
Plant Quotes

There are 145 quotes

"The plant acts as a mild stimulant that gives them strength."
"Dual Survival's art of self-reliance: this plant is galanga. It's in the ginger family and it has a lot of the same properties as ginger."
"Gorgeous gorgeous plant... the color is just unbelievable."
"The cool thing about this plant is that it could be used in many different ways."
"Now, what's interesting about Miscanthus is that it does have a lot of variation as far as color, texture, and height."
"Just a perfect, perfect ornamental plant."
"Just a beautiful, beautiful plant."
"It's potentially my favorite plant right now."
"I've found this 100% the easiest antherium I've ever grown."
"I just think it is the most stunning plant."
"Jerusalem artichoke is one of the most important plants. Number one, it's because it has an incredible amount of calories per acre."
"Comfrey is really great to grow around trees."
"The monster over here, this was my first hybrid between arabicum and obesum. It's the most vigorous plant I've ever seen."
"Great plant for color you know without having any flowers on it."
"Someone just told me they're $19, so you know what, you want a plant that lives forever, there it is."
"...Magnolia is a very safe plant, there's not a whole lot of contraindications that I'm aware of."
"I think it's really gorgeous and it's another one that if it was a little bit cheaper like if you could get if you could get a baby plant for £1 I might consider it."
"...I feel like it is one because it's so quick to grow and because it's so easily propagable I feel like it is one that we're just going to be seeing everywhere..."
"The most common plant for Christmas in North America is the poinsettia."
"It all lies in the plant. Our peculiar restlessness, which in modern circumstances has evolved into a rapacious appetite for indicitive substances of all sorts."
"I highly, highly recommend this plant. It's just so incredible and it's great that they're so accessible now too. More people can experience having such an incredible plant in their home."
"Look at the new leaf that it's putting out. Like, it actually looks like it's gonna be a pretty decent size. Like, I'm so impressed with that and excited to see it unfurl."
"This plant is just perfection to me. Now I basically want every version of variegated allocation that I can get my hands on because I'm just obsessed."
"It's a plant that just makes me feel pretty good about myself."
"...comfrey is an amazing amazing uh plant to grow it has so many different properties that you can take out of it and so many different uses."
"We need to get blue glitter sea Holly out here."
"Boron is essential to protein synthesis, carbohydrate synthesis, and just natural functions within the plant."
"There's not enough sunlight, and then the type of... I have a snake plant here."
"It's a magical plant everyone should be growing."
"If it's native in your area, it is a beautiful plant."
"Every yard should have Moringa, every yard."
"All parts of the plant are edible."
"Every part of the plant is edible: the stems, leaves, and flowers."
"This quite impressive looking plant."
"We can literally condition the plant against stress before the stress gets there so the plant goes through it faster and doesn't stall out."
"Stress is good, if the leaves start to curl under a little bit, that's okay, the plant will be making antioxidants to fight the stress."
"A much healthier, much more stable plant."
"My favorite is this salvia right here. It's called back to the fuchsia which I think is a really clever name."
"I love this shelf and the plant helps take up some space."
"The oak leaf hydrangea is a great native species."
"But again, it's such a good pollinator plant."
"The cost of stolen plant in Britain every year is now approaching a billion pounds."
"Zinnias are an annual that handle the hot dry weather just fine, in fact they absolutely love the heat."
"This is one of the showiest, absolute showiest evergreen perennials. We're not growing this for a flower, we're growing this for this foliage."
"What a great plant, really soft textured."
"The life of the plant is in the seed."
"African basil will be the most popular plant in the garden for the pollinators."
"This is one of the best options for a screening plant here in the South."
"Streamco willow is a hybrid willow, it loves wet soil, it grows pretty fast, and once established, it has multiple trunks growing out from the base, so if you plant a row of Streamco willow, you can screen off just about anything in an area that has wet soil."
"...the monstera dubia... I do think they are worth the hype."
"This really cool Hoya is called a globe globosa Hoya it was $32 I got from Cactus Club recently."
"...overall I would say that this is a very very healthy plant."
"Such a special plant I love it so much."
"It tells such a great story of some the simplicity of a plant that can change the trajectory of nations."
"Philadelphia Majestic is my number one favorite philodendron."
"It's just such an easy philodendron. It's affordable, it's easy to find usually."
"Native ginger. This is native ginger, honey."
"I love the growth habit of it and I think it looks really cool in a hanging basket."
"10 out of 10 recommend syngonium as a hanging plant."
"I just absolutely adore Monster Adansonii just as a trailing plant. It's not my favorite, so that's kind of how it grows behind me like that."
"The closer we are to the actual, the whole plant, the better off we are."
"Another one I'd recommend is the parlor palm also known as the good luck palm."
"It's just a very jolly plant, I really love it and it makes me very happy."
"I think my house would just feel really naked if I didn't have this plant."
"I think the size is not necessarily what makes this plant super beautiful. I think it's really the variegation that makes this really, really pretty."
"I probably got this in 2020 honestly and it grew to be a pretty long like nice plant um so I'm glad that we're kind of starting over I guess and I get to watch it grow again."
