up the doors that has opened to me."
"Welcome back to the YouTube Barber Academy. This channel is about all things barbering: how to grow, how to learn."
"If you want to learn where I learned barbering from: YouTube. YouTube made me 3,000 a month."
"It really comes down to the barber's skill."
"Stagger tooth blade is something that I think is really valuable."
"All of our barbers can make six figures, all of them, and the vast majority of them do."
"I promise you this, you're going to be the best barber the world's ever seen."
"Barbering for me is an opportunity to connect with people, to make people feel great about themselves."
"I get a lot of inspiration from upcoming barbers doing like, working really hard."
"I'm so proud to create content and to create products that the next generation of barbers rock with."
"Welcome back to my channel, my name is Sierra, I'm a licensed barber out of OKC."
"Once you have your license, you are clear and free to be the barber you've always dreamt of being."
"Keep going, get the license, it's totally worth it; you really want to be legit when it comes to barbering."
"The best barber I've ever had was a woman."
"I wish I started cutting hair at this age, bro."
"I love the freshness of the white chalk of a fresh cut."
"I'm going to do a taper fade right now."
"Lever closed, lever halfway open, and then lever open all the way to take out that guideline."
"What separates a good fade from an average fade from a bad fade is the continuous pattern or graduation from light or skin to darkness or hair up top."
"You want a nice smooth transition."
"Barbering is a very viable way to make a living."
"I actually like doing shaves on guys."
"In Florida, I am licensed as a master barber."
"You have control over where you go with your hair cutting career."
"I love traditional barbering; I like the idea of a man cutting my hair, a straight razor on the back of my neck cleaning me up, a hot towel refreshing me."
"People always need to get their hair cut, so it is recession proof."
"As a barber, you can cut hair well into old age."