
Wounds Quotes

There are 101 quotes

"Someone here has been healing childhood wounds."
"Hurt people... have a sixth sense for finding other people with complementary wounds."
"You've got to let your wounds become scars."
"But if you do have a soul pull towards somebody and that person backs off, it's not because they don't feel that Soul pull, it's because they're wounded and they're fearful of that Soul pull."
"The wounds that are healing are where the light is most active within me."
"What cleanses the wound is forgiveness."
"You have to open the wounds in order to heal them."
"Tears are salty. That adds sting to the wounds."
"Your twin flame will trigger your wounds for the purpose of bringing them to the light of your consciousness, whereas your soulmates will allow you to live comfortably with these wounds buried."
"Some wounds might never fully heal."
"All this has been one big weird story, the word trauma comes from the Greek for wound, wounds can't create monsters and you, you are wounded."
"Chiron is about using our wounds to teach others. There's something about what you're going through right now that is giving you information that you will be able to relay to others in order to help them."
"...he had to find a way to heal his wounds as soon as possible; otherwise, not to mention returning to his world, he wouldn't even be able to take revenge."
"I don't think she could have ever healed from all of these wounds, one after the other. Sad, it's really really sad."
"Attachment wounds overwhelm the getting-to-know-you process."
"This person is going to be someone who is open to healing, reflecting on the wounds that they might have."
"We share the wounds and we share the sadness and we share the anger and the frustration and we share him."
"All wounds heal with time, they don't never completely heal."
"It might have been wounded 40, 50 years ago, but it can still affect your behavior today."
"No matter how you are in this world or how much love you get, there can still be wounds around your identity, around where you came from, around your biology, around your history, and all of those are complicated and complex types of wounds."
"People will dump these things on you, they'll say these things to you, they'll do things, and they'll leave you messed up. Words are like blades, like knives."
"The moment we embrace that wound is healed."
"The wound is the place the light enters."
"By his wounds, we get healed. His wounds were used to do great things and yours can too."
"Trauma is a wound sustained because either terrible things happened that shouldn't have or because the good things that should have happened did not."
"Wounds invisible ones yes and it will continue to happen."
"You know they say laughter is the best medicine but I don't know if it was in reference to gunshot wounds."
"Ultimately if you have Chiron in the ninth house there is such a wound associated with your worldview and your understanding of the world around you."
"Time doesn't heal any wounds. What's true physically is true spiritually."
"Our wounds have the power to lead people to deliverance."
"Our wounds have the power to propel purpose."
"Our wounds have the power to advance the Kingdom of God if we're willing to surrender our wounds to the Lordship of Jesus Christ."
"Your wounds are not your burden, your wounds are your ministry."
"Your wounds may be painful, but God's power can make them purposeful."
"Paul's wounds became worthy because he seized the opportunity to advance the kingdom of God through his wounds."
"The wounds that you carry carry purpose, they carry an anointing, they carry a calling."
"So Time Heals all wounds I guess."
"We were seeing people that are really hurt by the event, people with missing limbs, gaping wounds."
"My hometown is like an old wound. Only bad memories come back to me whenever I remember it."
"Wounds shine with radiance, even in the resurrection of Christ. How did Thomas know Him? Thomas knew Him by His wounds."
"Your wounds and my wounds are no longer disqualifiers that we consider disqualifiers because God never does."
"The woundedness that happens as a result of that thought pattern, that separating thought pattern, and that of course shame fills the gap. Shame, yeah, guilt that's created."
"Time heals all wounds, but only up to a point."
"These wounds are often the very context of our transformation."
"The wounds we carry shape our healing journey."
"There are some wounds that feel raw long after they should have healed."
"Everybody's got unique wounds and therefore needs unique remedies."
"According to Doctor William, Elin’s wounds were definitely caused by a wolf."
"Each generation inherits the wounds of their lineage, but there's magic in the way out."
"Even if you haven't had big psychological wounds there is something since the fall about our relationship with God the Father."
"A narcissist is one who is wounded and traumatized, using others as a salve for their own wounds."
"It's our wounds not our competencies that God uses to heal others."
"It's tissue, it's wounds. And our study that we have done, which we are starting to get close to our issue is concussion, mild TBI, my traumatic brain injury."
"Every sin causes wounds, and many times we sin out of our wounds."
"The wounds of Christ teach us what to do with our wounds; we don't hide them, we unite them into the heart of Jesus."
"He noticed that his hands and feet and side were bleeding."
"Our soul has wounds from life and those wounds create bitterness, unforgiveness, hate, anger, whatever they are."
"It cultivates compassion because you realize people are acting out of their wounds."
"Wounding people binds them to you more deeply than kindness."
"Time heals all wounds, but are there even wounds to heal?"
"The worst wounds you'll ever get are wounds you get in church."
"Abandonment wounds keep us single, attracting people who don't commit."
"Attachment wounds are funny like that, they persist, but they heal."
"The world needs to see your wounds and he used the illustration of Thomas Thomas said I won't believe until I can put my hand in the prints of the nails yesterday into your side Jesus showed Thomas his wounds and then he believed the world needs to see our wounds."
"Our deepest wounds are always tied to our greatest Glory."
"Exit wounds make it a lot easier tracking deer."
"This is just open wounds with moss green putrid infections."
"The idea that some of us have come out of childhood having hit the childhood lottery and don't have wounds is a level of willful ignorance."
"One of the wounds that so many people have, whether it be with their spouse or with their parents or by their children, or by life, sometimes, people in our lives that we think they should love us and they don't, they just tolerate us."
"Every wound you ever had is prophecy."
"Be kind, because sometimes people are wounded in ways we didn't expect."
"He's the God that heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds."
"The act of helping brings on the wound."
"People embark on the healing profession because they have this wound to begin with."
"I didn't know that it was like that. I didn't know you felt that way. I didn't know that you were wounded like that."
"Some wounds didn't heal properly, never would on this side of eternity."
"He rose from the dead, his wounds didn't go away."
"Every great story starts with a character wounded like this unless it's a superhero that's a separate genre that has their own rules but most of the movies you love have a hero who's wounded."
"All wounds are a failure to be loved, so if all wounds are a failure to be loved, then the answer to the healing of our wounds is love."
"You're crying because you're wounded. You don't have to be bleeding to be wounded."
"We don't wrestle in rings, but we wrestle with our wounds and our weaknesses."
"Time heals all wounds, even if they don't close up all the way."
"The wound is where the light shines in."
"Don't ever be ashamed of your wounds because your wounds just might be the thing to let somebody else know if you can make it, I can make it."
"Time does not heal all wounds, sometimes all time does is teach you how to live with the limp."
"Where God rules, wounds are attended to."
"Our wounds will make us, if we want them to be avenues of understanding, compassion, solidarity, and love."
"The two parallel wounds in the elbow, that was starting to again make me think about the type of weapon."
"Where did you get those wounds? I received these wounds in the house of my friends."
"What are these wounds between your hands?"
"Many birthmarks do seem to correspond to death wounds."
"They say time heals all wounds; that's not necessarily true."
"These are the wounds I received in the house of my friends."
"Every one of us, to be born into a culture, have been wounded by that culture to some degree."
"Our wounds give us a sense of direction."