
SVG Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"My favorite thing to do is create my own SVGs."
"We could open a drawing so you could bring in an SVG or a DOT dxf."
"Leverage SVGs for a great visual experience of any size."
"SVG provides this excellent bridge between something tangible and the more abstract."
"Making a chart with SVG can be as easy as designing one, exporting it as SVG, then popping it straight into the markup."
"SVG animation is actually amazing. The ease itself makes it jerk around; it does all the heavy lifting for you."
"We're going to be exploring the world of SVG animations."
"SVG: infinitely scalable and manipulatable with CSS."
"SVG: the magic of scalable, vector graphics."
"SVG stands for Scalable Vector Graphics."
"And once you can do this, you will have the key to using SVGs to create amazing projects."
"Essentially, you can animate the stroke portion of an SVG with CSS."
"This is the final video of my SVG series and in this video, we're gonna be looking at how to create some cool animations with GSAP."
"SVG paths are complicated because they're made to be read by computers and put together in graphics editors and to be as concise as possible."
"I like to think about SVG as like an infinite piece of grid paper that you can just plot things onto."
"SVG allows us to create shapes that don't lose quality if we zoom in and zoom out."
"The HTML SVG is used to describe the vector or raster graphics."
"With D3, we're going to be able to use React to render SVG elements and then just set their properties using D3."
"SVG files are the easiest to use in Cricut Design Space."
"Figma supports exporting in SVG, which stands for Scalable Vector Graphic."
"Working with inline SVG lets you solve a lot of UI problems with very little mental overhead."
"Inline SVG elements, like any HTML element on the page, become controllable from outside."
"One of the advantages with SVG's is that they're scalable, you can make them as big or small as you want."
"SVG stands for Scalar Vector Graphics, and it's just the type of image that we're going to be working with."
"SVG code is a way to programmatically command something to draw what an image looks like."
"You'll be surprised how easy it is to work with SVG's."
"This is my all-time favorite method for implementing SVGs."
"SVGs are a really powerful tool because they don't work off of a pixel grid like a PNG or JPEG, which means that they're totally scalable and responsive."
"SVG lets you draw lines and shapes and fills and use styling."
"We're not referencing an external file; the SVG notation is actually part of the HTML5 document that we're loading."
"A cool expression to experiment with is fitting a dashed stroke perfectly around a circle based on a set number of dashes."
"SVG is awesome because it is resolution independent."
"SVG is incredibly powerful for DOM-based movement."
"Build with SVG and have fun doing it."
"Motion along a path is one of the coolest things about SVG animations."
"There's an incredible lot we can do with just storytelling within an SVG."
"SVG is really, really powerful to tell stories."
"It's gonna be amazing, my goal is to get you excited about SVG."
"The point of SVG is the web, it was born for the web, was specked out by web people to be used on websites."
"When you're working with SVG, there's these three different distinct ways so you can think about which one to kind of reach for."
"Can we do better? How? Well, we could use SVG."
"Animating complex SVG animations just makes it so much easier."
"There's morph animations, follow path animations, there's path line animations for self-drawing effects."
"SVG by nature is actually SEO friendly and accessible."
"D3 has some of the craziest visualizations with SVG."
"Some of them said, 'Well, I thought this was created using 3D Max' and another one was like, 'Oh my God, this is SVG!' I said yes."