
Boundary Quotes

There are 248 quotes

"Most of us don't give a rat's ass about your faith until you try and force it into our lives."
"The boundary between things is really blurry... these categories are all imaginary made up."
"Anger is a feeling; it's part of being human. It just means it's feedback that a boundary's been crossed."
"There's no clear line, there's no demarcation point between what's science and what's Magic."
"If you touch me again I'm going to hurt you I want out."
"There's a world inside and there's a world outside, and in between is a boundary."
"That's how far away from pedophilia I am, I can comfortably say that on stage with a camera on."
"That's crazy how I told you not to play with me, and now look."
"She's really treading close to the line now."
"I could have dealt with the comments, I could have dealt with the not taking no for an answer, even dealt with the cyberstalking a little, but when your twisted mind okay's you to bring my kid into the picture, you've crossed the line."
"Sometimes, when me and my wife are having sex, she calls me the N-word... it makes me feel good."
"Brian Pillman's loose cannon persona expertly blurred the lines between fantasy and reality."
"Every time he tries to tell them, no, he really doesn't give that much of an f about it, like he's like, stop, don't."
"Recognize that anger is healthy, anger is a boundary."
"There is no reason for anyone over the age of 21 to be having a conversation with anyone under the age of 18."
"A boundary is where you walk away."
"I've had to step away from that myself it seems like people."
"So shocked that was the breaking point those are odd people that's the breaking point that's where they went too far man."
"The one thing I wouldn't do is have Bond commit suicide."
"We thought it was infinite, but we may have proof that it has a boundary."
"When you say 'under no circumstances,' I feel like you're setting a boundary."
"As soon as anyone disrespects your lover, that relationship is done dude."
"A virtual network is an isolation boundary."
"Honestly, when you reached out to me and said congrats I didn't say congrats I said leave my house please."
"Oh, interesting. So, physically hurting anyone was the line. You’re like, I’m not going past that."
"He lives on the edge, he walks a fine line between Brilliance and Insanity."
"I'm Gandalf, just looking at them like, 'You guys can't come to my place.'"
"In the air, a little lucky from Martin, but he's going to get a boundary."
"Could it be because they are extremely good at keeping things out of our world that we don't want in?"
"You blocked this person in the end, you cut them out."
"There's a fine line between uniqueness and strange."
"Nobody is allowed to go up there."
"Apparently, it doesn't get too far from home."
"Now I give off energy like, you know, 'don't talk to me' energy."
"He embarrassed me in front of my friends and that I was done catering to his demands from cooking and cleaning while trying to care for my infant with no sleep nor self-care for myself."
"...if you will give that joker silence they will leave you alone."
"If you try to section me, Mark, you have crossed the line and I will section you, so help me."
"The Virgin would never say no to a priest."
"When I was new here, I did not know about the open door policy and used to freak out when strangers would just walk inside my neighbor's house."
"I stood my ground and said she had till the end of the week to take her fence down and get back on her own land."
"What artificial intelligence is doing is that, 'Oh, we thought there was a clear boundary.' And in some of these classic supernatural horror, there's a clear boundary between the human world and the nonhuman."
"Your boundary is in your spirit. You're not a body, you are a spirit. And God is a spirit."
"There is such a fine line between forcing people to continue in situations they aren't comfortable in versus being gracious."
"That's the end of it right there. That's like the lines drawn in the sand. Don't you dare come across that."
"Die Hard 2 nearly crosses that line of being too aggressive."
"It's thought that the universe may not even have a physical boundary in the first place."
"Don't come into the ring unless you're invited."
"Space is merely an arbitrary borderline that we have put in place so that we can say up to this point you are in its atmosphere and then beyond this point you are now classed as being in space."
"Brad Anderson broke his nose 'cause he was giving him too much [ __ ] really. What's too much [ __ ]?"
"Once you're too nice, you get creepy."
"Rule of thumb: you wouldn't be out of line just saying no more than one percent."
"Being able to say, 'Alright, this is funny, but don't talk about my sex life,' is setting a boundary."
"You're gonna do me a favor and sometimes just shut the [ __ ]."
"I don't want my neighbors to have a front row seat to my entire life."
"The drone won't go any further this way."
"You, the narcissist, will never approve of me but you see I approve of me and in my world that's where I draw the line."
"Maybe something might cross the line, but if you like it, go for it."
"This belongs to me, this is not yours, get off my lawn for the 20th time."
"I'm asking for (beep) pictures and (beep) like, that's, you know that going to my sister, you know?"
"It's time to take action, draw the line, and say 'enough is enough.'"
"The line between the natural and the supernatural is forever blurred."
"The hardest part of being a footballer? The lack of Separation."
"I think the entire concept is just really, really, really interesting. I think the entire thing is just so cool, figuring out where the line is drawn."
"It's a real privilege to be on this side of the barrier."
