
Median Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"Trust the median, not the average, especially in asymmetric distributions."
"Median sounds like middle, and it is indeed the middle value of the set."
"So when you're looking for the median here, we got a whole bunch of numbers. Great. How many do I have?"
"So we can compute the median of big R by taking the transformation of the median of the binomial distribution, then median can be approximated by np."
"The median salary for electrical and mechanical engineers is $103,390 and $90,160 respectively."
"The median of a set of numbers is simply the middle number when the numbers are arranged."
"The corresponding algorithm has a name; it's called the median of medians."
"The median is the middle number in the data set."
"The median equals the middle number in the data set when the numbers are ordered from smallest to largest."
"Always remember: order the numbers from smallest to largest and then just look and see if there's the middle number."
"For a median question where you've got an even number, just always add up the two numbers that are in the center of the data set and divide by two."
"The median is never influenced by outliers."
"The median is best used when the data has a lot of outliers."
"The median will not be affected or skewed by the higher values."
"When your data is roughly symmetric, the mean and the median will be pretty close together."
"The median is the middle value no matter what the distribution of the data are."
"The median is just literally the one in the middle."
"The mean and the median will be close together if the data is well-behaved."
"The median is a better accurate representation of actually how many players are on teams down here."
"We turn to something called the median... and then that is a better situation if you have outliers."
"The median here is 19, that's going to be the middle number of this table."
"We like the median because it's very resistant, and it's very stable."
"That's why real estate people use the median; it's a better estimate of a typical value in a neighborhood."
"The median... is the middle number."
"The median is often times... more descriptive, more accurate in terms of what's going on."
"The maximum of these two elements is going to be your median."
"The median is going to try to eliminate the influence of outliers by returning the number at the very center of our data set."
"The median is the statistic in the very middle."
"The median is literally the middle person."
"The best way to get median and quartiles from grouped data is to use a cumulative frequency graph."
"The median number is 12.5 because if I cross out one here, one here, I'll end up with one on 12 and one on 13."
"The median provides the middle value."
"The median is the value at the middle of the distribution that separates it at the 50th percentile."
"When you're dealing with a distribution that has skewness or outliers, the median will usually give you a better sense of a typical value than the mean does."
"The median is the middle number if you have an odd number of items."
"A median is drawn to the midpoint of the opposite side."
"Median is usually a better value to put in for missing values than mean because median is not that sensitive to outliers."
"The mean and the median fall at the same point when you're perfectly symmetrical."
"Median is more resistant to extreme values in our data, distorting our view of what a typical data point looks like."
"In the very common case where you're looking for a single number to capture a typical item within your data, median is the best bet."
"The median is one of our averages."
"Median is the middle point of the data set."