
Panel Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"It's effectively the same panel that's put in the new studio displays."
"Maybe you could find a way to like integrate a fan into the left panel."
"I don't know if you guys knew what was happening this has already been my favorite panel I've ever done."
"Ceramic gloss: one spray on the panel is all you need."
"This is already the greatest panel that's ever happened."
"Welcome to the 'It's all about to go south' panel and please give a warm welcome to our moderator, Anthony Allen Ramos, vice president of communications and talent. Glad and Bravo, super Bravo."
"Halfway through the panel, I wanted to surprise people with a bit of One Piece trivia."
"Every panel is chosen purposefully, whether it be needed exposition or a joke."
"During the panel, if you would like to Tweet or Instagram or any of that social stuff about it, please help spread the word."
"But we're delighted to be back for this second panel on a hot topic of the day: Economic Security."
"I think perhaps you know that now that the panel has had a chance to meet you."
"Culminating last week in our seminar panel discussion on embedding black history and archaeology in British schools, which was an absolutely extraordinary inspiring and exciting event."
"The final two knobs in our front panel tour are the self-explanatory master volume and presence controls."
"Tonight we have some interesting folk and some information about their private lives that they're going to try to keep secret from our panel."
"Until that time, may I say goodnight to our panel: Mr. Bill Cullen, Miss Jane Meadows, Mr. Henry Morgan, and Miss Kitty Carlisle."
"Eight wines later, the panel's in bliss."
"All breasts matter and that's the truth okay I've already been accused of flat shaming I don't you know I don't understand where these kids are coming from but like they were really talking about a particular person that I had on my panel"
"It's myself and an expert panel of guests."
"I'm so inspired by the work that the other people on this panel do and really I."
"Congratulations to the panel, you did a great job."
"We were very honored to be asked to moderate a panel."
"Welcome to today's workshop. We have an interesting panel of speakers that are going to help us with an emerging tool."
"Overall, I was super happy with how this back panel came out."
"Each Friday, a new panel of thought leaders aims to provide investment education and insights."
"Everybody watches the chat here on the panel and they absolutely love all your comments."
"I had such a great time being on that panel."
"This is basically what this panel here is for."
"That was super fun, you did a great job at that panel."
"We're excited to have such an amazing panel of speakers here today from Infinity Wood, Naughty Dog, and Monolith."
"It's a pleasure to be here among a very esteemed panel of speakers."
"Thank you all, panel, for being brightest buttons again tonight."
"We're doing a really cool panel show where we're gonna discuss race relations in the regular world and as it applies to the bodybuilding world."
"I genuinely felt like the panel was trying to get to know more about me."
"We are going to have some fun I trust with the panel tonight."
"It's wonderful to have you back on the panel."
"It feels good to be back, we got an incredible panel here man to be talking about everything going on."
"Thank you again to our panelists, and thank you all for attending."
"You've done very well so far tonight, panel. Congratulations."
"It's our traditional death battle panel, just with an extra half hour and a lot of cool announcements."
"It is entirely possible that not one biomarker is going to do it; maybe we need a panel of biomarkers and put them together before using them for their predictive ability."
"I think it's fair to say that no one on this panel should have an opinion. And if they do, they certainly shouldn't say it."
"We are completely out of time. Thank you very much to everyone who asked a question, and thank you to the panel."
"I'd like to introduce our panelists up here in the front who will be the evaluation criteria a la American Idol style, except that you're, of course, a lot smarter and equally well dressed."
"Have a great night, thank you to the kick crowd, thank you to the rumble crowd, thank you to the whole panel here, we appreciate it."
"If you can't tell, what a distinguished panel we have in front of us tonight."
"What's up, hey! What's going on everybody? We are back for another Ladies First panel. Oh ladies!"
"Hey, that's kind of cool, I haven't seen that panel before, the X15 100th anniversary edition."
"It's just a very good, good panel."
"It's probably the best panel of this year."
"This is really turned into a fun mystery panel."
"I'm so excited to have this wonderful panel and we're going to be fighting some amazing fights today."
"This has been the most amazing panel ever."
"Likewise, brother, always good to have you on the panel and to learn from you."