
Client Quotes

There are 102 quotes

"You have to absolutely know that the client wants that shade of pink for a reason and that you've got to put your ego aside and make your interpretation of it the most beautiful you can possibly do."
"Encourage the client to do as much as possible and assist as needed."
"Make what can be the same the same. Customize and go bespoke when you need to in order to deliver that distinctive value to a client or a customer."
"Instead of returning that generate as a string, it would make more sense to the client to stick to just the ID."
"The client's going to love this because they can now see... So super valuable."
"What's really cool is you can see this one, this specific client looks different than the rest of the clients."
"A service is a resource provided to a client, for example, a file server or an application that a user wants to access."
"It's pretty cool to kind of just get creative and have fun with it whenever your client allows you to."
"Your brand message has to be serving the best interest of your clients."
"You still have to be a business at the end of the day. Like, the government is your client. That's it. Your business is your business and the government is your client. So don't treat it like a business, it is."
"Make the client look good through your work."
"Accommodate every client's request."
"The most brilliant solution is useless without proper implementation. Tailor your solutions to fit your client."
"What is the client actually getting from using this service? That's something you want to keep in mind."
"The fact that he was carrying a bear at 50 BMGs seemed to further upset the client."
"Remember, the client doesn't care that you've got a branded app with a fancy logo; they just want the results."
"How you present your designs to the client can make or break the project."
"I would feel really good telling this client that they're in a good spot."
"You're going to provide services that create more value for your client."
"It's like having a favorite client; you're gonna squeeze them in no matter what."
"I've signed up a kitchen and bathroom Renovations client for my SMA."
"Changing the course of treatment as a client request would be honoring the client's self-determination."
"I never take a corpse for a client."
"So, it's important to discuss these issues and reflect on these issues in terms of how they relate to your client's presenting problem."
"We print a little report and put it with the job so the client knows exactly how many pieces they're getting."
"Every client needs to be able to say what they want."
"The crazy thing about this client, they just built it with the debts, basically, with the waste rock, in a sense that they made use of it."
"Marketing is all about the communication of value to your client or customer."
"At a certain level you're not doing exactly what the client is asking you're actually figuring out how to solve problems that they don't know yet in the asking."
"We make it super easy, so when we meet with a potential client and they want a pre-construction agreement, we'll get in there, we'll fill out their information."
"We're protecting our client, aren't we?"
"Preparation starts when you first interview the client."
"Start with what you have. Identify your client really well, serve them most powerfully that you possibly can, talk to them in a language they fully understand, and you have got your perfect social media mix."
"Avoiding bad clients is more important than finding good ones."
"Upgrading your skills is just as crucial as finding good clients, if not more important."
"Yeah, and it.. I mean.. for my practice, which has run for many years now, it will depend on whether the client is brand new, or whether they're a client that I have worked with annually for 15 years."
"I love seeing my clients smile... I just love seeing my clients satisfied."
"So this is Invoice Ninja. I have one client, but I do invoice them."
"But trust me though, your client is definitely gonna love it."
"The best salespeople actually only spoke 20 to 30 percent of the time and the client spoke way more."
"Alright, so let's talk about this architecture, at least from the client's point of view."
"This is the moment that all designers live for. This is the moment that we get to pull our clients into the finished project and show them what we've done. It's where all the details come together perfectly to create the home of their dreams."
"A client is someone you work for while a customer is someone you work with."
"So we're not having a client here."
"So let's run the server and the client, see if we can get the two connected."
"The server had some code running on it that heard that fetch request from my client."
"So long story short, the perfect niche for you is the client that you're most excited to work with."
"Okay, guys, so these are like the four pictures that I like to take of my client. Let's see, this is a touch-up because she came in four weeks ago."
"It ultimately shakes out, but the husband here, Lily's client, just as himself no favors whatsoever."
"It's time for Max to reveal his first client."
"The client said that, I know what the client said Sal, but the client doesn't know what he wants. That's why he comes to an advertising agency."
"Going in and doing this for your client is going to be a huge time saver for them."
"This is a full client—a single HTML file with graphics, user interface, and JavaScript code."
"Never underestimate the cheap solution because most of your clients will watch your stuff on terrible displays."
"This is demonstrating assisting the client with ambulation."
"In a question that we have like this, where we're asking about what would you do first, what would you prioritize, you want to think about which of these options would cause the most harm to your client if left undone."
"It's pretty refreshing to have a client that's open to those cues."
"Ensuring that their clients receive genuine advice and assistance."
"Are you a music producer or mixing engineer looking for a better way to work with your clients? Look no further than Boombox.io."
"The client is the main line of the program."
"One of the best sources of inspiration comes from your client's requests."
"There is something about you that will make you the best person in that market at that date at that time for that client."
"I'm happy, and everything, but the real deal is if my client is happy."
"The niche is irrelevant. It's about the criteria of the client."
"It's all about giving value to the client."
"Our result was very... our client was very satisfied with the results."
"Our client was very satisfied with the results."
"Our clients would rave about the service."
"The client is almost always going to be the one who makes the connection."
"My results with a client are defined 10 years from now, not 10 weeks from now."
"Client retention is based on Happy clients, people that return because they like the job that was done the first time."
"With just the one client, I'm earning around about 149,500 pounds a year."
"The client runs the show within the ethical boundaries."
"One of the jobs of the lawyer is to humanize the client."
"Guess what, you have just found your first client."
"The client was delighted with the result."
"She has one of the tightest, most consistent regimens out of any client I've ever had."
"It clears all the palettes so if you're just trying to present drawings to a client, that's a really nice mode to present in."
"It's always great when a client signs off on a scheme."
"I've met my goal, so I just hurry over to my client."
"Let's render this out, send it to the client—no, we need to fix this."
"A client is a person or business that pays another to do a service."
"When you become good wealth managers, you are going to know your clients better from a financial perspective than they know themselves."
"It's a really popular front-end client, it's really lightweight, and it helps us get started easier."
"A client would willingly sacrifice a couple of dollars in order to continue giving their business to you."
"The very first step is to make the client talk to you."
"It's all about providing clients with the information for them to make the informed decision on what's best for them and what they want for their hair."
"A client is something that requests a service or connects to a server on the same network."
"It's really just a fun way to engage with your client and enable them to evaluate the plan you've been working on."
"This is the story of the time I did makeup on a model, and she was one of the worst clients I ever had."
"The ROI on one client is outrageously high over the life of your career."
"Client's fiancé offered emotional support."
"I was contacted by a client in New Jersey; they were restoring this Chevy truck for Donovan's Reef in Seabright, New Jersey."
"It's the relationship that you have with the client that is one of the highest most important things for treatment outcomes."