
Kiss Quotes

There are 87 quotes

"An honest answer is like a kiss on the lips."
"True love's kiss could awaken her."
"It was better than old times since now he could kiss Qara whenever."
"The passionate kiss between Captain Kirk and Lieutenant Uhura is historically noteworthy."
"Thanks to the kiss, the next day they officially became a couple."
"That's always the sign of a good romantic kiss. It just... like it's very aggressive."
"She's gonna kiss me back. Ah, I knew it."
"The feeling of the kiss was like the pure taste of honey."
"Give that dirty lady to everybody a little kissy for good luck."
"That kiss had been the most amazing kiss he'd ever experienced," Nathan couldn't stop thinking about it.
"Just one time, it would have released a lot of tension. I think they would have kissed on the lips."
"Reject the status quo, sealed with a kiss."
"This kiss is going to mean so much, it's going to heal you too from your past relationships."
"This kiss is going to free you from any restrictions you had."
"The final dance and the final kiss."
"The most romantic moment came when they were asked to share a wedding kiss."
"Well, then kiss me quick before you wake up."
"That was the best kiss of my life."
"There's your kiss. There is your kiss."
"...suddenly she kisses him before saying goodbye..."
"The kiss is about that moment when two people become close to each other physically close, emotionally close, and at the point of a kiss, you are not conscious of your surroundings in any defined way. It's something so very personal."
"We're like Kiss. We're gonna put on the face paint one more time."
"One damn kiss will change the world."
"I kissed him and it felt like I was the queen of the world."
"The kiss was like the searing of fire or ice."
"Joy exploded through Mariana's body as he deepened the kiss."
"...finally Jack and Iris share a kiss."
"It's the invention of the kiss there have been five kisses that were rated the most passionate the most Beau this one left them all behind."
"True love's first kiss baby we are back in Shrek rules I feel like it's been so long since we've been in anything resembling Shrek rules but true love's kiss is here and it is here to stay."
"Kissing someone doesn't mean you love them."
"I saw my first concert, I begged my parents to take me, see Kiss in '77 when I was eight years old. Changed my life, obviously, because what circus sucked after that?"
"Nothing happened, except for the most amazing kiss of my entire life."
"We had an amazing kiss outside my house, and I felt so in the moment."
"We kissed like that was a mutual, like, we both have idle but Cody, he went in for it and then you went in for two, so I've just been."
"That upside down in the rain iconic movie kiss."
"That kiss happened from an emotional connection."
"Then out of seemingly nowhere without any warning whatsoever, she proceeds to just kiss me really aggressively."
"He had to touch her. Had to kiss her."
"They seal in their love for each other with a kiss as they have understood and accepted each other fully."
"His lips met hers, warm and reassuring and astonishingly lacking any immediate demand."
"It was a far different kind of kiss than the others they had shared and she nearly sagged in relief at how right it felt."
"This time when his lips found hers, the kiss tasted like home."
"That kiss made all her grievances vanish."
"The whole world has been hugged by this kiss."
"Two French boxers once kissed for so long at the end of their match that the French boxing Federation banned kissing in the ring."
"That kiss was the beginning of everything for us."
"I have kissed a woman in that car."
"Driver realizes they're riding with a dangerous man, so he gives Irene a kiss - the only kiss they ever share."
"He kissed me like I was so important, cherished, like he was simultaneously trying to treat me with such great care yet completely taking my breath away."
"The kiss is reckless and consuming, and I give it my all, knowing it might be the last one."
"Finally The Long awaited Kiss it finally happened."
"No fancy bells and whistles, just lean loud hungry kick-ass rock and roll. For a lot of people, this is the definitive KISS album."
"The moment you kissed me, the stars danced a little polka."
"When I walk out of the very last Kiss show whenever that is that's all I'm gonna care about."
"If you knew your deepest feelings for a person could be revealed in a single kiss, would you do it?"
"It was a kiss of passion, of connection. In that moment, they both felt whole."
"That's a shame. And you never even kissed."
"Nagi accidentally bumps into Sachai and kisses her."
"...effectively it would be one huge KISS album with separate solo albums."
"The best moment of Hey Arnold: The Jungle Movie definitely has to be the kiss."
"He kissed her like she was precious."
"The only thing he was certain of was that he wanted to kiss her right now."
"You could do that thing where in the rain you hang upside down, you have an upside-down kiss."
"As he leaves the driveway, he blows me his kiss and I catch it because that was our thing."
"Do you love me, I love that song, and I think that tells a classic Kiss story, total Kiss."
"Detroit Rock City as a song is the quintessential Kiss. It sums up everything that is Kiss in one song."
"And from your lips she drew the Hallelujah"
"We just stared at each other for a second, and then he kissed me."
"And then he kissed me, and it was the most magical kiss of my entire life."
"It was magical, it was like the best kiss ever."
"Never underestimate the power of a kiss."
"If you hang the mistletoe, you got to give a little kiss."
"Oh, I mean to," Draco said, and kissed him.
"Aurora will only be awakened by true love's kiss."
"Then she leant forward and her lips touched his, light as a butterfly's wings and amazingly soft."
"I pronounce you husband and wife, Justin, you may kiss the bride."
"I'm also in love with Karen. So I take her by the chin and I give her a kiss on the mouth."
"Let me go rock and roll from Kiss Alive."
"I kissed him. That was my first kiss. Did I do it right?"
"Yes, yes, and I miss you too," Kyubi said, giving him a quick peck on the lips.
"Sometimes words almost can't describe... to be in a band like Kiss is something that's so phenomenal and unique."
"We're just proud to be Kiss, members of Kiss."
"This was the smoothest, most natural kiss I've ever had."
"When I kissed you, I felt my heart beat faster because I liked you."
"Oh my God, my first kiss, it was so sweet."
"When you kiss me, I can't believe."
"That feeling of a first kiss with somebody you love that much is just unmatched."