
Quirk Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"If I had a magical quirk I would want to be able to touch anything and turn it into delicious coffee."
"That's just the best Quirk to ever exist."
"Charlie's got a little tick like most of us, he's just a little more... a bit more ticky. He's got like a little tick."
"Giving somebody a clearly defensive Quirk that you can use offensively is just a solid Quirk in my ass."
"One for all is like that power communication Quirk is no joke."
"I'm quirkless. I use support items to get as far as I have."
"I sometimes put my socks on before I put my pants on, and I find that vaguely erotic."
"Eventually, one day would come when Bakugou would be in class and suddenly pop, pop, pop, his explosion Quirk would have activated."
"Well, if it wasn't for his quirk, he would just be a normal human as well."
"Why did you do that? Oh, I always rip out the last page of a book."
"Can someone quirkless like me be a hero?"
"I use my quirk, I use my past, and I try and use my compassion."
"What are you going to do? You're quirkless, kid."
"My quirk may seem powerful and maybe it is, but I trained so much to get it to this point."
"It's as if when his quirk started developing more and more, it was like this feel of being around a guardian angel made everyone feel comfortable, maybe at ease in the mind."
"Todoroki nods as if it's an acknowledgment of the fact that azuku has put him over that edge, has made him realize that the utilization of his Quirk is his own."
"All For One would smile as he would say, 'So my successor lost to you, a mere child who doesn't know how to handle his own quirk.'"
"Deku actually has the Speed Force, they classified it as a quirk, but it's not really a quirk, it's kind of just the Speed Force."
"I suppose this quirk is okay to an extent haha I lied it's a bit trash."
"Rudolph was born without a quirk."
"You really think a quirkless loser like you can be a hero? Face it, you wouldn't even be able to defeat a robber without a quirk."
"I must be lucky to have been born with such a powerful quirk."
"Using his quirk under these conditions would cause Deku to lose what little air he has."
"Well, I don't have one. Can't break any laws if you don't have a quirk to break the law with."
"I know what my Quirk is, and you're still talking to me willingly?"
"His quirk is that his default state is that he's thin but over time he grows in energy and then once he reaches max he just punches and the energy just goes where it feels like. All Might but fat. All Might but fat and out of control. The One for All is stored in the fat."
"What a complicated Quirk. She could only hold two rules at a time, but one is always held on her. Which we don't know, but I'm sure it's like protection or giving her..."
"If your Quirk involves sweets, that's a pretty good thing to get good at."
"The city of Carmel By the Sea has an unusual law on its books: a prohibition on wearing high-heeled shoes without a permit."
"Quirk or no quirk, young man, as long as you have the heart to do what is right, any person on Earth can do good in the name of justice."
"Yes, I can. My quirk makes for a good distraction," Tamaki added.
"There was a reason why his Quirk had been suppressed for years."
"I'm not strong in spite of being quirkless. To be quirkless isn't to be powerless. I am powerful because I have no quirk."
"I don't know if he hears it, but one of the kids turns and goes, 'Now, now, listen, listen, this guy's quirk lets him pick up radio interface. He's listening to cop radios right now.'"
"He's been pushing himself to basically be the best, even though he doesn't have a quirk. He's been pushing himself to be the strongest, even without a quirk."
"It wasn't that he wanted to humiliate him. He was teaching him something. That there was more to all of this. That even when he was quirkless, there was more."
"Just because someone doesn't have a quirk doesn't mean they're weak."
"Yo quirkless ass should not be out here fighting three people with quirks."
"All For One's quirk enables him to take other people's quirks, rendering them quirkless and wield them as his own."
"He's a little bunny friend that he keeps in his room to practice his quirk on."
"My court's name is Bullseye. I can put a bullseye on anything, no matter what it is."
"His quirk is very good for defending against attacks too powerful to counter normally."
"She can absorb a copy of someone else's powers by being within 20 feet of them and use that quirk for as long as she wants."
"Most of her time is spent trying to make the most interesting copies and fusions of quirks that she can think of."
"But the one possession she takes everywhere is a device she'd stolen from her mother years ago that allows her to store copies of multiple quirks inside it."
"You are going to become a great hero, even without a quirk."
"Your Quirk allows you to mold quirks just like chakra."
"Seeing that Deku is physically stronger than every single one of them, it might as well just be considered a weak enhancement quirk."
"It's a superhuman society with 50% of people born with an uncanny ability known as a quirk."
"I don't know yet, I just know I'm gonna have the coolest quirk ever."
"Seeing that there was another user with his quirk, that was pretty interesting."
"I eat a cube of cheese when I feel like I'm going to faint."
"Seriously, Azuku, that was amazing. What kind of power is that? What's your quirk?"
"My quirk is so much more than what I let it be known as."
"I did enjoy the idea that just because you get a quirk doesn't mean that you understand what it actually does."
"No, no, Izuku, you have a wonderful quirk. Just need to be careful with it."
"Tamaki has arguably one of the most powerful quirks in UA."
"Child, I wish to make you a proposition: a trade for a trade, or in this case, a quirk for a request."
"It's a popular quirk to base your entire personality around not dying or living forever."
"Toga being forced to be normal even though her quirk psychologically predisposed her to being different than most other people."
"Do you think someone with a quirk like mine... could become a hero?"