
Flask Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"Just pulled out a Paul Jones whiskey flask."
"This is going to be where we house our Flask application."
"In conclusion I think pi test is a great test framework for testing flask applications."
"Configuration in a flask app is a way for us to set some default configurations and load different configuration environments depending on what kind of environment we're working with."
"So well, this is the code for that, and I already do that using Python and Flask."
"Welcome to my new course on working with Flask and React.js."
"Flask is a lightweight WSGI web application framework designed to make getting started quick and easy."
"Flask Marshmallow is a thin integration layer for Flask and Marshmallow is an object serialization or deserialization library."
"Let's create our first Flask application."
"Let's fetch our data from our Flask backend to the React.js frontend."
"Welcome to Flask and React.js full stack."
"Flask is really a third party library that's just gonna make it easier to implement web applications using Python."
"Flask exists just to honestly simplify a lot of tasks."
"We've been working with building web applications in Flask using Python."
"In this video, we're going to learn how to update our user list in the database with Flask and Python."
"Flask being a framework in Python that we can use in order to build web applications easily, efficiently, and effectively."
"Let's get into the video and learn how to build a live chat room application using Flask, Flask Socket IO, and Python."
"It's going to be a Flask application that basically just hosts an endpoint that gives you random pictures of cats."
"It's not about the lunchbox; it's about the flask."
"So in case you want to scale your Flask application, it will be much easier for you to scale it."
"Let me just create a simple example of Flask."
"We're going to build this Python web app with a popular Python web framework called Flask."
"Flask is commonly used to build RESTful APIs due to its simplicity and flexibility."
"Flask provides utilities to protect against common web application vulnerabilities like CSRF and XSS."
"Flask keeps boilerplate code to a minimum, allowing developers to focus on writing application logic."
"So I've been able to successfully deploy a Flask application to the internet by Heroku."
"Hey, what's up everybody? My name is Giorgio, and in this video, we're going to learn about what I consider to be the most foundational data structure concepts by building an API using Flask and Python."
"Flask... doesn't try to do too much. It really just tries to solve some very common problems."
"This Flask object implements a WSGI application and acts as the central object."
"With Flask, it's also possible to write very complex web apps."
"Hey everyone, in today's video we're going to create a simple to-do app using Flask and PyMongo."
"Flask is one of the most popular web frameworks in Python."
"Flask is a lightweight web framework that is easy to learn and use."
"Flask uses it to create the request object and the request context, and this happens every single time a request is received by the web server."
"We're going to create a Python Flask web application that receives this message and can do whatever we want."
"To protect our website from such an attack, Flask delivers us a very easy feature to apply protection."
"Flask allows everyone to build their own web applications with only a few lines of code."
"It's a silver whiskey flask carried by David Alexander Shepard, 1823-1883, before, during, and after the Civil War."
"We're going to use Flask and Waitress to build a web application."
"It does maintain heat for 18 hours, so that's pretty good."
"So to prepare your Mac for your Flask app, you're going to need to download many different tools-- and these tools are known as packages-- that our Flask app needs to run."