
SharePoint Quotes

There are 102 quotes

"SharePoint is a cloud-based service that allows companies to share and manage content, knowledge, and applications in order to improve teamwork."
"We're able to populate the SharePoint list using this app."
"...the top links bar allows us to navigate to other SharePoint sites."
"...the quick launch bar is always found on the left-hand side and it defaults to showing you only content within this specific site."
"...clicking on the gear allows us to go into site contents or site settings."
"...remember we clicked on the gear and either selected add an app or went to site contents and selected add an app."
"...based on a specific need for this particular list I was able to add a new column."
"Remember whenever you create a SharePoint, you create a site that users can use to collaborate and do things that are team-based."
"SharePoint Online is a cloud-based service that helps your organization to share, manage content, knowledge, and applications."
"Hub sites help to unify SharePoint sites with common branding and navigation."
"Okay, so let's create a library. All right, so let's go into our team site, our communications team site, and let's create a new library for us to use."
"The SharePoint list, as you can see, are really powerful. It is kind of like a lightweight quasi-database and a form input control baked into one product."
"The final step was just to ensure that you know how to jump across quickly to the SharePoint site associated with this group and also the team notebook."
"SharePoint enables seamless teamwork by offering features like document libraries, lists, workflows, and customizable sites."
"Did you know that you can apply conditional formatting to lists in SharePoint?"
"Hopefully this gets you started on creating a SharePoint or working with them within your organization."
"If you can see it, you can do it. But if you can't see it, SharePoint is not broken."
"So, if you're starting out and you're building apps, you're like, 'Hey, we're just in Office 365, we want to dip our toe in here,' then build on SharePoint."
"Build on SharePoint, remember, never, ever, ever use Excel as a data source."
"One of the core features of Microsoft Teams is the collaboration service it provides through SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business."
"There's a lot of thought into this and we've kind of got all our best practices documented, but the idea is that there's lots of, you know, SharePoint's been around for almost a quarter century."
"People who maybe learned SharePoint 10 years ago, maybe they've learned best practices that were okay 10 years ago but are no longer best practices."
"A document library should serve a single purpose. There are a hundred different ways that we can configure SharePoint, and of those, arguably, you know, 80 are wrong and 20 are right."
"All this information has flown in from my Excel file directly into my SharePoint list."
"So before we actually dig into the demo and kind of looking at what a team site and communication site look like in SharePoint, I wanted to just to just take a step back for a second and think about the differences in how we typically work in an organization."
"Being able to search is without a doubt one of the coolest features in SharePoint."
"This class is for anyone looking to take full advantage of all the tools that SharePoint has to offer."
"You can filter out certain items and columns in SharePoint, making it easier for your team to keep track and have visibility."
"If you found this helpful and would like to get started with building your own SharePoint, please give us a call or reach out to us. We are glad and excited to help you improve your productivity, impact, and purpose today."
"SharePoint really is the place the technology to use if you're looking to build a modern Intranet."
"If you create it from the SharePoint list, you will be able to change it if you must, however, it will be very difficult, many, many steps to get that done."
"These are things that you need to be aware of upfront before planning your SharePoint list to manage large data and specifically handling true permissions."
"Now here it uses dollar title. This is actually the internal name of the title column in SharePoint."
"... most this lesson is actually about doing dynamic sharepoint list and sites in power automate by passing data from power apps, so even though it's about teams, teams is really about sharepoint."
"...only the people who are a part of the Help Center admins SharePoint group will have access to this item."
"One of the main differences between SharePoint versus a file server is multi-user editing, you can have multiple people collaborating, editing, giving feedback in a document at the same time."
"You can build some workflow and approval notifications into SharePoint you couldn't really do this inside of a file share other than maybe sending an email saying please approve but this builds workflow and notification back and forth which is a cool capability."
"One click, that's the power to teamify your SharePoint site."
"Once you learn how to do it in SharePoint, it's pretty easy to apply the same concepts to moving files from your local file system up to SharePoint Online."
"Microsoft SharePoint Online, part of Microsoft's 365 offering, fantastic."
"You can take 24/7 to learn the skills to remove the anxiety and managing your all-important files in SharePoint and Teams."
