
Alive Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"Every important character is still alive, happy, and ready to return to a life of peace and happiness."
"If you believe that movies are alive and talking back to you, there's a point at which it's very obvious they're not finished and then there's a point at which they are."
"I'm here, I'm alive, what do you mean?"
"It was no ghost no mere specter Park changsu was actually alive."
"If you ain't scared, you ain't alive."
"You're not scared of a fight? You're not alive."
"If you ain't scared of a little bug, you ain't alive."
"Not alive, I pushed the door and a sea of dust flowed out into the hallway like water."
"The story is still very much alive."
"...finally alive, finally together, and finally reunited with Goku as a family once more."
"That light inside of you has made me feel so alive all I want now is to be near it."
"Nature, it's always made me feel so alive."
"Lloyd tells them to hurry up and go since it must be a relief hearing that their Master is actually alive."
"Oh no, let's go, I'm alive, we're alive."
"Making history come alive before your very eyes."
"You feel alive, your heart is beating with the beat of that drum and reminding you that you made it back that you're here that you're alive and you have a purpose."
"I'm alive and all alone. I'm guessing that's gonna come as a surprise to the entire world, really."
"He's alive. Getting distracted because I think that was possible. Neither did I."
"Supple as grasses and so continually shifting that they somehow give the impression that the entire plane is moving and alive."
"It's not as simple as that, and you know it. As far as I can see it, all of the people in the world we thought were dead are actually alive and well."
"Everything just seemed to be so alive."
"When I saw that result, I was super excited, like I felt alive."
"He was actually alive," Lin Chang Fang said.
"You're not alive if you ain't got no insides. That's just plain and simple."
"I must take you alive, but if I slice up a few of your limbs in the process, so be it."
"Your mom's still alive, you here. That's a blessing."
"There's another kind of atheism that's very alive and well, and it's present right here amongst us: practical atheism."
"What are the things that make you feel alive and you feel inspired and you feel magical?"
"Connection is life to us. We want to feel alive."
"The darkness is alive, it penetrates you. You can't talk, it's like you're... you can't you can't suck in air, it's suffocating."
"It's a working faith. It's a living faith."
"I can't believe you're alive, you idiot! I was so worried!" Time cried.
"In any event you're not a hologram you live and you breathe and you're real and you're alive and that's the best thing."
"For me, like the most basic components of being an alive human being walking around is that your heart is beating and your lungs are expanding and contracting."
"It just seems too good to be true, down it does, but it's here, it's a great time to be alive."
"We've found your husband Mrs. Lanigan and he's alive,"
"You make me feel alive, you make me feel passion and love and everything in between."
"Good morning, it's a beautiful day to be alive."
"The forest felt alive, watching, waiting."
"I feel alive again, no I actually do, I'm not even kidding."
"It's alive, I know I saw it face to face."
"It feels like a living, breathing thing."
"Love ain't dead, man. Love is not dead."
"It is still alive and kicking, guys."
"Lynn is alive and well and still making music."
"God's Word is the active breathing Living Word of God."
"Find passion and what makes you feel alive and connected."
"Whatever happened, whatever this is, this isn't being alive."
"The mask itself is alive and it desires nothing more than absolute carnage."
"I felt alive in a way I'd never experienced before."
"You are not weak, you are strong and oh so alive."
"Your dream may be buried, but it's still alive."
"They did it. They're a part of the grid again, and the universe feels alive."
"Nobody besides April, her dad, and this random Jack dude knows she's alive yet."
"What I care about is making you feel, making you feel alive, making every second worth it."
"just feel so blessed I can't even believe it I can't believe I'm alive after the weekend we had"
"You make me feel alive, which is saying something."
"Their feelings for you are still alive and well."
"I was 36 and for the first time, I felt really alive."
"He's the greatest wrestler alive today."
"It makes history feel alive and like something that's not completely set in stone."
"...to say that the world is alive is far more than a metaphor but it would be unfortunate if we take it to just be something literal; it's much deeper, much more profound."
"I'm telling you, he's alive. You've got to believe me!"
"Wow, that thing is colossal. That's got to be alive, holy moly."