"I live by the rule that if you do not matter to me, whatever you say or do does not matter to me."
"We all like to congregate at boundary conditions. Where land meets water. Where Earth meets air. Where body meets mind. Where space meets time."
"Between self-hatred and self-awareness is a very small Thin Line."
"We like to refer to that as a limit."
"They are willing to say, 'No, this is the line that my God draws, and I stay on this side of that line.'"
"Witches always lived on the edges of things," Granny thought.
"He's got problems here, that's played away on the leg side and the foot goes out but into the boundary."
"Do not let others make you feel bad for stepping away."
"I'm not going back and forth with a man or anyone who thinks that they should be in my position."
"That's not how this works. This is private property, and you won't just walk into some random person's shop and do the same thing."
"...there's still a limit... if you want to come to that come..."
"We want a hard boundary to continue up through here."
"Back up Theodore and get off of me."
"Mr. Cranky decided to have a chain link fence installed right where our grassy area meets his driveway."
"The food was very good but I asked you not to enter the room but you did."
"There's always this thin line between somebody being very courageous and crazy."
"You give so much that you lose yourself in this."
"Gilman was certain he was near the boundary between the known universe and the fourth dimension, and who could say how much farther he might go?"
"If I ever see you again, I'm calling the cops."
"That's a woman who is holding a boundary."
"I'll spit on a grave. Dancing on graves, Chad, I'll spit on a grave. Dancing on a grave is crazy, bro. Respectfully, of course."
"I cannot," she said. "In all else, Rob, in everything, but not in this. This folly, do not ask it."
"I want you to not come to that wedding."
"That's terrible! Drinking in front of me! Is this harassment? Go to your room!"
"It's not your damn business what I think about that. And I have explained it. And I have explained even what you're talking about. I'm just not giving it to you. Because I don't want to. Because you suck."
"When helping and when love gets in the way, break every rule."
"A line is being drawn in the sand."
"The boundary condition of the universe is that it has no boundary."
"I think the only way you're gonna ever know if you've gone too far is to go too far."
"In some sense, I should be able to look at this boundary and read off information about what's going on instantaneously some distance away from it in the interior."
"I don't wanna be touched by you right now, and you're touching me! You're assaulting me!"
"All of the doubts that were in my mind as I stepped over that boundary, they just disappeared."
"Someone took something to the limit."
"Having appropriate anger is one of the best ways to have boundaries."
"It's a matter of respect, and if you don't respect me, I'm damn sure not going to respect you."
"So please don't just stop, just stop doing that, you know? Just don't take it that extra step."
"You know, when you start doing parody, when you start doing comedy, it's treacherous because you can step over the line."
"Good on you. Honestly, I think setting boundaries like that is what a lot of these Brides need to hear. These ridiculous expectations of other people just makes me so mad."
"Nope, stop! Do not come up my drive, stop right there."
"It really is almost like there's an invisible wall right at the edge of this lake or Pond whatever it is."
"The officer I spoke to chided me for reading his journal, spoke about his reasonable expectation of privacy."
"I respect that you stood your ground and held those boundaries. Strong."
"Please do not message me telling me about them."
"Where there are no rules, there is freedom."
"We push everything right to the limit, but we don't step over the line."
"Just put out what you want, and if people don't like it, well, isn't that your M.O.? I get so much [ __ ] from people all around me in my life to the point where I'm seriously, I need space."
"No man has the right to fix the boundary of a Nation."
"But it's like, when you try me and disrespect me or something like that, now I got to get with you."
"Don't come for me unless I call for you."
"Racism had, in my mind, crossed a line."
"No, I'm not going to deal with your mess. I'm walking away."
"There's a real thin line...between breaking the fourth wall and parody."
"So if you're going along and there's open field but there's purple paint on the post you can't go there."
"Anger is a message, wisdom that a boundary has been violated."
"Known for the break-off, so take off your clothes and quit trying to spit at my hoes."
"...it's about the boundary first that you set beforehand respecting the boundary by walking away and doing something to get that energy out."
"That's on the line like any farther than that it would have been uncomfortable."
"The biggest trick is going right to your edge."
"I just didn't want him to come back into the home."
"It's the one time I don't want my butt touched."
"The boundary between reason and what people consider supernatural isn't there."
"The observable universe goes on much farther than we can see. There's no evidence for an edge, no evidence for any boundary in space to the cosmos."
"Clearly defining the boundary between light and shadow makes organizing values easier."
"This isn't Porsha-ism this is humanism, it's about respect and it's a boundary."
"Declare an end to your working day."
"It's almost like you need to have a DMZ, a demilitarized zone, where you're like 'no, this is good' and it has to be bought and paid for by the racer."
"Don't f*** with this one. There's something off-limits about you."
"How many of us cross those lines at one time? We said we'd never do that, and then you look back, and you've done it a few times."
"Even when we're wrong, even when we go a little too far."
"Comedy is the ability to make people laugh without making them puke."
