
Resin Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"Resin is a liquid that when you mix part A and part B, you get them together and then they harden into this really cool glassy plastic type substance."
"If you guys enjoy this type of content, if you like seeing us make crazy huge expensive things out of wood and resin, please hit the subscribe button below."
"That's what I love about it, is the beauty, and also the idea that the resin, then there are different pores, there's different combinations, each one is unique."
"Resin is really fun. You can make everything from miniature environments like the Pokémon one that I did and I had so much fun putting it together, to really ambitious huge projects."
"Sprinkles, glitter, foil—add a touch of sparkle to your resin creations."
"Googly eyes, pressed flowers, and stickers—get creative with resin embellishments."
"Resin crafting tips: shake dyes well, avoid trapped bubbles, and fill molds generously."
"When Dragon Air Silent Gods approached me for a sponsored video and I saw this in their marketing material, I immediately pictured a dragon encased in a giant resin D20."
"If the FEP wins that tug of war for just one layer, it's gonna result in a failed print."
"...the resin is what really has the healing property so you want the most resin as possible."
"I have a tendency to overlook resin, and so when I saw that I was like, you know what, that's real colorful and fun."
"Cool how those webs come up between the cones and the resin. I like it."
"You really need to use your very very thinnest lowest viscosity resin that you have."
"I'm super excited about trying the resin rockers."
"Slow and steady wins the race, you cannot be aggressive with resin."
"The safest way to preserve this resin... going really slow from the top to the base."
"It is so easy to work with resin and to play with it and to come up with the most amazing designs."
"If you're new to getting a uv light, okay and like I said before this one is not glued down so we're just going to use our resin to hold it in place."
"I think the coolest one out of all of them is this chaotic resin."
"There really is no such thing as the perfect resin for every situation. Depending on what you're doing, some resins are going to be better than others."
"I'm hoping that'll work, right? Because with the other one, I poured the resin in, and every five minutes, I had to come back and keep pushing it. So, yeah, we'll just see if that works. It might not work, but we'll see."
"I'm always looking to add to my resin shelf because I think, like I said, I think a lot of resins are good for different types of projects. You know, I just can't see finding like one resin that's perfect for everything, that doesn't seem possible."
"The cool thing with UV resin, compared to epoxy, is that you basically have all the time in the world."
"Clear resins end up not being very clear."
"One of the benefits of working with resin is that it's endless the colors are endless and the things you can create seem to be almost endless as well."
"Resin is where it's at now for high level detail."
"I've always preferred the look of regular two-part epoxy resin over the UV version; it gives a better finish in my opinion and it's a lot more durable."
"So far so good, here we go, m58 gray tough resin from Resi 1, hopefully we've got here another good Miniatures resin that I can recommend you guys."
"I'm going to be continuing my series where I teach you everything you need to know to get started with your resin 3D printer."
"I've been wanting to try out fiber optic cable in resin."
"Just look at how this resin just brings out the acrylic colors."
"These gilding flakes are so beautiful in with the resin, absolutely gorgeous."
"Follow the label directions, and you will end up with a perfect glossy hard art resin coat."
"The technique is called cold casting, where you use real metal with resin."
"The finish is brilliant, I mean, and we're not getting any of that exploding resin."
"The main advantages to printing with resin rather than FDM are because it's generally faster."
"UV resin is food safe when it is cured."
"It almost looks like the resin created like a waterfall around all of those pine cones."
"That is a fantastic piece. Stabilizing resin leveled out the color of all this."
"That primordial resin goo gets forged into your creative vision, layer by layer."
"This resin dries beautifully clear, almost like glass."
"So, now that we have our molds we're ready to cast some resin."
"I love how the resin brings out the colors in the sculpture."
"You can 3D print articulating, movable 3D printed objects in resin."
"I've learned with these Apex resins you don't really need to worry about the bubbles."
"I just love how it looks when it's been baked and resined."
"This resin prints flawlessly, it casts flawlessly, I strongly recommend it."
"The tree produces a sticky liquid called resin, and this is taken as a medicine by the people on the island and in many parts of the world."
"I'm really loving this. It's pretty. It's basically clear resin with a smoky tint."
"You can see how beautiful that resin makes it; it really stands out and is bright and glossy."