
Gradient Quotes

There are 112 quotes

"An addition is a router of gradient; whatever gradient comes from above it just gets routed equally to all the elements that participate in that addition."
"The gradient of a function points in the direction of steepest ascent."
"The gradient points in the direction of steepest descent of our cost function."
"The elevation change is so large that the gradient is as steep as 1 and six in some spots of the track."
"Exploit the idea of the gradient plane where you transition from dark to light, light to dark, warm to cool, or cool to warm."
"All of your lights are going to have a really nice smooth gradient as they go up as they come on and a nice fade as they cut off."
"The gradient points in the direction of steepest ascent. But with this additional observation it means that the length of the gradient is the slope in that direction."
"This is an incredible amount of detail and customization here, I mean, it's such a gradient."
"The gradient technique works really well. Light medium dark, or if you just put a light all over the lid, the dark out here, and blend it in like this, that can work for the gradient."
"What I love about this fabric collection is that it's ombre, so it goes from dark to light with this beautiful texture."
"Now once you have that, we're just going to fill in the top section with our darker color, and we're going to come back in with a soft eraser to erase the top corners to create more of a gradient than these super blocky shapes."
"We are finding the gradient of the tangent at that point where x equals 1."
"The whole point of differentiation is to try and find the gradient at a particular point on a curve."
"The steeper the gradient, the faster the rate of reaction."
"This graded wash technique is very useful for creating gradients with subtle color transitions."
"The pressure gradient is the difference of pressure between two chambers."
"A gradient is not going to be a solid color or an image fill; it's going to be something that flows from one color to the other."
"I love that gradient; very kind of '70s vibes to me."
"A graded wash starts off darker and gets progressively lighter, immediately creating depth in your painting."
"The gradient of a scalar field gives us a vector field where the vectors point in the direction of steepest increase."
"I like that they use ombre in this one."
"This is Red Heart Super Saver Ombré. This colorway is called Sea Coral, and you can see that this yarn has kind of a gradient effect and ombré effect."
"It's always nice to work that transition between the two colors so it's a nice gradient."
"That's a pretty interesting gradient."
"I adore this design; I'm happy that Natasha went with a soft gradient."
"The derivative function can help you determine the gradient at a given point."
"It's like an ombre; you start with a light and then you go dark."
"We created a gradient and we set its direction; now we need to assign it colors."
"The diffusion phase of the gradient is the most important part of the learning."
"The only thing that determines if a line is parallel or perpendicular to another is all in the gradient."
"The minimum and maximum values are going to be when the gradient of this tangent here is equal to zero."
"Now we've got a beautiful little gradient, it adds that sort of sunset effect to the design."
"If I go along one unit on the x, I'm going up by 3 times the amount on the Y, so the gradient will be 3."
"Every one across it goes two up, so the gradient, the value of M, is two."
"Determine the gradient from the graph; remember to draw the triangle and use more than half of the line."
"The line that connects all life is rather blurred because it's somewhat of a gradient."
"The directional derivative in the direction of some unit vector u is just the gradient of f with u."
"You can see the nice gradient happening and you can kind of see the effect on the car."
"The most important thing for me is to have a smooth gradient between black to white."
"You've really easily and quickly created a gradient from dark to light."
"I actually like using the two main color and the accent color to make the nicest looking gradient."
"Sometimes it's good to select a range of the same color; it can kind of allow the colors to gradually fade into the next color."
"Now that we have this color palette, the question is how do we get this into a custom gradient?"
"I think we're getting a beautiful, beautiful gradient here."
"It's the chain rule of standard analysis that makes the gradient a co-vector and not a vector."
"We know grad log probability action given state times the advantage associated with that state."
"The hair is really nice; it looks like we have a dark yellow to a really bright yellow gradient right here in the Super Saiyan hair."
"At a 10% gradient, 90% of your energy is expended fighting against gravity."
"You can increase your wattage by 5% for every 1% increase in grade."
"The effective way is minimum at zero but is very significant at higher gradients."
"Del F, which I also called the gradient of F, is a vector field where the vector arrows point toward the positive values of F."
"It's a beautiful pattern for this yarn because it really shows off the gradient."
"Noise can be used to add texture to a solid color or smooth gradient."
"You can transition from one color to another very smoothly and have it kind of have a gradient feel."
"The best way to do this, in my opinion, for this classic technique is lighter to darker."
"It's kind of heavier blue on the bottom and goes up to lighter blue."
"I'm able to get that beautiful look from extending from color to white that looks flawless."
"The formula for gradient is Y2 minus Y1 divided by X2 minus X1."
"The gradient of a line is change in Y over change in X."
"The beauty of PyTorch... is that you don't need to worry about computing the gradient."
"The gradient of the scalar function with respect to a vector is a vector of the same size as the vector with respect to which you differentiate."
"There's a particularly steep part where the gradient kicks up to a maximum of 12."
"I love that all the ponytails actually have some kind of gradient."
"I love with it on how it just starts lighter."
"I feel like if it was light and then moving to dark and then back from dark back to light, so it looks like it fades in and fades out through each color, I feel like that's the better way to do it."
"The gradient of a straight line is given by change in Y divided by change in X."
"The gradient of F is a vector field and it's often called a gradient vector field."
"The gradient is how steep the line is, and the y-intercept is where the line crosses the y-axis."
"I love the gradient flow right here; it goes from like light, dark to light, and then dark again."
"The gradient tells me the fastest direction of either growth or decay."
"I love a gradient, and this one's just too much fun."
"We're going to start with a gradated sky."
"It looks beautiful; there's not a strong gray line, it's fading nicely towards the center where it's lighter."
"You want a gradient of colors; you don't want just a block of yellow and then a block of pink."
"The gradient points in the direction of quickest increase."
"The gradient of J of theta is the gradient."
"By looking at the gradient at one location, we can make a linear extrapolation on what we think the value of the function will be at some other location."
"A point that has zero gradient is a global minimizer."
"The gradient vector at X0 is orthogonal to the level set."
"We have this beautiful gradient square, square gradient."
"Y equals mx plus c, now y and x will constantly change, but m is what we call the gradient."
"The gradient of F is the partial with respect to X times I plus partial with respect to Y times J plus partial with respect to Z times K."
"It's a really attractive double whammy sunburst and fumé fade."
"The gradient of a straight line is the coefficient of x when the equation is in the form y = mx + c."
"If you take courses where people are taking gradients, you're going to know the secret trick of being able to get the gradient this way."
"The gradient is always perpendicular to the tangent of the level curves."
"The function y is 3x squared; if we compute the gradient of that function, we're going to get 6x."
"I'm always a big fan of the truncated gradient rather than the RGB vomit that is so common."
"The colors are relatively vivid and saturated, the gradients are pleasingly smooth."
"The gradient design that we'll be building today is most like the navigation from the parallax and canvas design."
"Parallel lines will always have the same gradient."
"You want a nice graduated look from light or skin to darkness up top."
"I really love the gradient bumper."
"The gradient is 11. This is the gradient, right."
"Gradient tells you how a function is changing not in one dimension but in three dimensions."
"It starts to create a beautiful gradient and it's super easy to do."
"That's called the vanishing gradient problem."
"Our little wrap is finished, it looks so pretty and it's just the hombre gradient is so striking."
"The gradient function allows us to find the slope gradient at any given point by simply substituting in the x coordinate."
"It has a soft radiance to it and the gradient reminds me of cream mixing in coffee."
"See that really nice soft blend, that gradient, it's so pretty."