
Brisket Quotes

There are 134 quotes

"Brisket is some of the best you'll ever taste."
"The brisket here has this incredible crust on the outside. Cheers. And holy cow, the fat layer. That might be the best brisket we've had."
"If it ain't brisket, it ain't barbecue."
"If you're gonna figure out how you like to cook brisket, you can only change one thing at a time."
"Brisket cooking could be an all-day or all-night affair. Whether you're cooking one brisket or 100 briskets, get ready to clear your schedule."
"Trimming a brisket the right way won't guarantee you success with your barbecue, but trimming it in the wrong way will guarantee failure."
"Every single slice that comes off this brisket is going to be money. Take it to the bank."
"Many people take the hot brisket right off the smoker and put it immediately into a warm oven or a cooler to rest, but I found if you do this, the brisket stays at too high of a temperature for too long and can end up falling apart and getting overcooked."
"First thing to me when we're talking cooking brisket is it's going to take time."
"The brisket is super moist which I really like it's not dry he does leave some of the fat on it and it is kind of burnt in on top."
"Cooking at the wrong temperature for your smoker can lead to burnt brisket."
"You're gonna know so much about brisket, your family is gonna be asking over and over again, 'What is your secret?'"
"You don't want to use the same rub that you're going to use for ribs on a brisket."
"Pre-resting your brisket is when you apply the rub, you want to let it sit at room temperature for about 30 minutes to an hour."
"Understanding the stall is crucial for smoking brisket."
"Don't be afraid to go heavy. These briskets can handle a lot."
"You start before you think you need to because the brisket can rest for longer at the end but if it's not done, it's not done."
"A little moisture touching that brisket as it gets started, and then the brisket will drip down into that and provide its own moisture from there."
"Don't be, I'm gonna show you today how to make an excellent brisket from your beginners out there."
"That brisket just breaks. Look at that, that is slow, low and slow."
"...anytime you can chop an entire brisket you can do all sorts of stuff with it."
"This is how you can cook it to get a really tender and just fall apart brisket."
"I'm here to tell you, don't be intimidated by a brisket. It just takes a long time."
"If somebody didn't tell you, they could pass this off to you as brisket."
"This is going to be the secret to the juiciest brisket of all time."
"If you want to make the best brisket you ever had, follow along."
"...this huge flap has appeared on your brisket and you'll think oh wow did the butcher make a huge slice here accidentally."
"It just takes all of the guesswork out of cooking brisket and making a perfect brisket regardless of what temperature you pull it at as long as it's in the 180 to 190, 195 zone when you pull it, the long hold will just finish the brisket perfectly."
"Okay, so if the best-looking brisket I've ever seen is here in terms of marbling this one is up here like higher than I can reach, it's absolutely insane."
"Thanks for watching. I hope you learned all about brisket today."
"Brisket is the thing, okay? You're good at it or you're not."
"The magic of cooking a brisket is getting the connective tissue to break down and those large muscle fibers to tenderize without overcooking or burning everything else."
"Arguably one of the best ways to cook a brisket is in the style of the Texans."
"The beauty of the texas style brisket lies in its simplicity."
"Salt and pepper is really all you need for a good old brisket."
"That's how you get more of a barky black brisket, which is what I'm after."
"The real moment of truth is the good fatty brisket."
"It's my number one tip for getting restaurant or barbecue quality brisket at home."
"It is the biggest game changer for nailing that perfect brisket texture and render."
"For me, they're both good briskets, but if you want my recommendation, it's absolutely worth it."
"This brisket was like 35 bucks which is very refreshing."
"...it might be the best balance of bark and juicy meat of any brisket technique."
"People are willing to overlook the fact that a brisket is unseasoned or the bark isn't as crunchy or Smoky as long as the interior of the brisket is super juicy and tender that's what really matters..."
"So just because I got my big brisket slicer out here, I think I'll just go ahead and take a slice."
"That's going to make an amazing brisket."
"The brisket's one of those things that, like, you eat the night of and you're like, that's so good. And then when you have leftovers, you're like, oh, it's even better."
"It's tender, juicy brisket, nice and smoky."
"A lot of people you know don't like that fat on the bottom this is the perfect time to get rid of it you can just take your knife knock it right off and it comes right off you've got a beautiful beautiful piece of brisket."
"The brisket, we take a lot of pride in our brisket."
"So this video has been an absolute blast making, guys, and I just want to reiterate that the way to tell when a brisket is done is by feeling it and probing it."
"The fat on the brisket flat, you can sort of see how it kind of peels off like that, that means it's not fully rendered."
"I think all beef enchiladas should be brisket enchiladas."
"This brisket is incredible. It just falls apart. It reminds me of like a pot roast but a bit more dry in a good way."
