
Intrinsic Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Love is intrinsic, love is the way we are."
"...value is intrinsic to reality, not just something we make up."
"Happiness is your nature, what you are, happiness itself."
"Test for your intrinsic motivation for doing something. Only do things that you actually want to do."
"Be intrinsically motivated, do it for you."
"It does not need a frosting to make it sweeter, to make it more rich. It is perfectly rich on its own."
"Our value is intrinsic. The definition of intrinsic is it's something you cannot give nor take away. Our value is intrinsic. Every human being has intrinsic value."
"It's intrinsically satisfying, intrinsically blissful."
"When you do have this intrinsic type of confidence, it takes the pressure off of those things."
"Happiness has been born within you; it's your default setting."
"The future is defined much less by extrinsic motivators and much more by intrinsic motivators. This doesn't mean there won't be any extrinsic ones, so of course, we have to design our incentives and our deterrents better."
"All those things are external to me and have nothing to do with my value. I am simply enough."
"Most don’t believe that we, as humans, possess intrinsic value… that we have value just the way we are, regardless of our performance."
"What's most important in life is not the extrinsic things, it's the intrinsic things."
"I think internal drive is something you can't teach."
"Intrinsically motivated person. That motivation, meaning it's coming from within yourself."
"It's never going to be intrinsically because of your strategy."
"I have two kinds of motivations: intrinsic and extrinsic. Extrinsic is I look at what I am doing and how successful I have been and what I need to do next."
"Why do we need prizes and goals to motivate us, and why does it not come from within?"
"What is intrinsic existence is the objective character dimension that we attribute on to things."
"Anything intrinsic to God is identical to God."
"It just is something that is, I think it's just part of my DNA."
"True happiness is instinctive because the wisdom is happiness is already within you."
"Know where your intrinsic motivations lie."
"So eventually you will learn Chinese so consistently that you won't need any sort of habit tracker or any sort of extrinsic motivation to show up and do Chinese you'll be intrinsically motivated based on who you are how you see yourself and that's super powerful."
"Your real value is inside of you."
"It would take more than a little telescope to spoil the intrinsic beauty."
"I would seek motivation that is most intrinsic intrinsic motivation."
"There's something intrinsic about knowing the truth."
"Philosophy is intrinsically disappointment."
"The passion is a spiritual passion, it's not a result of your education, it's not a result of guidance, it's not a result of your life experience."
"Life has intrinsic worth and value, not extrinsic worth conveyed by state or society."
"Quantum computers don't have to approximate the laws of nature on a molecular level because they follow those laws intrinsically."
"Our humanity is sort of intrinsically messy."
"Magic was an intrinsic part of nature."
"Curiosity is another powerful intrinsic motivator to tap into."
"Mercy and love are character traits that are intrinsic or essential for the subject."
"This doing is intrinsically suffering."
"Intrinsic motivation comes from within the individual, such as a sense of autonomy, mastery over skills, or having a purpose in life."
"That has an intrinsic value that is undeniable."
"Intrinsic motivation is when we are motivated to do something because of some internal reward."
"The intrinsic value of ecosystems is that it's valuable even though it may not have any benefit to us."
"God is by nature good, and so the goodness of God is intrinsic to God."
"Those intrinsic motivations are stronger motivators for change, stronger motivators to take action."
"Ambition is priceless, it's something that's in your veins, and I doubt that ever changed."
"Your value is inherent within you."
"You can't put the heart in a guy, and you can't put the courage, and you can't put the will to go 10 rounds or 12 rounds in a guy."
"Intrinsic is within myself, I've been for the love of the sport."
"Intrinsic behaviors tend to last longer... They're more difficult to extinguish, and I'm gonna rate it higher and it'll lead to greater enjoyment."
"These are things that feel good in and of themselves; they're intrinsically pleasurable."