"I look over to her and yell back: 'No sorry, I thought that I was never to touch your stuff again ma'am' and walked back inside."
"Can you do me a favor? Can you please stay outside?"
"Letting hell know you can't cross that line."
"There's a fine line between wrestling and cuddling, and you were flirting with it."
"At some point you have to put down the Whisk and stop stirring and mixing up color."
"When you set a boundary, basically what you're saying is that you respect yourself enough."
"If you ever call me sister again, I'll have you strangled in your sleep."
"...we as actors can't touch you either."
"I cannot be aggressively in my parking lot at compound."
"If you don't go too far, then what's the whole point of anything in comedy or, you know, really in life? I mean, isn't that how you balance the scales?"
"I think if you go too far, like if you constantly go too far, you're like, 'Oh, that's just, oh, he's gone, yeah, you kind of have to toe the line, don't you? You either, I don't think I have to, I like that, that's where comedy is great.'"
"This is a woke free zone. If you woke, get out."
"It's not as aggressive as harassment, but it's discomfort."
"Absolutely raced to the boundary."
"It's outside that the red belt exists."
"The origin of time is not quite a boundary condition; there is yet a bigger system, the Multiverse."
"Say the n-word real quick and take us out."
"Don't make a fool out of me, I'll slap [__] out of you."
"It made sense to me at the time, he was breaking a clear boundary I'd previously made."
"I felt like she was constantly projecting and I had put up with it for a long time but I couldn't do it anymore."
"It's beautiful, that's great. Even when I was like an adult, they would flirt in ways that would make me uncomfortable."
"You did not go too far. Your dad was engaging in Parental alienation, involving you in adult matters as a child."
"...they've basically created a sense of fear where you don't know where the line is anymore."
"Not the [__] if it was a male friend touching your inner thighs and giving you unwanted massages, people would be disgusted."
"I wouldn't ask you to do that and I'm not comfortable with anything outside of the parameters I set, you freaks."
"You can't break the fourth wall if you already destroyed it."
"He states that they never crossed the line, perhaps alluding to how no mention of any sexual activities have taken place between Tyler and the girl but it doesn't change the fact that the intention was still there."
"Yoshi does not understand personal space. Oh my goodness."
"There is no limit, the red line is simply the edge of what is possible."
"What if I stepped on your stomach?"
"Cut off all ties to the person unless y'all got children together and then that right there is a business relationship."
"The moment he breaks a maniac's neck though, that's the line."
"Yeah, that's out of pocket but that's how you learn respect honestly, nigga in the chat said TF was supposed to slap his Daddy, he did that, that's a slap."
"It means one can look no further. It means it is impossible, even in principle, to go further."
"This incident crossed a line for me. It shattered something within me."
"These other people who you didn't even know felt like they had the right to be in your space."
"The universe is not infinite in space, but neither does space have any boundary."
"There's a fine line between stupid and crazy though."
"Just be confident you have to just say it confidently and just know where you draw the line and where you're separated from."
"Voila, we've got a nice boundary surface."
"This is the way it's going to be if you want to be with me, and if you can't accept that, kick rocks."
"It's like you guys are maybe flirting but... no I'm out, that's it, it's the last straw."
"If I did offend any of you with any of those, however, if I did, please do let me know. Write the joke that offended you down in the comments below because nothing gives me a bigger dopamine rush than knowing that I've made a child cry."
"There's a thin line and there's a fine line between madness and a genius."
"You put up a boundary—stick to it."
"...I just couldn't do it anymore. I had reached the Event Horizon for my tolerance of emotional manipulation."
"Ask her not to call you 'daddy.' Master in BDSM or something similar."
"No, please leave, no thank you, don't touch me, my friend, don't touch me. I will not touch you, I'm not harassing you."
"They could look, but they can't touch."
"In my mind, I'm thinking, you can't pat me down, bro. You pat me down, bro, this is about to go left, you know what I'm saying?"
"Physical violence is an automatic red line."
"Here's the first rule of this visit...don't threaten me in my own home."
"It's kind of like the same thing with the drama we just watched on the Mr. Beast thing. Like I can be empathetic with you to a point and then you make it real hard."
"The devil cannot cross the bloodline."
"How can you tell when you've crossed that line?"
"Your life outside these walls is your own business within limits of course."
"tell your kids to get their scooters off my lawn"
"Hey guys, uh I'm glad we're having fun here but uh you can't pull your nuts out."
"Do you think that the creators took it too far for a Disney Channel show?"
"There is a bloodline that the enemy cannot cross."
"This is probably on the borderline of the spec."
"A slow but deliberate kiss that had gone too far."
"The property in the backyard was open grass area until a fence stopped the encroachment of the forest itself."
"That's a fine shot. First boundary for Laxman this morning."
"He's off the mark in style, a firm push to the offside gives him his first boundary."
"This is literally like the edge of the world."