
Session Quotes

There are 137 quotes

"I can promise you we have a very stimulating and most importantly informative session ahead."
"I do often say at the beginning of sessions to clients like, 'How would you like to use this time?'"
"Let's make this session as interactive as possible."
"Incredible what a place, absolutely awesome session delivered everything that I could have possibly wanted from a deep lake."
"It's been a good session, been a good start to my winter campaign."
"...so Brain Eysor shots I usually keep to maybe like one or two in a whole session."
"You're a free man. That's the last session for real."
"I was really thankful for this session."
"If you enjoyed this session and you want to do another one, feel free to click on another session."
"All in all, it was a fantastic session."
"That was craziest session we've had, yeah that was freaky when you listen to that."
"Wow, there's a huge session going on. We got Bucky, we got Andy McDonald, and Mitchie."
"How do you sum that session up guys in one word? Tasty."
"Hopefully you guys will enjoy today's session though."
"That was a fantastic session we ran through everything thank you."
"By the end of this session, you will love him as well."
"What great way to start my short in and out adventure session."
"Five more minutes before I was about to reel in my final session of this campaign and this beautiful common slip top."
"What an incredible start to this session."
"The session will be starting with the types of migrations and followed by the hybrid deployments."
"That's like a classic thing, I gotta hit all the angles in my session."
"It's just been a great session all around."
"This is therapy session... It's a therapy session and you know what, I like it."
"That was the most fun session I have ever had."
"So regardless of who you are, we think that there are definitely some useful tips and tricks for you to take away from today's session."
"To have a powerful session, you must have a powerful start. So make sure it's a great one."
"We're on the downward slope of this incredible endurance feat over a 60-minute session."
"I believe you have benefited from this session."
"So this basically covers the full cycle of an individual session."
"If you're going to do some major changes to the session and you're not sure that you want to keep it or you just want to kind of track your progress as you move along, doing a save as will actually create a new pro 2 session file."
"It was a wonderful session where you covered a lot of stuff."
"It's just a great way of starting your session."
"This will allow us to kind of have one culminating session right after the winter break on January 2nd to have what we call in this class a plenary discussion that is to say discussion that emanates from questions from all of you."
"Well, I don't think I've ever had a session like this, so many bites coming so quickly."
"What a brilliant way to end the session."
"It's a big topic area, so of course, you know, I can only do so much in one session."
"You need to wrap the application with the session provider, and then we will be able to access the use session hook."
"What a great session that's been."
"...purely a session where I could just experiment and try a few things out."
"He's going to be dealing with the kingdom and science and social transformation. Powerful session, and I know you don't want to miss that."
"I appreciate each and every one of you for joining; we are going to have a jam-packed, high-yield session this weekend."
"I'm really happy with that, you know, sometimes I don't have 30, 40 minutes, I just want to do a quick little session and I'm energized."
"Well, that was a pretty fantastic session."
"Thank you so much for your time and attention. I hope you have enjoyed this session."
"I think I had like probably like my best two sessions since I've been here."
"I knew I would feel better after that gym session."
"Intercession is when you enter into the session."
"Wow, we have a good session folks."
"This session was actually designed by our very own Connor Dunn at the back there, so Connor, what would this be good for, mate? Talk us through this session."
"Not all the target species, but still having a good old session."
"This song was just beautiful and how they opened up the sessions."
"The context instance represents a session with the database and can be used to query and save instances of your entities."
"That was emotional, ups and downs, but great session, feel like I've accomplished something here."
"Let's finish this first half of the session off in style."
"Let's all try and make sure we get the most out of this session."
"If there's anything in particular any of you'd like to focus on today, just let me know during the session."
"You need to have that confidence that you are in control of the session."
"Thank you for taking your time and for attending this session."
"Well, you join me for a 48-hour session down at Chelmsford club water."
"We did make some profit there, so two hundred dollars probably, that's pretty good for a short session."
"Thank you everyone for coming to today's session."
"What a session, what a two-day session I'm having."
"I hope this session was useful or helpful to you."
"It's been a short but very enjoyable session."
"Thank you so much for joining and thank you to everyone who joined the session today."
"Guys, well that concludes the Ludwick session, absolutely awesome it was."
"Welcome everyone, this is the first session of the day, so I appreciate everybody coming straight from breakfast."
"This session is all about creative possibilities."
"It was genuinely legitimately a very valuable and powerful session for me."
"It's been a literary session, Mammoth literary session."
"What an amazing session it's been."
"Thank you so much for a wonderful session; this is absolutely amazing."
"What an amazing competition and session here in the archives."
"It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to this dialogue session."
"I'm so glad you enjoyed the session."
"Welcome everybody to this, our last session for today."
"I had a fabulous session over the weekend."
"We have multiple goals for this session, so this works perfectly."
"It's a great little session, I hope you enjoyed it."
"I'm happy to be here and to play with you in this beautiful session."
"Hello and welcome to today's session."
"Before we start, I would like to bless this session with all forms of love, light, peace, prosperity, and abundance."
"Thank you all for joining, this session was recorded."
"Things go extremely well for us in this session."
"We really, really hope that at the end of the session, everybody will leave happy."
"Multnomah County is now in session, the Honorable Christopher Ramos presiding."
"The type of cook session that went on was absolutely unbelievable."
"We are excited to facilitate this session for everyone."
"Thank you for attending today's session."
"Good afternoon everybody, I'm very excited about today's session, I have plans."
"Alhamdulillah, we're back with a beautiful session, inshallah."
"Welcome everyone to another wonderful session, inshallah this is going to be a long one."
"We want them to be a part of this because this is a huge session."
"We love all of those things because it gives us lots of content to build off of during the session."
"He's really inspiring and it's going to be a motivating session."
"You are very welcome to today's session."
"I'm really enjoying this session, I'm really enjoying everything about it."
"Talk about turning a session round, phenomenal."
"I hope the session was enjoyable and informative."
"This session has certainly taken a turn for the better."
"Thank you for coming today, we are beginning this session."
"We hit our take profit there for that session, so again a really nice session overall."
"The one word that I got out of this session was gratitude."
"I hope you guys are able to take some meaningful advice from today's session."
"Overall, a very productive session."
"I hope you guys enjoyed this session."
"Whatever you need in this session is all included."
"Well good, excellent, welcome, welcome to this session."
"This session is going to be recorded and it will be uploaded to the YouTube channel."
"Good morning everyone and welcome to today's session of Autodesk Atom II."
"Welcome to another beautiful session here."
"I hope you would have enjoyed this session."
"Hope you will enjoy today's session."
"I hope you enjoyed this session and see you soon."
"Hello everybody, so welcome to everybody who is joining us for this session today."
"That is where we're going to end the session."
"Let's take a five minute break and then we will again continue our session."
"Hello everyone, I'm happy to welcome you to yet another session."
"Insane session, that's probably my favorite session ever."
"I was very much excited and also just looking forward to the session."
"I would absolutely love to know your feedback on this little session here."
"I will be hosting my occasional review and that review question session this afternoon."
"We're gonna do a great session today."
"This is amazing, thank you so much for the session today."
"We have a notion of a session which encapsulates the idea of conversation."
"I hope you've enjoyed tonight's session, I definitely have."