"If you like brisket you're gonna love that."
"Now that right there is a beautiful looking brisket."
"The brisket is very tender. The pretzel bun almost makes it for me."
"That brisket is pretty good, it's thinly sliced, it's smoky, you could even see a smoke ring on it."
"This is a tried and true method that makes incredible brisket every single time."
"So our brisket has been dry brining in the fridge since yesterday afternoon, and that salt has absorbed really nicely into the core of this brisket."
"With our brisket all trimmed and seasoned with that kosher salt, we're gonna put it onto a wire rack."
"So with our brisket all seasoned and rubbed down with our Not Just for Beef rub, let me show you how I set up the Slow and Sear kettle for cooking between 225 and 250 degrees."
"Oh my goodness, this is amazing. You know, using this method to cook brisket on the Slow and Sear kettle really just simplifies the whole process."
"Cooking a brisket is a long process, it's a commitment."
"You have to be committed to cook a brisket."
"Brisket is a heavy piece of meat; it can take quite a bit of seasoning, so don't be afraid."
"I don't know if I'm ever gonna cook a slow brisket again, I'll be honest with y'all, 300 hit the nail on the head, bam!"
"This is a delicious, delicious brisket, delicious brisket."
"Brisket is salty, it is sweet. It can last you an entire week if you do it right."
"Brisket is king in Texas, you got to try that when you come out here."
"I'm eating brisket, and I couldn't stop eating it."
"When somebody asks you what's the best way to cook brisket, there is really no such thing that's the best way; there's only best ways to cook brisket."
"Burnt ends are the point part of the brisket that's been cooked to perfection and melts in your mouth like beef heaven."
"Texas changed me... I was drinking whiskey, I was eating brisket."
"We're going to be cooking a direct heat brisket and it is going to be delicious."
"This is a brisket I picked up at my local HEB, it's about 13 pounds and it's USDA prime."
"It's weird seeing a brisket without a smoke ring on it, but definitely cooked properly, definitely nice and tender."
"This is kind of like my tried and true method over the years of how I've perfected the brisket to come out perfect every single time."
"What you have in your hand is the exact step-by-step instructions on how to make my brisket."
"Burnt ends, the rich smoky and crisp yet juicy tips of barbecued brisket, have become the star of the show."
"There's a great experience that I love to share, and it's when someone's never had a proper brisket... and they take that first bite, and the look on their face, that kind of 'what did you just do to me' look on their face."
"Something very special happens to a brisket when you rest it for 10 hours."
"Let's fire up Geraldine and smoke a brisket."
"This is a 44 Farms Prime brisket out of Cameron, Texas."
"Full Packer brisket, gorgeous marbling."
"Your kids or neighbors might like that thin part, but I'm going to show you a Texas barbecue joint trim that leaves you with a brisket that when you slice it, every slice is great."
"Brisket is really simple to me if you follow just a few key tips."
"Brisket is king in Texas barbecue."
"The best way to cook a brisket the traditional way is to do it low and slow in a smoker."
"This thing is fantastic, you can take an entire brisket put it on this board and you have room to spare."
"There's nothing like sitting outside, smelling that smoke, eating that authentic wood-fired brisket."
"Don't be scared to attack a brisket. A lot of people are, they're worried about it, but I'll tell you what, folks, it's just like any other cook."
"I love the brisket, tastes good, it's something that you can do."
"It's not enough to overpower the smokiness of the brisket, which is what I love."
"That brisket flavor, it is wonderful."
"Having a moist environment is gonna help that smoke stick to that brisket."
"This is some of the most flavorful brisket I've had."
"Myron Mixon cooks his briskets whole because he says it exposes less surface area to drying and produces juicier results."
"Brisket is just a staple meat of Texas."
"Nothing like good old smothered brisket."
"It's very simple, a lot of people are intimidated by brisket, don't be intimidated by brisket."
"This is the best roast beef you can eat is a brisket."
"You get some roast beef, this is ten times better than some roast beef."
"The key to good brisket is a lot of love and a lot of time."
"A juicy, moist, tender brisket is really a beautiful thing."
"I'm in love with the brisket here."
"If you're new here, welcome! I hope you liked today's video on the brisket."
"You know the thing with brisket is that you have to cook it low and slow."
"This is going to be our first time trying a brisket."
"I have cooked brisket three times now and it came out perfectly every time."
"It's not really hard to make brisket in the Instant Pot that doesn't suck."
"Now you know the secret on how to make brisket that doesn't suck."
"I'm a big fan of brisket, and the brisket sandwich I had was amazing."
"The jalapeno is stuffed with brisket. Awesome."
"Every single order of brisket I've had from his restaurant is absolutely first-class."