"This is a nice creative solution to watch just one particular column in a SharePoint list."
"It's vital that you start moving over all of your SharePoint 2010 workflows to Power Automate."
"Single line of text in SharePoint stores 255 characters, and multi-line of text stores up to 63,999."
"Your SharePoint team site has everything that you need and should be used as a launching pad."
"Forget SharePoint Designer; SharePoint Designer is dead. Focus on the new tech, focus on Power Apps, focus on Power Automate, focus on the Power Platform to enhance your existing SharePoint experience."
"Microsoft lists are the evolution of SharePoint lists."
"We will leverage the form control that is connected to a SharePoint list that has a multi-select choice column."
"The scenario for the demo is a work progress tracker app that leverages data from a SharePoint list."
"Adding a template brings reusability into your SharePoint document library."
"If you have the same file, same kind of format, everyone wants to use the same format, then definitely it's better to add it as a template."
"Filtering is yet another useful option that helps you to sort out your documents."
"The integration is very clean; you can just embed a PowerApp form into a SharePoint page."
"The main benefit is the integration that it brings to the table between SharePoint, Power Automate, and even Power BI."
"We will take all those rows and add them as new items in a SharePoint list in bulk."
"Wasn't that awesome? I successfully walked you through how you can create new SharePoint list items in bulk."
"You are going to be inside your SharePoint central administration, yeah, SharePoint is installed."
"What we want to talk to you today is about building SharePoint apps with Microsoft Access."
"The real key thing is that these are centrally managed by IT because they're within SharePoint and SQL Server."
"Once you learn the basics of uploading a file from local storage to SharePoint online, you will be able to implement even more complex scripts."
"The SharePoint look book is a great resource to get inspired and see some examples of what you can create for your sites."
"The responsive reflow of SharePoint pages is something to keep in mind when you're thinking about the design and building your home site."
"So rather than use the attachments function with SharePoint list, there's a nice solution where you can simply create a folder in a document library and have that connected with your SharePoint list."
"I'll show you some cool features on how you can get preview thumbnails for the different images in your document library."
"What I found with SharePoint is it doesn't like to show images in Power Apps unless they've been to that SharePoint site recently."
"I've been doing this for a few years, just kind of demoing different things in SharePoint and Office 365."
"My favorite things in Power and in SharePoint are forms and workflows."
"Org charts are a common requirement in SharePoint and directories of people."
"In this video, I'm going to show you how you can use Power Automate to quickly update a field for all of the items in this particular SharePoint list."
"A very important concept that you will learn here is how to get the attachment content from SharePoint list."
"Teams is an online collaboration space and it includes SharePoint within it."
"We're going to create our own SharePoint lists."
"You can create additional content centers through the admin SharePoint site creation experience."
"The big piece of syntax in this release is the ability to build these models and apply them to your SharePoint document libraries."
"Think of SharePoint as a way to bring all that information, all that Office document interaction plus other stuff, all together in one simple web-based location that people can access anywhere at any time."
"SharePoint is a collaboration platform first and foremost."
"Any SharePoint solution is going to be based off of SharePoint lists or SharePoint libraries."
"It's very important that we understand how lists operate and how we can add metadata to them."
"SharePoint also comes with built-in permission levels like contribute and approve."
"Welcome everybody, I'm here to show you how to create a web application inside SharePoint."
"Well-tagged content in SharePoint opens doors to a superior SharePoint experience."
"Hello, this is Greg from SharePoint Maven."
"There are actually four types of sites you can create."
"The user can create a team site and a communication site."
"A great example would be HR, Human Resources Department."
"This is not just a regular SharePoint site, it's a site that is tied to an Office 365 group."
"Microsoft decided to make SharePoint more attractive, and they really did a great job."
"SharePoint is a collaboration platform that historically has been used by organizations to collaborate well internally and externally."
"SharePoint has some excellent document management features and capabilities with co-authoring, check-in and check-out, and version history."
"If you want to organize your documents in a document library and collaborate with your users internally or externally, it's a wonderful tool."
"Microsoft totally revamped SharePoint pretty much from ground up."
"Hopefully, you now have a better idea of what SharePoint is and what it can do for your organization."