
Crazy Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"As far as gift bags go, this is crazy."
"Trudy's lesson from the movie: 'Doing one crazy thing probably does make you crazy, but it can also make you happy!'"
"It was a late crazy movie blessed."
"This is actually crazy, I'm impressed."
"oh we were going crazy my girl didn't jump over she went through she did yeah she can go squishy it's a magic unicorn"
"you guys are crazy my unicorn sometimes spins in circles"
"I'm a little bit crazy Diana because I use creative finance... I require... a 30% cash on cash return. I won't even look at it."
"Life is so [__] crazy. It's so short. When people say like, 'life is short,' it's such an understatement."
"As experiences go this is pretty crazy this is a rather surreal moment."
"I felt like I had to make up for lost time in my teenage years...making crazy choices."
"Manifestation is so important. It's crazy."
"Life is short, so let's just live it. Let's be crazy."
"Crazy we finish each other's sandwiches."
"Crazy is undefeated. Crazy is 1,000 and 0. You will not beat crazy."
"Listen, my guy, I know you're lonely, but I'm crazy."
"Crazy is what they don't understand."
"This movie is crazy! Every single time something new is revealed, it's just like, holy [__], where is this going?"
"Just think Bruce Lee probably drove this car. That is crazy."
"The idea that it should be the norm and, in fact, frowned upon to not do that is crazy."
"Yo, this is a crazy Lamborghini. I can't believe we got this one, the Huracan. Look, I'm still touching."
"That's what ham radio is all about, is doing all this crazy stuff and having fun doing it."
"It's kinda crazy, I'm gonna tell you what."
"They got all kinds of crazy [ __ ] on there okay all kinds of crazy gadgets."
"Group B was crazy, freaking crazy, man."
"Life's been crazy, but I'm doing awesome."
"This idea is probably crazy but I think it's gonna be insane and we're gonna love it."
"They got rid of the four for four, they got rid of all of that, they got rid of all of that, yeah, now they're giving us like Applebee prices like 2 for 20 and stuff, fast food's crazy."
"I'm Gonna Wanna I'm gonna know I'm back once I do like something crazy like a like something that like everybody's gonna get hyped from."
"This is like a homologation special special special special. Yes, and this is what's crazy."
"I do think it's like I think it's crazy."
"Everything was so tiny. Oh, it was crazy, the tiny."
"I think when we tell people what we're doing they're going to think we're crazy. It's scary."
"I genuinely could not believe that this is mine. It's actually crazy."
"This is crazy when you live near the airport."
"It's alright to be crazy, but you've got to be careful that they're not in conflict with well-established physical facts."
"I know at this stage it looks absolutely crazy, but bear with me when we start adding the details in the next chapter, it's going to make the piece look so much better."
"This was the most insane mystery box ever got... it's just crazy."
"It's been a crazy few weeks man, but for good reason."
"This thing is absolutely bonkers."
"That's enough to make anybody crazy."
"It's like saying why are you being so crazy about this like this isn't that big of a deal."
"There are some incidences where 100% I am not screwing with this person because one of two things is happening either they're the main character or they're absolutely crazy."
"This is perhaps the craziest I think we've seen it ever but it's absolutely fantastic."
"That's crazy. That was probably the most surprising thing to come out of this."
"True, you know what's the crazy part too, chat? She's not even lying."
"It's a little bit disturbing, but it's f***ing crazy, man."
"that's the point I'm making that's crazy"
"Ah, this is the showstopper right here, I don't even know what to say about this, this is just crazy."
"I wanted a wild name, something crazy that nobody could pronounce."
"I might be crazy but I'm not stupid."
"That's British for being holy smokes, blown away. Isn't that crazy?"
"It's crazy town." - "It's crazy town."
"I'm not crazy you're crazy you're crazy."
"It's just a crazy crazy Amazing Story."
"Good morning last night was pretty crazy."
"The audience became like, 'Let's look into everything with me deeper than yo.' It's kind of crazy but it's all good."
"996s are the best crazy value, crazy fun for dollar."
"Holy moly it sounds crazy even for me but in reality living this kind of lifestyle it kind of works."
"Kind of crazy to see how this theme just went up into really high highs then also had very low lows."
"It's crazy bro, maybe I didn't do the story justice, but it was one of the most crazy things I've ever, probably more crazy than the fire right outside the house if I'm being honest."
"Crazy and these people are actually live watching us right now."
"The amount of sweat on my body right now is crazy."
"She had shorts on, it was like, 'damn, she's crazy.'"
"Do not go anywhere because the next video is even more crazy than riding at 1 am in the morning, doing a Viking ritual slash cleansing, and going to a Viking Compass."
"This is crazy. This is like top 10 anime battle."
"I thought it was those are crazy yeah those are bad."
"What crazy, crazy layout here, fantastic work."
"Excalibur is crazy; it's like if Cedar Fair asks for Arrow to build them a backyard roller coaster."
"Sometimes you need a little bit of crazy in order to get the right amount of attention."