
Unrequited Quotes

There are 95 quotes

"It's the worst thing in the world to give someone feelings and not receive them back."
"You can't force someone to love you."
"All I ever wanted to do was please you and have you love me the way I loved you."
"All first love is unrequited ultimately because it’s so huge."
"Love didn't mean possession. Sometimes loving someone unrequitedly and seeing them happy is what truly matters."
"I want to sing my unrequited love from the rooftops."
"You missed someone that loved you so much you never had to love him back."
"I was so madly in love with him... as a friend."
"Their love was the one she wanted, but she didn't get it."
"Unrequited love is here. One person feels like this is a wish come true. The other person is like, 'Mm, I don't know.'"
"I am NOT hers yet she is not mine."
"Your job is never gonna love you back."
"I may not have received any Valentine's cards, but that didn't mean I hadn't sent any."
"I don't think you're ever going to feel this way about me, and you're just stringing me along."
"Unrequited love is the most potent."
"Aquarius, somebody's obsessed with you. They can't move on from you. They've tried everything."
"I try not to think about you. It's too confusing. I don't know what to do with all this energy towards you."
"We only lived once and that she wanted to let me know how she felt no matter if I reciprocated or not."
"You are intelligent, strong, and cute, and I will always love you, even if you never love me back."
"The difference that makes the difference is being able to let go and place your attention elsewhere when it's not reciprocated."
"I have fallen in love with her, and she with me, but our love is and has ever been platonic."
"To love back the person who doesn't love you, that's a miracle."
"Friendzone is when you are wanting something more than what the other person is wanting."
"People aren't going to love you the way that you love people."
"'Bold Lover, never, never canst thou kiss, though winning near the goal yet, do not grieve; She cannot fade, though thou hast not thy bliss, for ever wilt thou love, and she be fair!'"
"Simping is when you go above and beyond to receive the bare minimum in return."
"It was clear to everybody who knew Amy that Gareth was still not over her even 8 years after the two split up."
"One of the worst things in life is to be in love and to be putting your all into it, only to find out that you're the only one that was in it."
"The most powerful thing about the individual sexual romantic process is the unrequited love."
"He did not ask for any love in return; he simply declared his feelings."
"When you're able to love one who will never love you back, you discover your true power."
"I love you, Princess Luna, I don't care that you'll never know."
"I've loved you since I was 15 years old, and no matter how many times I've tried to make it go away, it just won't."
"I wasn't looking to have love reciprocated but to love her so much it was enough for both of us."
"The gift of your sincerity is not diminished by its lack of reciprocation."
"I love you, I do, and you don't have to say it back, but I just wanted you to know."
"They love him with their own hearts wide open, yet all he gives in return is the hollow actions of a man going through the motions."
"You never fail to show me how much you love me, and I hope that you know I could never feel like that too."
"No one is obligated to return your feelings."
"Stick to what you love, even if what you love doesn't love you back."
"He has always been in love with her since the day he saw her."
"I'm pretty sure I'm in love, but she hates me."
"Unrequited love, and I always have to think to myself, what would have happened if...?"
"Unrequited love, it's a painful thing."
"I still love it even if it doesn't love me."
"We must all love the rainforest, but we can't expect the rainforest to love us back."
"Parasocial relationships are generally defined as one-sided relationships where one person extends emotional energy, interest, and time, and the other party... is completely unaware of the other's existence."
"To love and not to be loved in return, I think it must be the most terrible thing in the world."
"Desire, longing for the unattainable."
"I do love you, but you don't care about me."
"I want you to be happy, I thought it was going to be me."
"Seeing her, I fell in love with her in a single side."
"I wish I could get you out of my mind."
"She was absolutely hopelessly in love with him."
"I appreciate you and I love you even if you don't love me back or appreciate me back."
"I'd give you the world like I promised if I would, even though you wouldn't do the same."
"His obligation was not to be loved but to lead."
"I'm completely head over heels, and she won't even give me a chance."
"It's a story of a man who is besotted in love with a young woman and continues to be besotted in love her all his life whether he can't leave her, he can't have her."
"I'm in love, I'm in love with a beautiful girl, that's what's the matter with me."
"I'm in love, I'm in love with a beautiful girl, but she don't care about me."
"Why can't you want me like the other boys do? They stare at me while I crave you."
"You're not crazy; you were just really trying to love people who probably couldn't love you back."
"Limerence is a state of obsession or infatuation with someone who's generally not really with you."
"I know there is no rule that you should love me just because I love you."
"I've been in love with you for over a decade. What do I need to do for you to finally notice it?"
"You don't treasure the person who loves you. You treasured the person who doesn't love you!"
"Hey, I wish you could see yourself just sitting there on my chair. I'm staring at you; you don't even notice."
"I know the feeling's not mutual, but God, you're adorable."
"Everything I did was for him, but he hates me so much. Can you tell me why?"
"You work tirelessly for approval, for love, for affection, and you're not getting it."
"Love really can't be turned back. I can only keep going."
"You just recognize you can't share it with this person as much as you wanted to."
"I never had a crush that I liked and they liked me back."
"Unrequited love causes somebody to stay on."
"Even if you don't feel the same way, I won't like someone else and let you down."
"We have chemistry but always chasing after someone else"
"You had unconditional love for this person, but you were not receiving the same affection and love that you were giving."
"I just like to express that I kind of like you even though you don't like me."
"Can you relate in this way? If you ever had someone in your life, maybe now, and you really, really wanted to take the relationship a level deeper, and they just wouldn't go there with you."
"They feel like they try to walk away but they can't get over you; they can't stop thinking about you."
"The feelings are still there and if you're wondering how they feel about you, they can't stop thinking about you."
"I know you have moved on, but I can't forget about you."