"This book, according to this, the plant from which pilot Dameron is derived is next unless somebody somewhere managed to salvage some seeds that we can plant."
"It is a very cool Plant to be honest it's very very jungly I can definitely see the Jose Bono in it I just thought I'd see more of it."
"Magnolia is good for beauty and abundance."
"Lavender is considered a drought-tolerant plant."
"This one's absolutely gorgeous the variegation on every leaf is different and it grows really easily."
"Absolutely beautiful plant that I really really love."
"I almost want to name this plant Darryl."
"It's a super cool plant. It has really like a pink sinus and like really like striking venation."
"This will grow into a really beautiful trailing plant."
"I love how succulent it is, it's so gorgeous."
"If you have a plant and a leaf falls off, you actually can chop that up and grow a whole new plant out of that."
"It's just a super, super pretty plant, and the purple is to die for."
"This is Sun King Aurelia and it's almost like a shrub now."
"We've all been enamored by the cute little vine that is Philodendron lupinum."
"I freaking love this plant so much."
"I love that plant still, it's gorgeous."
"It's an amazing plant, Sea Buckthorn."
"It's a really small squat little miniature shrub but very very colorful."
"The entire plant is consumed as a food source, not just the leaves."
"Ayahuasca is first and foremost a specific plant, pretty much universally in the Amazon, ayahuasca has been regarded as the mother of all plants."
"So it does evolve and so will the conversation around this plant."
"Well, it's just a great plant, it's a really, really good plant."
"This is a very bright colored Hani I Sansevieria."
"This right here is Anthurium magnificum Verde, and as you can probably tell, it is wonderful."
"This here is a homalomena. It's so cute."
"I think this one is my favorite because of that mint color."
"The leaf is just chef's kiss, I love it so much."
"The Neon Pothos is definitely the brightest of the bunch."
"This is one of the most extraordinary plants in the world."
"Aglanima, it has got to be one of the greatest, most versatile, most underrated plants there is."
"This Hoya is known for its beautiful red sun's dressing, look at that, oh my gosh, how exciting!"
"This big Monstera Thai Constellation is pretty hard to miss; he is massive and I love him, he is a total showstopper."
"Sweetspire 'Scentlandia' has scented, long, bottlebrush-style white flowers in the summer."
"Yellow twig dogwood has intense winter interest with bright yellow twigs all winter long."
"I have the SP Columbia silver and the Esmeralda Queen anthurium; this one is the new leaf in my care, it's gotten huge."
"This is one of the most beautiful Bonia I've ever seen, it's so incredibly velvety and shimmery in the sun."
"How fun it's flowering, I can't believe it, that is just so, so cool to me."
"It's always exciting when a plant blooms for the first time."
"This beautiful plant right here, I absolutely adore, it's a baptisia."
"This little guy is also a new Palm I am super excited about."
"This is a coleus, and it's a really, really fast grower, really nice foliage."
"It's also known as dragon tail because when the leaves get fenestrated, it kind of looks like a dragon tail."
"This plant has changed people's lives, and I'm just going to keep believing that and keep advocating."
"Edvice is the winter plant, it's an Alpine flower, and I just think it is so gorgeous."
"This plant is actually shaped in the form of a bear. How creative!"
"It's so beautiful, it's just so like lumpy and smooth, and it has no spines. I just love it so much."
"What's not to love about this plant?"
"This plant always looks perfect and so, you know, that goes a long way in a landscape."
"I feel like a house is not a home without a monstera."
"It seems to bloom for months and nobody knows what it is, which is great."
"This plant is an absolute workhorse in the garden."
"Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous plant. So chubby, chubby, chubby, and pink, really pink, beautiful."
"It's so beautiful, it is beautiful, beautiful, beautiful plant."
"It's just really lovely and because it was my first Hoya."
"It has quickly become one of my favorites, and that is a Passiflora tripartita."
"The Venus flytrap is by far one of the most well-known and spectacular carnivorous plants in cultivation."
"The function of the cuticle is to keep the water in the plant and keep the toxins out."
"I love this, it's like the rainbow elephant bush."
"This plant is a total beast; she is so massive."
"An individual plant will bloom for about ten days to two weeks."
"I don't think there's any other plant that really brings that exotic vibe like a tree fern can."
"This plant is commonly called the mini monstera because of the slits in its little leaves."
"This is sexy, this is sexy for me, this is the sexiest black colocasia in this list by far."
"Tea refers to the plant Camellia sinensis, there's only one tea plant."
"It's a very slow grower, other than that it's super cute."
"I'm still in such a love affair with foxglove; it's just so good."
"Anubias is the best aquatic plant in the world for many different reasons."
"What a weirdo, what an amazing plant."
"The plant can stop an apocalypse that will sweep across Humanity."
"This plant is one of my absolute favorites I've ever owned; it's just so unique, amazing, exquisite."
"It's such a gorgeous plant, I absolutely love this thing though."
"I've got to tell you guys, the gloriosum is one of my favorite plants so far. I'm loving this thing; it is just beautiful."
"We love this candle, and here is such an adorable plant."
"I love watermelon peperomia, it's probably my favorite peperomia because it's so striking."