
Dhamma Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"The gift of Dhamma is the greatest gift you can ever give."
"The mind is not a person. It is Dhamma. The very fabric of reality."
"When the mind awakens to the timeless reality of Dhamma, there is a profound contentment."
"Dhamma practice brings benefit to all people irrespective of class."
"One who sees dependent origination sees the Dhamma, and one who sees the Dhamma sees dependent origination."
"The Dhamma is akaliko, timeless, useful and true in any period of time."
"The objects of mindfulness are for the body, feelings, the mind itself, and then the last category is this mysterious Dhamma."
"I live worshiping and devote my life devoted to the dhamma because that's the highest thing of all."
"The dhamma has its color; it's not neutral, it's not gray, it's full of life."
"May you be diligent and arduous in the practice; there is nothing better than the practice of Dhamma."
"Dhamma is the supporter of the whole world."
"The aim of following the Dhamma is to reach the freedom that lies beyond karma, beyond the cycle of karma and results."
"The Dhamma is complete, so this is where we can stop."
"Whenever a person's mind enters the Dhamma, that person has well-being."
"Dhamma, apparent here and now, is that we're conscious. It's apparent, you don't have to ask somebody else."
"Our true nature is pure conscious awareness, absolute reality, the dhamma, and that's the end of suffering."
"The Dhamma is well expounded by the Blessed One, evident, timeless, inviting investigation, leading to emancipation, to be comprehended by the wise each for himself."
"Teach the Dhamma, O Blessed One; there will be those who will understand."
"He doesn't follow his mind, he follows dhamma."
"You must be fearful of error, revere the dhamma that the Buddha taught, and be in awe of the power of the dhamma which is our refuge."
"Speaking with the Dhamma in mind, taking into account the truth, the transient, uncertain nature of the world."
"The authentic Dhamma of the Buddha is not something pointing far away; it teaches about at our self and that things are not really self."
"The Dhamma does not incline to any personal or follow personalities; it follows the truth."
"Whoever sees Dhamma sees the Buddha; whoever sees the Buddha sees only Dhamma."
"When a person listens to the Dhamma with eager ears, directing his whole mind to it, the five hindrances are not present in him, and the seven factors of enlightenment go to fulfilment by development."
"Once the mind has been empowered and given the data of deep meditation, you can look at the experience through any of these three lenses, and you may have the opportunity to penetrate the Dhamma."
"The pleasure from having listened to the Dhamma is nothing compared to the pleasure and the happiness that comes from actually practicing it and realizing these truths for yourself."
"To follow correctly the Dhamma, there are two things which have to go together hand in hand: one of these is understanding, the other is practice."
"The word Dhamma signifies the truth realized by the Buddha; it is the truth which subsists by itself whether it is understood or not."
"Listening to the Dhamma is great blessings."
"It's of great importance that we practice the Dhamma."
"The Dhamma is like one who has realized the sweetness or the sourness of the fruit; all doubts are ended right here."
"The way leading to the end of suffering is to make the Dhamma arise as a reality within our own minds."
"Dhamma apparent here and now, timeless, encouraging investigation."
"The Dhamma taught by the Buddha is not beyond our ability."
"The Dhamma is the truth of liberation, the path that leads to the attainment of liberation."
"The origin of suffering is ignorance of Dhamma."
"Our refuge then is in the changeless reality of Dhamma."
"Nothing has been lost, nothing has gone wrong, nothing is out of order, this is Dhamma, the lawfulness of nature."
"Simply allow everything to arise as Dhamma."
"The heart is attuned to the orderliness of the Dhamma, the orderliness of nature."
"Whatever decision you make will be accompanied by right view and in accordance with Dhamma."
"Your own thoughts and views are still not correctly in line with the Dhamma, and that's why you continue to suffer."
"You don't need to tell your friends and loved ones to come to listen to the Dhamma if you're happy."
"The Dhamma that the Buddha taught is beautiful in the beginning, beautiful in the middle, and beautiful in the end."
"The vision that allows you to be in a world where everything comes and goes, that will always be available, that is the Dhamma, timeless."
"The Buddha pointed to very clearly is this pure aware conscious awareness or dhamma."
"Your true nature is Dhamma, Universal conscious awareness, apparent here and now and timeless."
"Dhamma talks are not doctrinal positions but for reflection, consideration, contemplation."
"Suffering is a mental state that we create through not knowing Dhamma."
"Dhamma is not something far away, some mystical metaphysical theory that is remote and undefinable; it is here and now."
"The Dhamma itself is deep, difficult to see, difficult to understand."
"How can you become self-reliant, an island to yourself, by relying on the Dhamma, taking the Dhamma as your island and refuge, by Satipatthana, by mindfulness practice."
"When pleasure and pain arise, how are we going to use the Dhamma to be free of them? This is the point of practice."
"Awaken to Dhamma, the way things are, because the way things are is all conditions are impermanent."
"This story is a long and rich story of Dhamma."
"The flavor of all this Dhamma is peace and happiness, through knowing ourselves, seeing the nature of things."